The best thing the WWE could possibly do right now


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok, I have had this idea for a couple of years now but I think that it's needed more now than ever.

The ratings are going down, and there is a lack of talent on the complete WWE roster, especially Raw.....or is there? There is a lack of talent on both shows, especially Raw, but if the brands were merged together once again all into one, the roster would in fact be DEEP once again like it was in 2001 and the late 90s. But this is more than just putting the brands back together, because there are benefits to the brands being split. So what needs to happen is the WWE needs to take the best of both options and put it together.

It's actually really simple. Put the roster together, EXCEPT FOR ECW! Keep ECW as a developmental camp. But as for Raw and Smackdown, PUT THE ROSTERS TOGETHER. BUT, the twist is, Raw and Smackdown still has their own champions. That way, the shows still maintel a level of exclusivity with its own reasons to watch, while there also is (finally) more match and fued possibilities and a much deeper roster. For example,

Randy Orton, being World Champion is ONLY on Raw, never on Smackdown, since the World Title is on Smackdown

John Morrison, IC Champion is ONLY on Smackdown, also never appearing on Raw

The Undertaker, as WWE Champion is ONLY on Smackdown, never appearing on Raw


That way, you have the same amount of titles but with a much deeper roster. WIth the same amount of titles you can be assured that the roster will be utilized and won't be hurt by the merge, and at the same time, the WWE, especially Raw gets a much needed kick in the pants that should DEFINITELY help with ratings. There are way too many filler matches on both programs, and to skimpy of a main event roster, this solves that, while keeping most of the qualities people like about the brand extension: exclusivity.

So Batista can appear on both Raw and Smackdown along with all the other non champions, but if he defeated The Undertaker, then Batista becomes Smackdown exclusive as WWE Champion.

I don't understand how no one in creative in WWE has thought of this, but obviously, since there is no way I will be in creative, I thought I'd put this out for hopefully someone to finally see.
I could rattle off a ton of improvements for WWE, and have many, many times.

However, I would agree that putting both the rosters of Raw and Smackdown together is the very best possible thing they could do for the short-term. That opens up a whole new world of potential feuds, and eliminates the stale main event problem that is plaguing the company at the moment. It also opens up a ton of more possibilities for different scenarios being created on the two shows, as opposed to the same old faces interacting with each other week in and week out.
While I have many thoughts on if brand unification would be better or worse. Personally, what I feel the best thing the WWE could do right now is fewer PPV's.
When was the last time anyone saw an increase in buy rates, excluding wrestlemania?

How are we as wrestling fans suppose to get excited when just coming off the Super Bowl of Wrestling and 3 weeks later there is another PPV. There is not hardly even a full month between PPV anymore.

And now they are struggling to get gimmick PPV to draw on??? Really??

How about let creative actually start getting creative with storylines versus PPV, that way we actually have a reason to order and buy the PPV versus trying to get us to buy a PPV to re watch the same match over and over again.

Perhaps I am crazy but few PPV in my opinion would all creative time to come up with acutal storylines, like my gosh what are we only going to get a Y2J/HBK feaud once a year. Few PPV would allow for each PPV to have a few builds on them.

Anyone else agree with me or am I losing my mind?
I disagree with this suggestion.

The splitting of the brands has allowed for many stars to get valuable face time on television when they wouldn't have had a chance in the past.

Even though both brands are lacking main event talent, that doesn't mean we should take this valuable television time away from stars that could potentially fill this void in the near future. By cramming all of the star power together again, the WWE will need to keep all of their faces on television and this would leave little time for midcarders to possibly grow into something more.

ECW is only an hour long program so it couldn't be used for the overflow of rookies and unpopular talent. Even if they stretched it to two hours, it wouldn't matter.

