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The Best Year For PPV's

Which of these years was the best for Pay-Per-Views?

  • 1999

  • 2000

  • 2001

  • 2003

  • 2005

  • Other

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Occasional Pre-Show
What was WWE's best year for PPV's in the last ten years?

1999: McMahon/Austin-St. Valentine's Day Massacre, Rock/Austin-WrestleMania 15, McMahons/Austin-KOTR, Austin gets hit by a car-Survivor series.

2000: Fatal 4 Way-Wrestlemania 16, Iron Man Match-Rock/HHH-Judgment Day, Angle/Rock/Triple H-SummerSlam, Angle/Rock-No Mercy

2005: Hogan/Michaels-SummerSlam, Angle/Michaels-WrestleMania, etc.

I'd have to say 2000 was a fantastic year. We seen lots of intriguing storylines built up for the PPV's. Such as The Rock and HHH feud with the whole McMahon faction. Then there was the return of Austin at Unforgiven 2000, and the whole "who did it" program. We saw Shane O' Mac take a huge bump at SummerSlam. A great match with Chris Beniot and Rock at Fully Loaded. Just a great year in the later part of the attitude era.
I have to agree with 2000, especially when you add in the tremendous tag team rivalry between The Hardy Boys, Edge and Christian and the Dudley Boys
Personally I say 2001, tho the Invasion Angle failed the PPV's were good, Rumble 2001, Mania X-7, KOTR (angle wrestled 3 times in one night) SummerSlam (angle/Austin, RVD/Jeff Hardy Ladder match) Survivor series, then add the normal PPV's, No way out 2001 (3 stages of hell and IMO the best Angle/Rock match) Backlash (three title main event) Judgment day (Austin/Taker, HHH/Kane, Tag team turmoil Jericho/Benoit win, 2/3 falls Angle/Benoit) Invasion (wasn't bad just cluttered with to many matches) Unforgiven (Angle/Austin, Edge/Christian, Rock/Shane & Booker, RVD/Jericho, No Mercy (Austin/Angle/RVD Classic Rock/Jericho and Vengeance the Unification PPV IMO the worst of the year.. also add the two UK only PPV's main evented by Austin & HHH/Undertaker and Austin/Rock.

Like I say 2001 is very underrated due to the Invasion angle failing but the PPV's were awesome and fun to watch.
For me it will be 2007. Some of you might disagree but just think about it.
Royal Rumble: Cena vs Umaga, Kennedy vs Batista,Royal Rumble match
Wrestlemania 23: Trump vs Vince, HBK vs Cena
Raw: HBK vs Cena in the UK
Taker vs Batista series
CM Punk vs Nitro
Survivor Series 2007
The 2nd Coming
15th anniversary show
Easily 2000. The first ten PPVs of the year were great for the WWE. Survivor Series and Armageddon weren't the best but they were still far from bad. I wasn't watching much WCW at that point but I was definitely enjoyed what ECW was putting out as well.

For me it will be 2007. Some of you might disagree but just think about it.
Royal Rumble: Cena vs Umaga, Kennedy vs Batista,Royal Rumble match
Wrestlemania 23: Trump vs Vince, HBK vs Cena
Raw: HBK vs Cena in the UK
Taker vs Batista series
CM Punk vs Nitro
Survivor Series 2007
The 2nd Coming
15th anniversary show

No offense, but when one of your bullet points is Trump/McMahon I find it hard to buy what you're selling. Also, when the question is PPV why are you even mentioned the 15th anniversary show or that mindnumbing boring and overrated HBK/Cena match? RAW does not equal PPV.
Because the poster asked for the best ppv year IN THE LAST TEN YEARS. 2009 - TEN YEARS = 1999.

Actually, to be ultra-technical, we're only 4 months into 2009, so 2009 doesn't count. Last ten years would be 1998 through 2008. Not trying to rattle you, but, you started when trying to rattle the other guy.
I'd say 1999 was a pretty great year, especially the wrestlemania.
2000. Although Mania was relatively disappointing, the rest was largely great:

Rumble - Cactus Jack V HHH - brutal match, but entertaining, also a good tables match between the Hardys & Dudleys. The Rumble itself was decent as well, with Rock winning for the only time (though this was later revoked). Loses points for Mae Young getting her knockers out, mind.

NWO - Another good match from cactus and HHH, arguably the last top-class performance of Foley's career - maybe barring the match he had with Orton - a top-class match with Angle & jericho, E&C V Hardy Boyz, dudleys winning the gold - good solid PPV

Backlash - bettered Mania by quite a bit, great story in the main event between Rock and the whole McMahon-Helmsley faction, Rock getting his overdue title win, alas with Austin's help. Also a great match between Jericho & Benoit, E&C's slow heel turn continuing with a dirty win over DX (who were laughably being cited as the best tag team in WWF history at the time, farce, would be bad enough if they said it about the Outlaws, anyway...). Also Guerrero had a decent match with Essa Rios, and Malenko & Scotty 2 Hotty went to a good one (had forgotten about that til I read about it in another thread yesterday)

JD - BRILLIANT Iron Man match between Rock and HHH. Can't believe it never made it onto Rock's career DVD. In the build-up to the match everyone on the web was saying that there was no way Rock could have a decent iron man match yet IMO he was the star of the match. It was a fascinating contest with an acceptable ending. Jericho & benoit had another cracker, Shane 'injured' Big Show which got him off TV for about 7 months, quite the relief.

