The Best...Video Game Character

Mac Attack

I'm neat.
I decided to bring my Best threads into the VGAT. This is just to see whether these have any popularity in here or not. I think this may be a good way to hype the Video Game tournament even more. So I ask who is the best video game character? And without further ado here is mine.


It was either Link or Mario for me and I chose Link because the Legend of Zelda games are what I'm more into. The character of Link has had so many different looks and storylines but always finds a way to be cool and interestng. I think his ability to be different is what makes him so interesting and so fun. I personally like all his storylines and have always enjoyed his interactions with other characters. I think he goes down in every gamer's top 5 characters but for mke and my personal connection to Ocarina of Time is my Best Character.
I never really had a favorite one. I didn't grow up with the mario game series, even though I saw my brother play it a bunch of times, so I was never really much into his games. Mario Kart and Smash Bros are probably the only games I actually went and played before.

As for Link, when we had a 64 my cousin let us borrow his Ocarina of time game and both of my brothers loved it, but I could never really get into it. I guess its not my type of game. I do enjoy watching my brother sometimes playing the newer games though.

One of the series that I played a lot is Pokemon, but I wouldn't say Ash is my favorite character. I will also not choose a pokemon even though Salamance was always my favorite.

I think one character that would be a candidate to be my favorite is probably Ike from Fire Emblem. I enjoyed both the one for the cube and the one for the wii. The other candidate would probably be Snake. I always enjoyed those metal gear games.

Besides the uber popular Mario, Spyro was the first character I had the pleasure of playing as. What makes him so cool? For starters, he is a damn dragon. Dragons are possibly the coolest things ever. I got to torch many a baddies ass and fly around the world of Avalar. It's a shame that I haven't seen a Spyro game in a very very long time. Heard rumors they are making a new game for 2011 but as far as I know, it's still a rumor.
It depends on what the criteria to determine who the "best" is. Are we talking about who has the most history in the video game realm? That narrows it down to Mario or Link, who are the central characters to two of the most recognized series ever. Are we talking the best character development? That makes it far more difficult because there are so many factors to consider and so many stories from so many games to look into. I'd say perhaps Kratos from Tales of Symphonia, without spoiling anything he ends up being one of the most interesting characters who you never know what he will do next or what shocking spoiler he will reveal, all while being one of the more powerful heroes in battle too.
I'm gonna take a different approach to this question and steer away from guys like Mario and Link of video games and pick a more recent video game character.


Anyone who has played the new Pokemon Black and White games know who this is. This is the main antagonist of the new games N. Kinda like Team Rocket's Giovanni, Team Galactic's Cyrus, etc... this main is the leader of the villianous team in the new games Team Plasma. I didn't really give this guy a second thought when I first saw him but as the game progressed I began to take a liking to N. He has a very tragic story and in a sense, he was completely innocent. He truly and genuinely believed that what he was doing was the right thing, only to find out in the worst way that he was nothing but a pawn for the one he person he thought cared for him (interesting to note that his name, N, is a symbol in Algebra for a variable that is meant to be replaced; although any letter can be used, N is the one that I've been predominantly been taught to use). I won't give anything else away to those who are still in progress of playing the game. But N's character was the first in the Pokemon universe to actually make me tear up and arguably the most interesting. :(
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I'll go with one that most of you are probably unfamilar with, John Marston from Red Dead Redemtion. Not only is his charecter the perfect example of a man's man but his story is interesting and fun to follow throughout the game. Here is John Marston's story.

John Marston was born in 1873, his father was a Scottish immigrant, his mother was a prostitute, and in Marston's own words is hinted that his father might have been her pimp. John's mother died during childbirth. In 1881, John's father died of unknown causes, thought to have been by drinking. When his father died, John was 8 years old so he was placed in an orphanage, where he spent the next nine years. At the age of 17 he ran away and joined a gang led by a man named Dutch van der Linde. In the band, Van der Linde himself taught John to read and shoot. In the gang, he met Abigail, a prostitute who traveled with the band and that John himself would marry in the future. John says, the band struggled for more than just making money, stole from the rich and powerful to give to the needy, sick, and poor with their own ideals, however, during a bank robbery in 1908, Marston was shot and was left to die by his companions, which caused Marston to decide to leave his life of crime and reform. With his wife, Abigail, and son, Jack, Marston bought a ranch to live peacefully, John also had a daughter who had died either during childbirth or soon after. Soon, however, he is required by the Bureau of Investigation to apprehend his former outlaw friends. To ensure the loyalty of John, they kidnapped his family, holding them hostage until the completion of his mission.