If you keep all the stars on the same show, you're essentially eliminating two hours of valuable TV time because you need DOUBLE the television time to showcase everyone during the week. What will happen to all of the other stars? They can't all just be thrown in ECW... that would kill ECW's ratings because it would be an even bigger joke than it is right now. And the overflow of stars that came from the consolidation of the other television shows would lose their notoriety because they would be associated with the show that showcases nothing more than "leftovers."

It seems like a good idea, but in the long run it's just preventing the WWE from producing what we are all craving... new stars. It'll boost ratings for a short period... that is until veterans like HHH, Taker, HBK, etc. all retire. But then what? No one will have enough star power to carry the flagshiop shows anymore. It would eventually kill the WWE.
While I have many thoughts on if brand unification would be better or worse. Personally, what I feel the best thing the WWE could do right now is fewer PPV's.
When was the last time anyone saw an increase in buy rates, excluding wrestlemania?

How are we as wrestling fans suppose to get excited when just coming off the Super Bowl of Wrestling and 3 weeks later there is another PPV. There is not hardly even a full month between PPV anymore.

And now they are struggling to get gimmick PPV to draw on??? Really??

How about let creative actually start getting creative with storylines versus PPV, that way we actually have a reason to order and buy the PPV versus trying to get us to buy a PPV to re watch the same match over and over again.

Perhaps I am crazy but few PPV in my opinion would all creative time to come up with acutal storylines, like my gosh what are we only going to get a Y2J/HBK feaud once a year. Few PPV would allow for each PPV to have a few builds on them.

Anyone else agree with me or am I losing my mind?

If they insist on keeping the Roster Split in tact, then this is my next recommendation.

However, if they would unify the Brands, then the feuds could move at a much more rapid pace, and be over between 2-3 PPV's, as opposed to carrying on to 4, 5, or 6 PPV's between the title changes, and rematches, and then the title switches back, only to have another rematch (Orton/Cena).

With the Brands unified, there would be a lot more potential for rotating the opponents due to the greater depth to select from with the Brands unified. That way, he could still do the number of PPV's he wants, and still keep the feuds relatively fresh since they would be moving at a faster pace.
The best thing WWE could do is to mimic 2006. Just go more edgy and fast paced like that year was. Yes, it was a violent year by WWE standards but it was also very spontaneous. Edge cashing in MITB @ NYR, the rebirth of ECW, more mature and violent matches and pushing new stars to the ME level (ie. Umaga and Khali in 2006).

They have pushed newer stars but it is time to push new Main eventers. Mark Henry, Swagger, Morrison and R Truth should be pushed as ME players. They are all over enough with both casual and the IWC to be credible enough for the title chase. Also, WWE needs to go back to the aggressive style that 2006 had. The ECW extreme rules matches of that year were intense and also the "I Ouit" match between Foley/Flair and the TLC Edge v Flair matches were well done. They need to recapture that style to get more attention from the people who actually buy WWE tix and PPVs.
The splitting of the brands has allowed for many stars to get valuable face time on television when they wouldn't have had a chance in the past. Even though both brands are lacking main event talent, that doesn't mean we should take this valuable television time away from stars that could potentially fill this void in the near future. By cramming all of the star power together again, the WWE will need to keep all of their faces on television and this would leave little time for midcarders to possibly grow into something more.

What you're saying has absolutely nothing with combining the roster and more to do with time management. Right now, stars are on TV one show a week, an average of maybe 10 minutes per wrestler or so. What exactly is so massive about that amount of time? And why would that time not stay the same with the rosters together? If anything, having two shows gives a performer the opportunity to DOUBLE his face time when he has momentum going.

It seems like a good idea, but in the long run it's just preventing the WWE from producing what we are all craving... new stars. It'll boost ratings for a short period... that is until veterans like HHH, Taker, HBK, etc. all retire. But then what? No one will have enough star power to carry the flagshiop shows anymore. It would eventually kill the WWE.

