The Best Video Games (That are under-rated)


Proud Team Bring It Member
That were so underrated that you never even really heard of them.

I cant really think of that many games that were that great and underrated but does anyone remember Sly?

As in Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus,Sly 2: Band of Thieves and Sly 3:Honour amond Thieves.

These three games were awesome and had great replayability.I only owned the 3rd one and played the 1st and 2nd at my friends houses but they are great games.and it has great graphics for its time.The gameplay is also briliant.

Another is the Jak series.

These games are great and even the spinoof is allright. Plus Hero mode made the game's replayability great as well as getting precursor orbs(currency) to buy easter eggs.Plus the epic moment in Jak 3 at the end
after jak and daxter defeat the dark maker weapon thing and they are walking in the desert is just epic.

and last but not least.Dragon Quest VIII:Journey of the Cursed King.It wouldnt be known well outside of Japan.I easily clocked 100 hours on this game.And im not even 100% complete.Its normal storyline is around 30 hours and its about 5 more afterwards.Plus there is heaps of sidequests and the graphics are amazing.

Its also games like this that make me wish my PS2 wasnt broken :(
While the Jak games were fun at first, they got old. Especially after they tried to capitalize on the popularity of the vehicles.

Sly was an amazing series. That's why they brought them to PS3.

But honestly, all those series ended due to lack of sales.

But onto the subject. I'm going to go with Timesplitters. It's my favorite game of ALL TIME. of all time.

First person shooter. Many characters. Kinda reminds me of Goldeneye to an extent. I played it with my best friend all summer in after 7th grade before he moved. Good times.
I was thinking this was going to be a very generic thread, but you made it a bit more interesting here, the title is a bit misleading :)

There was a game I borrowed from a friend a few years ago now, Shinobido: Way Of The Ninja, a game in which you play (gasp) a ninja. The story was reasonably non linear, three warring factions to which you can be a mercenary to, taking missions like assassinating someone, stealing something, killing a local bear thats attacking villages. As the game goes on, you battle other assassins as high profile as yourself, and the game becomes a huge matter of stealth, attacking without giving yourself away and dissapearing as quickly as you came.

It had its problems, the graphics werent top notch, and the controls were a bit tricky to get used to, but when you did, you find a very underrated game.

You can also design your dojo, setting up traps in your garden, hilarious because Barbarians attack your home from time to time, watching them get lost in your hedge maze while you sneak around slitting each ones throats was very satisfying.
Psy-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy was an amazing game from Midway for the last console generation. It was a third-person shooter with awesome psychic powers thrown in- stuff like telekinesis, pyrokinesis, future sight, mind control. It had so much potential as a series, but almost nobody bought it, and since Midway has shut down, there'll probably never be a sequel. 'Tis a shame.

Castlevania: Circle of the Moon for the GBA is another great, unnoticed game. It's not quite as good as Aria of Sorrow, at least in my opinion, but deserves credit for showing that Castlevania could work on the GBA.
My pick would be Minecraft. The game concept is hard to explain as there is no stoyline yet. The graphics arent all thatawesome but thats for good reason:the worlds never stop generating. Basiclly you dig and look for materials like iron,wood diamond and you build things that are cool. At one point i built actual size replica of the Eiffel Tower. It took me a week but it was awesome. Its really a game you have to play for yourself in order to understand it. its pretty awesome though you should check it out.
My pick would be Minecraft. The game concept is hard to explain as there is no stoyline yet. The graphics arent all thatawesome but thats for good reason:the worlds never stop generating. Basiclly you dig and look for materials like iron,wood diamond and you build things that are cool. At one point i built actual size replica of the Eiffel Tower. It took me a week but it was awesome. Its really a game you have to play for yourself in order to understand it. its pretty awesome though you should check it out.

I totally agree. That game ate up my last semester in college. My friend set up a network lobby and there were about 6 on it all day trying to a neighborhood. Until one idiot made a shit load of TNT and blew up the side of the mountain some of us were using. One of my top 5 pissed off moments in my life.
I totally agree. That game ate up my last semester in college. My friend set up a network lobby and there were about 6 on it all day trying to a neighborhood. Until one idiot made a shit load of TNT and blew up the side of the mountain some of us were using. One of my top 5 pissed off moments in my life.