After starting from the town of Blackwater, John is sent by train to the town of Armadillo where he meets with a guide named Jake. Jake takes him to Fort Mercer, Bill Williamson and his gang's main hideout, where Marston confronts and tries to reason with Bill. This results only in John being shot in the ribs. He is rescued by a woman named Bonnie MacFarlane who would take care of him until he recovered. After his recovery, John works with local stakeholders in the city of Armadillo and other colorful characters to help him to take Fort Mercer, where the gang was hiding Williamson. Marston raids Fort Mercer, but Williamson is nowhere to be found. Bill has fled to Mexico with the help of Javier Escuella, another member of Marston's former gang.

Marston follows Williamson to the province of Nuevo Paraiso in Mexico. There, Marston becomes entangled in a civil war between the rebels led by a man named Abraham Reyes and soldiers in the region, led by Colonel Agustin Allende, Marston works for both sides to locate Williamson, but is betrayed by Allende and from there John goes to work permanently with the rebels, In an assault on El Presidio the player can decide whether to kill or capture and return Escuella to the Bureau agents. The rebels then assault the palace of Allende in Escalara, killing Williamson and Allende. John returns to Blackwater where he hoped to be reunited with his family after completing his mission, but Edgar Ross, the head agent, tells John that his mission is not over, and that he must kill Dutch Van der Linde, John is reluctant but knows he does not have a choice and accepts. Dutch leading a gang of Native Americans in the mountains of tall trees, John attempted several attacks and until he and the U.S. Army assaults Cochinay, Marston then chases Dutch through a cave that leads onto a cliff with an opening at the end. Dutch then says he was only fighting for what he believed in and that the Government will only find another monster to justify their actions and then steps off the cliff. With his old gang dead John is allowed to return to his family After meeting at his ranch with his family, John began to live as he always wanted taking care of his ranch and his family, the days were more or less peaceful until one day, John's ranch was assaulted by U.S. soldiers led by Edgar Ross. John defends his family as they flee to the barn on his ranch, there his wife, Abigail and his son, Jack flee on horseback, John, still in the barn peers through the doors to see a firing squad on the other side. He pushes open the doors and draws his revolver, taking down as many people as he can before they open fire. John is gunned down but remains standing upright making labored efforts to breathe, John falls to his knees and dies. His body is buried on a hillside by Jack and Abigail, overlooking his ranch in 1911.


You really have to play this to get the full expeirience of the story, and I would definetly reccomend it to everyone. But John Marston is a man who struggled his entire life for his American Dream, and even though it didn't end the way he wanted he went out like a man.
There have Been recent Spyro Games but ever since the guy who made the older ones they have been going down hill ever since.

I recently bought RDR And John Marston is one of my Fave Main characters ever. His Background is interesting and well thought out and little bits like his unknown daughter.
John Marston is indeed an interesting feller and no mistake, and there are so many popular franchise figureheads out there that the fanboys all love to bandy around [not that that I'm saying Samus, Link, Mario and Sonic don't rock, although Cloud can go suck a bag of dicks, but that's besides the point...], Who could I say is the best? Well, I probably couldn't, but now it comes to it I'm struggling to think of a favourite, too.

I'll probably have to plump for this guy...


The main character in LucasArt's seminal point and click 'em up Grim Fandango, Manny Calavera. The guy simply oozes cool and has a pretty meaty set of one-liners, added to the fact that he's just an average Joe and a pretty decent guy, you have a recipe for a very memorable character.

Little unknown fact about me: I'll go anywhere if there MIGHT be cake. That's not even a guarentee that there will be cake. So when I hear a simple & helpful voice guiding me though a series of test chambers, with a promise of cake at the end, I listen.

GlaDOS is spontaneous, passionate, vengeful, and completely unforgettable as the only character you interact with in the Portal games. Her personality and wit give you no reason to not trust her every word - after all, without her, you never would have been able to make it out of test chambers 1-16.

What began as a simple and helpful AI guide through a series of tests slowly twisted into something malicious, terrifying and hilarious, all because of GlaDOS.