It would kill the WWE, mean the way it was dead in the forty some odd years that they were doing this before the brand extension? So to sum up your arguments against this, this will prevent new stars from being created and will take away TV time, but there is no way to prove this, especially since this is what was being done when the WWE's ratings were double what they are now. Plus, I'm not saying get rid of the brand extension altogether, both shows will still have their exclusive champions, which will further get over the champions.

If Batista comes out on Raw for instance and has a promo hyping his match for Smackdown, then on Smackdown they have the match, doesn't that both double Batista's exposure and double the hype for Smackdown? And vice versa....if Legacy cuts a promo on Smackdown about DX or whatever the case may be, then on Raw they have the match, doesn't that also double their exposure, and better hype the television programming? If The Miz wrestles Evan Bourne as some sort of warm up, then wrestles Smackdown exclusive John Morrison for the IC Championship, doesn't that hype the match and get Miz double the time? And if a superstar has momentum, like MVP, why can't he wrestle like Jack Swagger on one show and then Big Show on another show?

And if two matches seems like too much for one wrestlers in a week (even though that was done through the Attitude era) who is to say that a performer can't show up once a week? For example, MVP wrestles Jack Swagger on Smackdown, and wasn't on Raw at all that week. Then next week he might be back on Raw, then won't be on Smackdown.

Your argument can be solved with some simple time management on a case by case basis, depending on the momentum of each performer, and what is best for the feud. The best thing about this is a performer could have a promo on one show for a couple minutes, maybe even backstage or maybe even old school where they pop up in a bubble in the corner and talk trash, then on the next program that week, they have the match.

Lack of stars being created and TV time is a TOTAL non-issue if this is done correctly, as any professional writer should be able to do.
personally while i 100 percent want all the brands to be unified, right now really is not the time because while what one person said about feuds moving faster, we would still get most of the same people doing feuds. with that being said i did recently realize why so many of the younger talent 10 years ago did get over with the fans. and the answer is factions. back in the day they put all their young talent in factions with veterans.

they had a decent amount of factions back then: DX, the nation, hart foundation, ministry of darkness, corporation, union, the radicalz, and too cool to name a few. on top of that, they had a shit load of tag teams. edge and christian, hardys, dudleys, apa, too cool, headbangers, there were more but i cant think of any at the moment but you get the idea. back in the day i dont think they had the same amount of talent as they do now, but a good way to get them all on tv now is to actually make tag teams competitive again, and to make more factions. now they cant get carried away with the amount of members like the nwo or even when the corporate ministry was created i was like man thats a lot of dudes. but i still think the corporate ministry was awesome, they should really make more factions for the younger guys instead of pretty much just all the younger guys going after the us or ic titles.
o yeah i forgot, i also disagree with the whole 2 champions one on each show idea, because if the shows are unified and you want people tuning in to both shows, wouldnt you want the people in your main feud to be on both shows to help extend the program that their doing together? i always hated the idea of having 2 champions even with the whole seperate shows thing. if i was to unify the shows then i would unify the titles, and have the ic title be above the us title and the us title would pretty much be the european title of old.
whydoes it seem that about once a week someone starts a new thread about ending the brand extention? they never will...just like the rock will never.....eeevveerrr wrestle again. he night do taped things thike the aneversery shows.
ending the brand split would kill people like The Miz and Morrison and the other lower card wrestlers because they would never be on tv cause the top names taking all the time.

the thing that wwe should do. and do starting at the first of the year is go back to ONLY 12..maybe even cut to 9 or 10 PPVs a year. when there is 15 ppvs a year it's just to much. they should start with that and see how things change..and if they don't...then find something else that needs to be done.
That would be the worst thing to do right now. The midcard would be held down and we would get promoms from Cena, DX, and Punk twice a week.