KOTR - This was one of the weaker PPVs, hated the 6-man tag idea for the main event (which was almost mirrored last month of course). Just knew that Rock wouldn't go over HHH clean, ah well. Angle was top class, though I couldn't help but feel that he should have faced off against Benoit/Jericho in the final, rather than earlier on. I think E&C won the tag belts from too Cool here, don't remember much about that one, and Pat patterson & gerard briscoe had an evening gown match IIRC...oh dear

Fully Loaded - Awesome, one of my all-time favourites. As a huge Jericho fan, I loved the LMS with HHH, in fact I got the chance to meet Y2J a few years ago and told him it was my favourite match ever. Rock-Benoit was good as well, didn't like the finish mind. E&C and APa went to a surprisingly good match, loved the whole 'Christian is sick' angle they tried to pull on Foley all the way through, then they come out for the match and Edge says, "the ironic thing is, Christian really is sick. sick of being in Dallas, Texas!" Rikishi & Val Venis looked set to be a stinker but at least had a decent spot in it, despite the 3rd of the main events, Angle-Taker, being disappointing it was a great PPV overall.

Summerslam - Brilliant, arguably the best summerslam ever. Great main event, especially considering how much Rock and HHH had to improvise. The first TLC match was immense, and jericho and Benoit had one of the most underrated matches of all-time, it was fantastic. Shane0Mac & Blackman's match was really enjoyable, loved shane's bump, followed by angle playing the injuries down whilst trying to get in Steph's knickers. There were no really poor matches, if you exclude the thong stinkface match, but I didn't mind that at all!

Unforgiven - Enjoyable main event, even if it did repeat the ending to Fully Loaded in a way. I was pissed off that jericho had to fight X-Pac after being in great matches pretty much all year, but they went okay. E&C and the Hardys had a decent match, if not one of their classics (it was in a cage). Angle and Triple H had a good match, and steph staying with HHH was a swerve of the highest order. And of course, this saw the return of stone Cold Steve Austin, in classic style:

kevin Kelly: Stone cold, welcome back to the WWF!
*Austin beats the hell out of KK*

No Mercy - Angle's first championship, in a good match with Rock. Benoit and Triple H had a good one, and Austin-rikishi wasn't much to watch but was epic in its build-up and intensity. Also featured the humourous E&C-Hardys-Los Conquistadores angle.

Survivor Series - My memory of this one isn't as great as the others (as someone else said, it was the first 10 that were special). However I enjoyed HHH-Austin and Angle-Taker had a better match than they did at Fully Loaded. Don't remember much about Rock-Rikishi.

Armageddon - The HIAC is often called a disappointment but in all reality it was never likely to amount to much, it was a bad idea from a viewing POV although it made sense from a storyline POV. Jericho & kane was good, though, can't remember much else.
2001 no doubt

Royal Rumble you saw agreat ladder match between Jericho and Benoit HHH challenged Angle for the title And austin won the rumble for the 3rd time

No Way Out The Rock vs Angle was good match with Rock regaining the title and who can forget that 2 out of 3 falls classic between HHH and Austin.

Wrestlemania 17 had great matches such as Vince vs Shane HHH vs Undertaker and Austin vs The Rock 3 which had the epic heel turn of Austin

Ultimate Submission Match between Benoit And Angle was just a great wrestling match. The Two man power trip (Austin And HHH) also defeated Undertake and Kane for the tag tiltes

Judgement Day
Angle and Benoit yet had anothef classic in their 2 out of 3 falls with Angle winning this time. Kane beat HHH in a Ic Tltle Chain Match. Austin defened the title against Taker

King of The Ring
The night Kurt Angle had 3 matches in one night with the last one being imo Shanes best match and Austin also had a triple Threat with Benoit and Jericho which would be the beggining of tht invasion angle when Booker T interfered and put Ausin through a table. This would also be Benoit last match for a year

Say what you want about this PPV but i was very excited and ready for this PPV almost as much as i was for Mania and i was pleased with the end with Austin becoming heel once again and joining the dark side

Opened with a great Ic title match between Lance Storm and Edge. Also had a great hardcore title ladder match between RVD and Jeff Hardy. Austin and Angle was def imo the best match of the card even though i wasnt to pleased with the ending. NAd the main event featured a dream match as Booker T defened his WCW against the Rock which the Rock would win.

This wasnt a great PPV but i still enjoyed watching it
RVD and Chris Jericho had a great match for the hardcore belt and Angle made Austin submit for the first time in his career ( or at least as the stone cold charcter) to win the belt in his hometown

No Mercy
Austin had regained the belt from Angle a few weeks after Unforgiven on Raw and was now defending the belt against not only Angle but RVD in a triple threat which Austin won. Another match was Jericho vs The Roc for the WCW title which Jericho suprisingly won with help from Stephanie Mcmahon. There was also a great ladder match between Edge and Christan which Edge won.

Survivor Series
This PPV featured a winner take all match with Team WWE (Rock Undertaker Jericho Kane and Big Show) Facing Team WECW (Austin Angle RVD Booker T and Shane Mcmahon) which ened with Rock and Autin as the final 2 left and Angle who had recently turned on WWE and joined The Aliance came out grabbed the wwe title and seemed like he was going to help Austin but instead he hit Austin which led to a rock bottom which lead to the win and the end of the invasion angle

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