The Best Video Games (That are under-rated)

Gotta go with Dink Smallwood - it was a PC RPG game and it was so crazy good I can't even explain. Additionally you could make your own levels and there were countless user created worlds. The main story was great, very good game!
Power Stone.

Probably one of the best fighting games and I doubt people even know about it :shrug:


It was like a glorified Super Smash Bros Brawl, but better IMO. The first go anywhere game, collect 3 crystals and transform into a super powerful character and unleash nasty combos. The battle stages were a bit weird, but they all had a unique feature as some cinematic would take place and you'd end up somewhere else. You could use the environment and parts of the stage against your opponents and you could even have teams. Power Stone is probably the most fun I've ever had in a fighting game outside of Marvel vs Capcom.

It was for the Dreamcast and it seems to have never gotten enough attention. Shame Dreamcast had to come out right around the time Playstation burst onto the scene. So many good games, such an underrated system. Good thing I still have mine.

Take a look and be the judge.

Thought of a couple more unnoticed games to post about:


Anyone who owned an N64 should remember this game. Space Station Silicon Valley was such a fun game. The plot was just silly, but the variety of gameplay was fantastic. Being able to take over the body of nearby animals, each with their own set of abilities made solving puzzles, platforming challenges, defeating enemies a fun challenge.


Yeah, another N64 pick. It is my favorite system, after all. I've only played this game recently, but boy is it fun. And addicting. It was made by Sucker Punch, makers of Sly Cooper and inFamous (yeah, same developers). The use of a tractor-beam-grappling-hook-thing seems pretty creative, especially back when it was released. I'm looking forward to finishing it, which should be soon.


My God, was this game great. I didn't play the first, but I've heard that this one is better anyway, so it might not matter. Anyway, not only is this game an excellent dungeon-crawler RPG, but a town-building feature that affects the future heavily factors in as well. The way these two modes fit together is great, with the materials gathered through battling being used in your town building. I wish more of this series was produced, but at least the developers, Level-5, are still making great games (including one of my favorites, Dragon Quest VIII).
Some very excellent picks in this list. The worms one is awesome as hell. I had a group of friends that would play the Fortress via lan line all the time. We even had house rules for playing against each other. One time a buddy of mine and me made a board that was reminiscent of WWI and all we could use was grenades and handguns. Also anytime someone got Armageddon they'd always sing out "It's the end of the world as we know it!!" When you heard that you knew the game was over for someone. We also pulled out the super long ninja rope and could pull off some fantastic things to move around the board. Another good one was that Powerstone. I have heard of it. A buddy of mine had it and we played the shit out of it. Not sure if you know this but they made a powerstone II and was just as good if not better. I always used the Mummy with the knives. The Dark Cloud 2 game is really good. My wife loved the first one but never really got into the second one because she felt it was actually to big. Mind you, she is one of those that loves a game that has thousands of things that you can do while playing it. She's a big fan of almost any RPG game. One of her favorites is Star Ocean: Second Story. Not sure if you guys would consider that a truly underrated game. She also loved the Dink Smallwood series. She introduced it to a buddy of mine and downloaded like twenty or so mods that people had created. One that I liked was a FPS called Deathwatch. Not sure how many people have heard of it.

It was a pretty cool game. One part I liked was you could use a crossbow with explosive arrows and when you shot the skeletons they would run around like idiots before finally blowing up.
Metroid Prime Trilogy

I don't know why, but these games are often over-looked and under-appreciated in the gaming world. The Metroid fanchise is one of Nintendo's best and they took a bold new step in making a first person shooter Metroid game, but I think it paid off big time. All three games had immersive worlds, great control mechanics, some of the best graphics on the Gamecube (Wii in the third games case), and had much more of an exploration and adventure side to it than traditional first-person shooters. The first two games are easily my favourite games for the Gamecube not named Super Smash Bros. Melee, and Corruption remains one of my top three games for the Wii.

If you haven't played them, give them a try.
Shadow Man is my best pick for this thread. This my most favorite game ever and it's one of the most violent games ever made. This game got banned from some countries back when it came out in '99, because of it's extreme violence and horror. This game is a mix of Legend Of Zelda and Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver but with intense violence and action. If you want a dark, atmospheric, vast, and adventurous experience, you have to play Shadow Man. It came out for the PS One, N64, the Sega Dreamcast, and PC.

I'm just hoping that someday, Sony would put this game on PS One Classics because to me, it is a classic.
Carmageddon & Dungeon Keeper

Maybe I'm just a sick sadistic evil bastard, but ho-lee crap I love those games.