I'm not against them being on both brands for a purpose (Jerishow) but not for the sole purpose of hogging the spotlight

With Bragging Rights whole Raw vs Smackdown concept I would love for Cena to lose and go to Smackdown where they will start up another invasion type storyline with superstars from both showing up and attacking each other leading up to Smackdown vs Raw survivor series matches. Eventually have superstars jump brands or turn on each other. ECW stars would be forced to choose where their allegiance is

It's a rehashed storyline but it could change up the mainevent on both shows and create a multibrand storyline to where you would want to turn in to every show to see what happens next
Another idea: Starting with the next draft, pick a number. 10, 12, 15, whatever WWE picks. Each brand has that many "exclusive" wrestlers. Everyone below that level is available for any show that wants them that week. During the year, RAW or SD could "sign" a free agent, making them exclusive, but they would have to cut someone, making them available to the other two brands.
That would be the worst thing to do right now. The midcard would be held down and we would get promoms from Cena, DX, and Punk twice a week.

Ok once again, that is not an argument against the roster being together, what you are saying is a matter of time management. Please re-read my post and see that it is generalized and just because I did not list detail for detail, segment for segment, milisecond by milisecond, does not mean the general merging of the roster would not work. I'd also like to point out to those who are sick of seeing threads about the brand split ending, that this isn't just about putting the roster together, Raw and Smackdown would still have their own champions. Please re-read my post.

Anybody who will say anything about micard talent not being used and "I don't want to see HHH twice a week" or something like that, please you also re-read my post. If you do, you will see that what you are saying is a seperate issue. That is a booking and timing issue that can easily be worked out, for example, only having someone appear on TV once a week, just an example. I think that it's pretty safe to say that we are seeing kinks with the brands being split the way they are....why don't we talk about those?

Filler matches each week.

Lack of storylines due to the same faces being on each show.

Skimpy main event roster on both programs

Same main event matches over and over on PPV

I could go on and on but I'm not a WWE basher like most of the IWC....I am merely showing that the problems that are going on right now are much worse than any of these easily fixable problems if the rosters were put together WITH EXCLUSIVE CHAMPIONS.

To any one else, please note the following and I won't post again on this topic as long as you can note the following...

1. The Brand Extension has been going on for over seven years, while the roster being together had been going on for decades. My point in saying this is for those who act as if the Brand Extension has been the only way the WWE, or any wrestling promotion for that matter, has been run.

2. I am not saying put the rosters together with no remains of the brand extension. Both shows would keep their own champion. This will leave the shows with some exclusive content and the champions will be treated like royalty since they are the only ones who are exclusive. This would further get over all champions.

3. Please don't talk about midcard talent being used right without some further reasoning behind it. They can still have the same amount of matches and airtime, just on different shows. For example Kofi Kingston does not have to appear on both shows in the same week.

This opens up countless match possibilities instead of the same filler matches with the same people, IE Chavo Guerrero vs. Hornswaggle and would also help the tag team division and it would also help PPV Main Events. Instead of being forced to scramble the same four main eventers on each show and have each main event match happen more than once, we can go back to the days where a main event PPV title match actually means that it's the performer's one shot at the title.

But just read the three points I listed above and if you agree to disagree, that's fine, but just note those three points on what not to do when reading/responding to the post.
What you're saying has absolutely nothing with combining the roster and more to do with time management. Right now, stars are on TV one show a week, an average of maybe 10 minutes per wrestler or so. What exactly is so massive about that amount of time? And why would that time not stay the same with the rosters together? If anything, having two shows gives a performer the opportunity to DOUBLE his face time when he has momentum going.

It would kill the WWE, mean the way it was dead in the forty some odd years that they were doing this before the brand extension? So to sum up your arguments against this, this will prevent new stars from being created and will take away TV time, but there is no way to prove this, especially since this is what was being done when the WWE's ratings were double what they are now. Plus, I'm not saying get rid of the brand extension altogether, both shows will still have their exclusive champions, which will further get over the champions.