Sorry but I actually LOL'd at that. I can just imagine how pissed off I would have been if someone did that to me. I get really frustrated on computer games quite easily and would go fucking insane if someone ruined something I had spent so long trying to do!

I game I felt never got much love was WORMS. Maybe in the US it does but in the UK it has kinda been forgotten.

I always had a lot of fun playing that, creating my own teams and then often playing as every character myself, just finding more and more fun ways of blowing about 20 worms up at once. It was a very fun multi-player game too, but did take a while as only 1 player could take a turn at any time.

I just played a newer version of Worms on my friends IPad recently, it brough back the memories
For me it has to be the classic Jet Force Gemini for the N64. A great soundtrack, good length, great story/level design and a fun multiplayer...just "cutesy graphics" let it down as it was perceived to be a kiddie game when it was far from it. Honestly track it down, it's incredible.

Jet Force Gemini is one game that I have never played and regret it. It is also one game that I really really hope gets given the Beyond Good & Evil treatment.

I really like turn based RPGs, like Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest. I would pick the Disgaea series. I think it is too quickly and harshly deemed crap based on its' "poor" graphics. I love this series. The DS port of the PS2 original is great and the PS3 game is incredibly deep and worthy of its "hardcore" nature. I think if they can improve the graphics and make everything smoother then it will certainly reach the bigger audience that it deserves. I'm looking forward to the fourth, which apparently has the whole future of Nippon Ichi riding on it.

I would pick Golden Sun also as I think they are on a par with any DQ or FF game. I'm thinking of buying Phantom Brave on PSN for this exact reason.
The Unholy War. Great battlegrounds, great characters, great storyline and a very fun strategy mode. Had it been given a chance, I think it could've turned into an iconic game series.

I also think Killer Instinct was pretty underrated, I felt that was a great fighting game and should've been in the same league as Tekken, Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, Virtua Fighter etc.

Also I'd like to see Twisted Metal mentioned more often.
I would like to throw Majin & the Magic Kingdom in here. It was a very enjoyable RPG and it didn't get the recognition it deserved. Also in the RPG under-rated has to be Neir, which I couldn't put down until I completed. I work in a Games environment and we didn't get many compies of both of these games and it is a shame as they were both very good games...

Another one that didn't get the attention it deserved was Alan Wake. It had quite a bit of hype and yet a lot of people didn't seem to enjoy it yet I played through it and not only that but played all the DLC and it actually has DLC that adds to the story rather than just an extra part, which I was impressed by. I was hoping for at least one sly award for Wake but it never happened so I was a bit disappointed with that...
I personally feel Tales Of Symphonia for the Nintendo Gamecube never got as much recognition as it should have. Then again I am a sucker for RPG's. The game is 2 discs long and has a great battle system. Almost felt like I was playing Final Fantasy at some points.

On that note, a lot of the "Tales Of" games are really hit or miss so I can see why Symphonia never got that much praise. Still though I love it and just my 2 cents.
How about Banjo-Kazooie? It was fucking popular when it first came out, but now you barely hear it mentioned. At the time it had fantastic graphics, gripping gameplay, and something most games seem to be lacking in Humor. Seriously when I first played this game when I was younger I never stopped fucking laughing. Now it is a pretty rare game but if you can find it somewhere than I really suggest playing it. It really is a masterpiece.
Comix Zone on the Sega Mega Drive.

Probably my favourite game of all time for nostalgic reasons and just because it was bloody brilliant.

Unfortunately it came out just as the Mega Drives lifespan was coming to an end and people were turning to next gen consoles. Does anybody else remember this game? It was set within the pages of a comicbook and it was really hard because there was no save points and only a few chances to gain a bit of health back throughout the game. I also remember losing health just from hitting barrels and objects which had to be hit. I loved the game so much and would play it non stop.
Topspin 3

This game seriously is one of the best tennis video games I have ever played and doesn't get that much attention. They recently have come out with a 4th installment of it but the game itself has its own RPG that allows you to make decisions and better yourself in the tennis world. I think this is a game tahte evryone ought to try even if they aren't into tennis because of how well it makes the tennis world look, and also the realistic features of the game.
Favorite under-rated game? Easy choice.



This is hands down, without a shadow of a doubt, THE most under-rated game ever. People did not seem to be open to the idea of using Health to cast spells instead of the usual MP system of most games. There are also some graphical issues, as it has very strange scenery and bright early-SNES-era graphics. Some people dislike that too. However....