The stunts you could pull in Carmageddon to piledrive pedestrians into a bloody mess was absolutely hilarious. I'll never forget the time hit a ramp at 190 mph and flew over this house, then on the replay instead of seeing my car hit the ramp it focuses on this crotchety old man in a walker strolling down the street, when suddenly in the background I see my car spinning sideways over and over again, the shadow coming down the street towards him, suddenly he cries out and hobbles along double time pounding that walker as fast as it would go before SPLAT! my car lands right on top of him and his eye balls fly at the camera, and I get a cunning stunt bonus and bonus for artistic impression. I just about died laughing at that.

Dungeon Keeper was even worse in some ways. It lacked the gore, but man, building your own dungeon, then luring in goody goody heroes to torture and kill, or let rot in prison and turn into skeletons to boost your hordes' numbers was just so satisfying. The mistresses cracked me up the most. You could slap your denizens so they would work harder, digging up new rooms in the soft ground, or train harder, or study faster, etc. but it always came at the price of happiness. You slap your denizens too much and they could rebel and attack your dungeon heart, except for the Mistress. Whenever she became unhappy you could slap her until she was almost dead and her happiness would go through the roof, she'd laugh and then go to her lair and sleep off the damage and then go back to the torture chamber and hook herself up to the rack where some other mistress would inevitably come by and whip her nearly the death.

Damn... I really gotta play these games again.
Manhunt (PS2) - I have been playing through this amazing game as of late and reminding myself just how much I love it. It has everything I could ask for from a video game from the horror, gore and intense storyline which is good enough to brace any cinema screen to the brilliant gameplay involving stealth, shootouts and murders most horrid. A violent execution after minutes spent hiding in the shadows sneaking up on some bloodthirsty gang member or unexpecting cop never fails to satisfy. I think a huge plus as far as Manhunt goes is the fact that the stealth system actually works and is really fun. It is even more fun sneaking around and slitting sombodys throat from behind with a shard of glass or impaling them with a crowbar than it is blasting away with hand guns and shotguns. Although blasting actual holes in peoples faces with sniper rifles is fun in its most brutal form. I really enjoyed the story and it kept me gripped all the way through.. kind of a mix of Saw, Texas Chainsaw Massacre and something else really evil. The look of the game really fits in with the whole feel of the game and although the graphics are somewhat dated I wouldn't want them any other way. Lots more positives that I could spew but all I will say is if you have not played Manhunt and stumble across it in a gameshop I would suggest buying it if you are into mindless violence, horror and sneaking about in run down insane asylums waiting to puncture sombodys face with a nearby sharp object before they do it to you first. Oh, and the final boss isawesome aswell.
I had a whole thread on this back in 2009, called "Games No One Played". Probably my favorite entry and the one that sticks out most is Steambot Chronicles. This was a game for PS2 that was relaxing, had a great story, and a big world to explore. You could do so much in the game, and there were so many choices, endings, and sidequests. The graphics weren't the prettiest and they haven't aged particularly gracefully but they got the job done, and the combat was super fun.

No one's heard of it, but I'll always remember it for its cast of great characters, awesome story, and the fact that you really could make so many little choices in the game to affect the dialogue and outcome of different situations. For most of the conversations you had you could pick several different dialogue options, and you could even join the bad guys halfway through the game and help them win! It might not seem like much now, but back then it blew my mind. What a great game.
NHL 11 is very under-rated IMO. It's a lot better than Fifa 11 and is one of the best sports games i have played
I don't like all that fantasy crap. Don't get me wrong I like games like Halo but with games where you get powers or Ratchet and Clank its just not my thing. I enjoy the Call Of Duty series, Read Dead Redemption, Mafia series, the Sims series, Fifa series, WWE series, etc. When I see my cousins play fake games like Ratchet & Clank I think to myself how can you enjoy this.

Simply put, guys my age grew up on 8 bit systems such as atari and the original Nintendo which was a whole whopping 16 bit system and those kind of games were the bomb at the time. I also find it funny that you label games "like" Ratchet and Clank as fake. Guess what all games are fake....imaginary....and made up, they are games and I enjoy the hell out of alot of the kid games. They can be fun as hell plus when you have kids its fun to play them together.
TMNT 2: the arcade game- It alwasy hid in the shadow of the Classic Turtles in Time but TMNT: TAG was the game that shifted the Turtles franchise into the right direction on the consoles

Cowboys of Moo Mesa- The cartoon was weird and dumb, but the arcade game was simply awesome, then again you should expect nothing less from Konami

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