If Batista comes out on Raw for instance and has a promo hyping his match for Smackdown, then on Smackdown they have the match, doesn't that both double Batista's exposure and double the hype for Smackdown? And vice versa....if Legacy cuts a promo on Smackdown about DX or whatever the case may be, then on Raw they have the match, doesn't that also double their exposure, and better hype the television programming? If The Miz wrestles Evan Bourne as some sort of warm up, then wrestles Smackdown exclusive John Morrison for the IC Championship, doesn't that hype the match and get Miz double the time? And if a superstar has momentum, like MVP, why can't he wrestle like Jack Swagger on one show and then Big Show on another show?

And if two matches seems like too much for one wrestlers in a week (even though that was done through the Attitude era) who is to say that a performer can't show up once a week? For example, MVP wrestles Jack Swagger on Smackdown, and wasn't on Raw at all that week. Then next week he might be back on Raw, then won't be on Smackdown.

Your argument can be solved with some simple time management on a case by case basis, depending on the momentum of each performer, and what is best for the feud. The best thing about this is a performer could have a promo on one show for a couple minutes, maybe even backstage or maybe even old school where they pop up in a bubble in the corner and talk trash, then on the next program that week, they have the match.

Lack of stars being created and TV time is a TOTAL non-issue if this is done correctly, as any professional writer should be able to do.

I think I misread your idea the first time around. After reading it over again, I think I understand what you're saying. If you combine the two shows, there is no need for "seperation of brands." Then, you can have all of the wrestlers mixed in and they can be utilized on whichever television show the writers decide to use them for during that particular week. For example, (when using Taker and Punk from Smackdown and Cena and Orton from Raw) one week could have Orton vs. Cena on Raw and Taker vs. Punk on Smackdown, the next week could be Taker vs. Cena on Raw and Punk vs. Orton on SD, the next week Taker vs. Punk on RAW and Orton vs. Cena on SD, etc...

I think this is a good idea. However, the WWE's original idea was to brand their talent for specified shows during the week to give each show it's own stamp for having particular stars on their shows each week. Mixing them up would be a great idea IMO, but they're too stubborn to pull it off. I think that, eventually, they would go back to filling BOTH shows with nothing but top stars and top talent, allowing more susceptibility for injury and preventing other cards to shine. They abuse the shit out of these workers that put their body and lives on the line for us week in and week out. I don't think they'll care enough to slow down their schedules. Plus, I think that wrestlers would bitch and moan if someone like John Cena (for example, since he's arguable the WWE's top attraction) appeared on both shows while they were confined to only one show per week.

Overall, I think it's a good idea. But egos would completely get in the way of this becoming truly effective, whether they belong to the wrestlers or the executives.
If they insist on keeping the Roster Split in tact, then this is my next recommendation.

However, if they would unify the Brands, then the feuds could move at a much more rapid pace, and be over between 2-3 PPV's, as opposed to carrying on to 4, 5, or 6 PPV's between the title changes, and rematches, and then the title switches back, only to have another rematch (Orton/Cena).

With the Brands unified, there would be a lot more potential for rotating the opponents due to the greater depth to select from with the Brands unified. That way, he could still do the number of PPV's he wants, and still keep the feuds relatively fresh since they would be moving at a faster pace.

I actually agree with this.

As far as commenting on the OP, I think combining the 2 main brands RAW and SD! wouldn't necessarily be a bad idea. Obviously keep the champ's on their respective shows but have the brands more or less combined to keep the title scene's fresh.

Regarding ECW, it's obvious that not only is ECW doing well as a developmental brand, but despite the IWC's protests, it's never going to be the old school ECW it once was. So since we must live with that as fans, I think it's fine where it is right now.

The mid card guys would still get a good chance to shine.
I like this idea. I myself have even had this idea before. Unfortunately I do not believe it would work out well. Due to the fact that all the main eventers would/could appear on both shows I think the writers would have a hard time getting the midcard time to shine on tv. I believe that creative would focus on establishing many main event feuds as to keep the guys all busy and at the same time it would overcrowd the main event I believe. Everything would change in my eyes. Pay per views would be filled with main event feuds and no mid card ones.