This game was PHENOMINAL for its time. It had a great story with a good number of plot twists. The battle system was fun, you could use any piece of your equipment in battle to attack with and several had hidden skills in them such as casting spells or a cool melee attack. You restored health through medicine bottles and used HP to cast spells due to there not being any magic points. This was actually a GOOD thing, despite what many have said. As long as you kept restoring someone's health, they could keep casting spells the entire battle. There were also some items that restored health without the use of a medicine bottle, meaning an infinite source of power to cast spells with. There was also a huge playable cast. Only two were main characters, but there were a number of guest NPC's who briefly joined, and a grand total of 20 recruitable allies, each who had their own unique abilities. There were also some cool secrets to seek out. One recruitable character asks you to buy her a lot of equipment, one room later on has each of these items hidden on a shelf if you look for it. A hidden sound test room, and lots of other easter eggs await those bored enough to look.

It is one of the funnest RPG's I have ever played and I wish more people had given it a chance. I've replayed it countless times and know all of the secrets. I urge you to give it a shot if you ever have a chance to play it, granted that it may be hard to find a copy nowadays. Regardless, it's the best under-rated game I have ever played because it truly stood out during its time for trying something different and is just as fun today as it was back in 1994.
Megaman X:Command Mission was pretty cool.Basically there are ten chapters and at the end of each chapter there is one or more bosses.You are a X, a maverick hunter and your sent to Giga City(I think)to liberate it from a bunch of rogue mavericks.At the start you get seperated and end up all alone.By the end of the 3 chapter you can have 2 allies battling with you.In total there is 6 I think total companions to choose from each with different battling styles and weapons.

It has RPG elements such as walking around to initiate battles in areas where you can,Leveling up and useage of elements.In Battle you could also activate a characters hyper mode which is a more powerful version of that character which lasts a certain amount of rounds, or you could activate their charge shot depending on the chrage power of characters which charges every round up to 100%.If you used Hyper Mode then your Charge shot then the charge shot would be more powerful and in some cases different.

Im to lazy to continue but this game was on the ps2 and one of the most ridiculous things about it was that the final boss had 999999hp.But its a good game overall and would recomend trying it.
I don't like all that fantasy crap. Don't get me wrong I like games like Halo but with games where you get powers or Ratchet and Clank its just not my thing. I enjoy the Call Of Duty series, Read Dead Redemption, Mafia series, the Sims series, Fifa series, WWE series, etc. When I see my cousins play fake games like Ratchet & Clank I think to myself how can you enjoy this.

A truly fantastic game that was largely ignored because

1) It wasn't Metal Gear Solid
2) The graphics were pretty rough

Whereas MGS focused on stealth, Syphon Filter was more balls to the wall chaos and in my opinion, a far more enjoyable game because for it. 20+ missions, sniping, tracking, strategy, imagine Hitman but actually fun and with a pretty decent story. Cult classic

Another game that was even more ignored and completely forgotten about


Until last week, I was completely unaware that Future Cop LAPD was actually a spinoff from the Megadrive classic (that you wankers all voted out) Desert Strike. Looking back now it should have been obvious, it's basically the same game but with Mech robots and one of the best multiplayer modes I've played.
I am going to go with the N64 game BattleTanx. This was, by far, one of the most fun games that I have ever played, all because of multiplayer mode. My friends and I sat and played that part of the game for hours at a time.
My Underrated games Are Definitely The Hobbit for Xbox and Spartan Total Warrior for PS2 both Very Different games but Oh so Good! If you can get Either i suggest you do. You wont regret it.
the DECEPTION series.... totally innovative, totally fun, and f'n BRUTAL... take (insert main character) put them in a mansion, set traps while waiting for people to come kill character, lure them into the traps and enjoy the carnage, the first one had the ability to steal souls to make monsters with, and you could add and remove rooms from the mansion, was also in first person, the later game were 3rd person without the soul stealing or mansion building but still, the sheer number of traps and combos, not to mention the mansions own devious lil devices.. god I want another Deception (also Monster Rancher)
Tony Hawk American Wasteland should be up there for one of the most underrated games. In a year where skating games were losing that insane/unreal edge to games like Skate, American Wasteland was a smash hit. I had it for the original Xbox and bought the 360 version 3 months ago and I still play it today!

The story might be utter shit but the gameplay is to die for!

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