Haggard from the Bad Company 2 series has been a recent favorite of mine. Granted everyone plays Battlefield for the Multi-player but if you stop to play the Single-Player you will take a liking to Haggard. He is the classic Texas dummy who loves blowing shit up. He constantly says funny one liners throughout Bad Company 1 and still brings his sense of humor to Bad Company 2.
I think people confuse BEST with their favorites. Favorites wise, I would come on here and tell you that someone like Master Chief or Soap my favorite character... or maybe even Marcus from Gears... but then I'd be lying to you if I said that they were the best. In my opinion, what it takes to be the best is simply being able to stay relevant for years... and there's only one video game icon who has not only been relevant but dominant throughout 5 generations of gaming consoles...

Super Mario

I don't care what gaming franchise lead you bring to me... Chief, Soap, Bond, Croft, Donkey Kong, Sonic, Cena, Lesnar, Madden... set them up, and Mario will definitely knock them down with an iron fist. From main title games from the NES Super Mario to the latest Super Mario Galaxy 2... to the spin-off games such as Mario Kart, Mario Party, and even Super Smash Brothers.

There is never EVER going to be a character more recognized in gaming than Mario. He's the Hulk Hogan or the Micheal Jordan or even the Micheal Jackson of video games. Ask any non-gamer to name one video game character and Mario is definitely one to come out. Sure he may be a one dimensional character who's whipped beyond comparison, but then again, that's what makes him the key franchise of the Nintendo world. That, my friends, is what it takes to be the best.
as far as personal Favs ... Kratos, Scorpion, Sweet Tooth, Mr. Grimm, Alucard... but as far as the BEST... lil fat plumber all day everyday, even Link can 't measure up (and that's saying something) Mario is the ICON of gaming and forever will be, the sheer number of games he's in is testament to his legacy, lot of people crap on the 64, and with some valid reasons, and people sometimes buy a system just for a game... but a LOT of people bought 64 for Mario, and with damn good reason, same with Super NES (although that system rocked for so MANY reasons) when Mario burst onto the scene way way waaaaay back when he changed the face of gaming forever so... yeah, no one else has even come close (... maybe Link... maybe)

Gordon Freeman

Gordon Freeman is the best realized character in videogame history, and he is without a single line of dialogue. On Oct 2009, GameSpot users voted Gordon as "All Time Greatest Video Game Hero" Whether the voters were aware or not, Gordon winning is a testament to how strong of an impact Valve's perfected design philosophy of "never pulling the player out of the game" has on you throughout the Half-life experience. Half-life is never a passive experience; you exist in the world. The player is not portraying Gordon Freeman. Gordon Freeman is portraying the player. So you are Gordon, which in itself is a representation of the game as a whole, an embodiment of the experience's entirety.

He's a far cry from the muscular machismo and implausibly proportioned heroes who traditionally make up the genre; in Freeman Valve managed to create one of the most unlikely heroes in gaming, while simultaneously one of the most believable. Original designs - which, fans have dubbed 'Ivan the Space Biker' - had Gordon sporting a full beard and pony tail, but his eventual look came from the various faces of Valve employees, giving him the authentic geek chic we've come to know and love.

It would be a disservice to Freeman's laconic charm to say he's void of personality due to never uttering a word - or being directly seen, save for the box art and glimpses in sister titles Opposing Force and Blue Shift. In keeping Freeman mute and unseen, Valve cannily laid the groundwork for a character that players can fully embody, enabling each would-be Freeman to shape Gordon's persona themselves.

There's a bit of Gordon in all of us, you see: noble, mischievous, intelligent and, beneath it all, a kick-ass action hero bubbling beneath the surface. Given a dozen third-person cutscenes and lines of snappy dialogue, Gordon Freeman may not be half the icon he is today. As it stands, he effortlessly sets the benchmark for aming protagonists and accomplishes it all in complete silence, with a crowbar in hand.
Surprised I have never posted in this thread. Anyway, there are a ton of different characters that I really enjoy and cannot complain about. There is the obvious choices such as Mario, Link, Cloud and Sephiroth. Everybody knows who they are and even though I love Sephiroth, he isn't one of my choices for best video game characters. I tend to stray away from the popular choices such as those four. I was actually surprised to see people mention Spyro as he was insanely badass. I'm also glad SOM posted Freeman. I'm a huge Half Life fan and am glad he is getting some recognition. I'll post a few who haven't been mentioned.