However if this were to happen I would merge ECW too. This way all the fresh meat can be pounded by the big dogs. I mean what better way is there to see if they can hold their own in the ring then to have the face someone already established. I am not necessarily saying put Yoshi against Orton... but more like put Yoshi against the established character who knows what he is doing in the ring. To me it would be a better test then constantly having them fight amongst themselves.

Your idea while it was good would not work though. Sorry to say that because I had this idea a while back too. I just couldn't see it working.
CKDaimen Don't get me wrong I love the idea in theory but if it went into place it would be majorly flawed . I agree the main event is getting really old and it would break up the same matches we have seen for the past year.

I also agree about keeping the champs exclusive making them seem more important than the rest of the roster. I just think if it went into effect we would have Cena vs Jericho on Raw and on Smackdown Cena vs Punk with Jericho interfering. Thats no different than the lame tag matches we are subjected to now.

I think it could even give us fresh midcard feuds we haven't seen before

I just don't see anyone ever getting elevated to mainevent if this was to happen. There would be no need to because they can keep switching the feuds up. (ie. After Cena loses to Orton at a PPV he would walk into Smackdown that same week and claim to be the number 1 contender for Taker's title) Thus still keeping Ziggler, Morrison, MVP, and Swagger in the midcard until Batista, DX and Taker retire.
-Keep Raw on Monday and keep Smackdown on Friday but combine both shows once again.
-Go through the roster and eliminate unnecessary characters, and ship the bottom card guys to ECW.
-Leave the elites and the mid cards for Raw and Smackdown.
-Unify every title.
-Drop the damn "Heavyweight" label and give it solely to "WWE" Champion. (Rey, C.M Punk, Edge...etc) - clearly not "Heavyweights".

Mid carders like MVP, Swagger, Miz and so on can be used just like the great mid cards of the late 90's (Val Venis, Billy Gun, D-lo....etc) - Not hours of on screen, but instead short and sweet. Keep us hooked with intriguing story lines, but we don't really need hours of mid cards anyway, nor do we need hours of HHH. Get on the mic, build up the feud and have the match. 10 minutes per feud on cable is fine, save the gravy for the PPV's.
Oh god, time to use my brain...that should equal, if it's 10 minutes per feud/60 minutes per hour/ 2 hours per show/ 2 shows per week, well that's like 6 feuds a week?

I kid, that will give enough time per week to develop feuds for 24 matches. Take away commercials and promo's we're looking at least 15-19 feuds per week. WAY more than enough to get us from PPV to PPV for the payoff.

-Bring back the KOTR PPV and limit the number of PPV's to 6. (RR, SS, WM, SS, KOTR & and a December or Jan PPV.

-Change the stupid spinner on the WWE title.
-Turn Cena Heel.
-Bring back blood.
-Save gimmick matches for when necessary.
-Add new members to DX or drop in entirely.

I would like to see anybody able to feud with anybody. I would like 8 guys wanting to go after the WWE champion, same with the IC and Tag belts.

-Most importantly, I would like the WWE creative to give a damn about us and actually put effort into story lines and feuds.

This is just me though, I'm sure not everyone feels the same. Do I think all of these things will happen? No, I don't. Do I think some of these things will happen? No, still don't. Ha!
I believe the one thing wwe should do is bring back the cruser weight title. I mean seriously why did they even get rid of it in the first place, because it was part of some stupid story line with the chairmen and hornswoggle. Also what do your think made smackdown so different from raw or that joke ecw. IT HAD THE CRIUSERWEIGHT DIVISION FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. I mean I would honestly watch a match with two athletic guys. Then watching some fat out of shape dude pretending to be athletic.
Then who should they put in this division I got a good list:
-Evan Bourne
-Rey mysterio
-Primo(although he's kind of a jobber now)
-Hornswoggle lol
-Tyson kidd
-Matt Hardy
-and any other superstars that you can think of
My personal opinion is that ECW should be changed to Nitro and be 2 hours long. Then move Smackdown to Wednesdays and Superstars should be changed to Thunder and be 2 hours long as well. Tape Raw and Nitro together, as well as Smackdown and Thunder together (merge the ECW title with either the IC or US title). Bring in more wrestlers to make up the 2 more hours of TV time each week. Put main eventers on Raw and Smackdown, midcarders on Nitro and Thunder, the Divas and WORLD TAG titles on Raw & Nitro, the Womens and WWE TAG titles on Smackdown & Thunder. Yes I am saying to split the Tag Titles up again cuz there will be more wrestlers than now. So to recap: Raw/Nitro will share the WWE, WORLD tag, US, and Divas titles, while Smackdown/Thunder will share the World, WWE tag, IC, and Womens titles. Also make sure to get all wrestlers involved each week.....
I think all us as fans would like to see this but i dont see it happening. First off they are running 2 house shows a night. If they put the brands togther they think it would be harder to draw at these house shows so they would end up going back to 1 a night. This means less work for the younger wrestlers, not to mention alot of ring crew, truck drivers, writers, and agents. People forget that the 20 or so wrestlers you see at a show arent the only employees. Most house shows have 80 to 100 non camera employees involved. I cant even imagine how many guys get work on t.v. tapings and ppvs.

Second if you combine the two brands there are going to be a list of 15 to 20 current rosters members let go. If both shows are combined they have to focus them both around the main event scene so less time for young guys. Just my guess but if this happened we would probably be saying goodbye to Charlie Haas, Chavo Gurrero, Chris Masters, Jamie Noble, Primo, R Truth, etc. Or they would keep these guys and send them to ECW and get rid of a ton of guys from that roster.

For us the fans it would be a dream come true. For up and coming wrestlers it would mean even less spots and make it even harder to make it get into the show. While TNA is pushing their young guys, I dont really see them bringing in unknown guys and trying to make stars while the brand split in WWE does allow them to do this. Take that away and where does a young guy go to make a name?
I like the idea, but I'm afraid of all the guys that have been built up over time will be crushed down because the top guys can feud for both world titles. The Champions on strictly one brand is a nice idea, and all the feuds could be fresh, but I just think creative would drop the ball and crush the rise of some of the mid card talent in Miz, Morrison, Dolph and Kofi.
They shouldn't have never split the brands in the first place, stupid move. The ratings were always better, and they had alot of different fued options, stables, and stars who could replace injured stars. They need to put the roster/ brands back together and keep them that way. And hurry.
While I have many thoughts on if brand unification would be better or worse. Personally, what I feel the best thing the WWE could do right now is fewer PPV's.
When was the last time anyone saw an increase in buy rates, excluding wrestlemania?

How are we as wrestling fans suppose to get excited when just coming off the Super Bowl of Wrestling and 3 weeks later there is another PPV. There is not hardly even a full month between PPV anymore.

And now they are struggling to get gimmick PPV to draw on??? Really??

I couldn't agree more, I've felt this way for many many years now, can't beat the day where ppv's really felt like a BIG event. Give it a few years and we won't even have wrestlemania anymore, itll be 'hellinaneliminationchamberonapoleMANIA.
Do you people understand that the purpose of the WWE is to make money, and not to entertain the internet audience. There is absolutely no argument that the WWE would benefit from combining the rosters. The WWE makes around $100million more every year than before the brandsplit, when wrestling was far more popular. They also sell around a million more PPVs annually too, despite there only being two extra ones.

From a selfish point of view, I would probably rather see a combined roster, but it wouldn't be as rosy as we all imagine. Think about it, how many of the current main eventers would still be main eventers on a combined brand. Sadly, I think all we'd really see is a company making less money, selling fewer PPVs with a load of lower carders getting fired.

The WWE should maintain the status quo with the brand split for as long as the financial rewards are clear, which will be for the foreseeable future in all honesty.

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