For some reason, I googled Fayt and Albel and it was pictures of them kissing and shit. Fucking Rule 34... Anyways when I first saw this thread these two were who I originally thought of. The first time I played through Star Ocean I was a tad disappointed with Fayt being the main character. At the start of the game you control him while he wears these hideous clothes and you think "what kind of hero wears this shit? They are supposed to be badass!" Luckily he finds new clothes which appear in the picture and becomes the badass you were waiting for. Albel on the other hand is an enemy. You first see him and think "I better not have to fucking fight that guy." He looks like he could slice you in twelve pieces with the flick of his wrist. Luckily, his fight isn't very hard(unless you choose to leave him and fight him again later, then it's very difficult.) What I really like about Fayt is how much character development you see him go through while playing over the story. It's just a normal college kid who is suddenly expected to save a world that supposedly isn't real. Very cool to witness. I only chose Albel because he's awesome looking. He is a pretty good party member, but that gets overshadowed by his design.


Had to choose this guy. Just a little teenager living on his little island desiring to explore the universe. Little does he know he is about to be tasked with saving not just his world, but many others as well. Another guy who I picked because of his amazing character progression. He was just a normal boy in the first game and he had to save an entire universe of planets. That's a badass kid.
I have to go with....... SOLID SNAKE from the Metal Gear/Metal Gear Solid franchise. Anyone familiar with this franchise knows there really isn't much argument that needs to be made for Snake. He's a badass. He's not some plumber hopped up on 'shrooms or some fairy in tights.
Without Sephiroth, FF7 would not have been considered one of the all time greats. Not only did he look awesome, his character was extremely scary and threatening and he had epic music everytime you were about to encounter him. For me he is the reason why FF7 is the game it is and not FF X
My favourite game character of all time eh?

Tough question I'd have to choose between 2. Dante from the Devil May Cry series or Snake from Metal Gear Solid. In my eyes these 2 characters are iconic in the gaming world, as I grew up with an older brother who loved these series, and I used to play them all the time with him. They are witty characters and the games that they star in are also amazing. I think that if I was too choose one of them however I would have to pick Dante as he is just a bit more awesome than snake i'm afraid
Albert Wesker - Main Antagonist of Resident Evil​

My favorite video game character is this guy. The traitor known as Wesker is the owner and mastermind of the Umbrella Corporation, the B.O.W. experiments, and the viruses which have turned innocent victims into zombies and infected killers. Wesker is very powerful, company-wise and physically, and can take on a group of people on his own. He's a slick bastard but you can't help but like Wesker for how he carries himself and for his power. He's got it all, in my opinion: Wealth, respect, power, strength, charisma, and the looks. You can't go any farther for an antagonist than that...
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Morrigan - Dragon Age: Origins

Do I really need to say more? It really does not get more well developed than this chick. Love her character, love the writing, love the voice acting. Tons of depth, tons of consistency and believability in Morrigan. She is both my favorite character and who I truly believe is the best "character" in video games.

... now if you want to talk about most iconic and successful then yeah, that's Mario.
I'm surprised there has been 2 pages of answers and no one has mentioned:



Master Chief is one of the most kick-ass characters of today in one of the most popular franchises of all-time. You really ge invested in his storyline and every true halo fan shed a tear at the end of Halo 3. He is the face of the xbox brand, really.

The big daddy from bioshock

An epic creation by 2k that has become the icon of the bioshock series. It is extremely resilient and awesome looking as well. Its relations with their little sister are among the strangest in all of video games. Not to mention a key part of the masterpieces that were bioshock 1 and 2. Epic character
My favorite is Kratos from the god of war series great story line and a guy that you can really get behind. The best though has to be Gordon Freeman from the Half life games, Half Life has to be my favorite game series ever and Gordon even though he never talks hes still a great character. Hell let the crowbar do the talking.
ill go with mario just for the fact that charecter has been part of so many games possibly more games then any other charecter ever! plus he has that sweet stash as well :lmao:
Solid Snake gets it for me. the guy has so many layers it is unbelievable. He can be cold, calculating but also heroic, honorable and sacrificing too.

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