The Best Stables of the 21st Century

S.J. Maximus

Championship Contender
I actually had a pretty heated conversation about this at one of my local bars, so I decided to bring this argument to the attention of my WZ community. The title says it all basically, but let me clarify, what have been the 3 best stables of the 21st century?

My "greatest to never win the world title in the 21st century" thread included people who debuted in the 90's but peaked in the 2000's but for this thread I will not allow that. I want 3 groups formed after 1999, no DX or NWO allowed. With that being said, this is my list:

1. Evolution - I will be completely shocked if there's anyone in this thread who doesn't put Evolution at #1. I might be biased when I say this but I think Evolution is the only group of the 21st century that deserves to be mentioned in the same class as the Four Horsmen, the NWO, and Degeneration-X. The two best stable leaders of all time in Ric Flair and Triple H coming together to lead a new faction, based entirely on the idea of building new stars. I have never seen a group put over its talent better than Evolution helped Randy Orton and Batista. Being in the NWO didn't help Scott Hall win the title, X-Pac and Road Dogg did next to nothing when DX disbanded, but Orton and Batista can boast that they became main-eventers and world champions as a direct result of being members of Evolution. If any group needs to be brought back, it should've been this one to put over the next crop of main event talent.

2. The Nexus - Just like the career of its leader Wade Barrett, the story of the Nexus is a story of missed opportunities and the proverbial "dropping of the ball". Think back to those times, where the show NXT was revolutionary in itself; it exposed us to developmental talent in an unfamiliar setting in which matches were fought, promos were cut, and random challenges were made. IMO, it was better than tough enough, and even an improvement from ECW - which had dissolved into nothing by its last year. To see those guys unite and DESTROY the entire RAW roster for the better part of 2010 was one of the best things I've seen since I started watching wrestling 20 years ago. Their debut might be the best ever besides Hogan's turn for the NWO, and they are the only group besides the NWO who I've seen dominate the roster in such a way that HEELS and FACES worked together to try to stop them! It was either Nexus, or Against us and they had Wade Barrett doing a fantastic job leading the way for them. Wade was a confident, cocky, eloquent speaker who could go in the ring. Unfortunately, they had Cena bury the entire 7-man group and then gave CM Punk the reigns for NO REASON until Randy Orton buried the new 5-man group. Had they let Wade win at Survivor Series 2010, or at least have Randy win and Cena actually remain fired, the Nexus would probably be in a class of its own - 7 young guys making a name for themselves but annihilating ANYONE THEY COULD. pure gold.

3. Legacy - This spot was actually the root of the argument that I had at the bar. Shield or Legacy? Both were very successful trios that could boast at one point that each member was a champion. They both can claim they completely dominated a full year of RAW, consistently performing in the main event and affecting the World Title Picture along the way. I, however, give the nod to Legacy because they were in the World Title picture, not simply affecting it. No member of the Shield is or ever was close to actually becoming WWE Champion, but Legacy had the luxury of being led by a former champion who was on the verge of having the best two years of his career accolade-wise, Randy Orton in 2009 and 2010. This rise led to him main-eventing WrestleMania and then all 3 members fighting together to get Orton the belt at the next pay-per-view. As Orton fought throughout the summer/fall for the WWE title, Rhodes and & DiBiase had an entertaining feud with two all-time greats in HHH and HBK. They had 2009 in the bag way more than the Shield had 2013, having to share it with the Rock's return and Daniel Bryan's rise. IMO nothing overshadowed Legacy during their run, and that's why I put them as number 3 and Shield as honorable mention.
I'd have to say Evolution. They were a stable of high quality that worked for all four individuals. Triple H got to be the boss; Flair remained relevant and Orton/Batista were able to have an awesome start to their careers. For the stable to put on decent matches/feuds and, above all else, help make the careers of Orton and Batista it must have been good.

Thereafter, I'm not sure. The Nexus debut was incredible but they didn't stick around long enough or, to be honest, wrestle enough. I think they had greater potential but Bryan was released; Sheffield got injured and already they lost some momentum. They were left with guys like Heath Slater and Justin Gabriel - while talented- never had a wow factor about them.

I really enjoyed Legacy. Similar to Evolution it gave a good grounding for Rhodes and Dibiase while allowing Orton to dominate as a heel. Unfortunately, Dibiase is gone and Rhodes has had to have his career rebooted. That being said, I really enjoyed the few months at the start of '09 - the rumble and feud with HHH.

The Shield are the stable I would say rank second behind Evolution. The constancy of their matches is unbelievable. There were quite a few shitty PPV's this year where The Shield still performed and often had the match of the night. Every single time they wrestled on TV as well: whether it be as an individual; just Rollins and Reigns or all three they put on a match of high quality. When you think they are all so young and have immense potential; it is exciting because this stable was the starting point of their careers.

I'd say Evolution, Shield, Nexus are my top three.
Does this have to be WWE only?

Because if so then

1 - Evolution - as mentioned by the OP. This group took two of the best faction leaders in history, and put them with two up and comers, and elevated them from being mid carders, if they were even that at the time. Batista just finished being D-Von Dudley's sidekick, and Orton was doing those bloody "news promos" whilst he had an injured shoulder. They both became bonafide main eventers because of Evolution. It also didn't do HHH any harm, and it showed that flair still had it. Teaming with Batista.

2 - La Familia - I picked these, perhaps because of bias, edge is one of my all time favourites after all. This really elevated him to a totally new class of wrestler. 4 WHC's, 2 WWE titles, and possibly one of the best feuds edge was ever in with the undertaker.
Then take into account Chavo won the ECW title. Hawkins and Ryder won the tag team titles, and Vickie Guerrero won Miss Wrestlemania during the time of La Familia. Okay, so it didn't elevate as many as Evolution. But it did elevate Edge from being a main eventer on the "B-List" show to a Hall of Famer. Plus it made people Edgeheads and who can forget Edge winning against Batista and Taker after having Hawkins and Ryder pretend to be him.

3 - Nexus - this was a toss up between these and Legacy. Legacy were good yes, but Orton was already the main star, and that just furthered it, Rhodes and dibiase weren't really elevated the ways they were meant to.

So back to nexus, all from season one of NXT, which I did enjoy as a concept, but they dropped the ball on that. They appear out of no where, tear apart Raw, decimate Cena and the Straight Edge Society, as well as the announcers and crew. They beat up legends including Bret Hart and Ricky Steamboat. Cost Cena a title at Fatal Four Way. All to get contracts in the wwe. They put Vince himself on the shelf after he tried taking credit for their actions. Okay, so they never won the big one, but they held tag titles. Featured in just about every PPV whilst they were together, and if it wasn't for WWE scared to make SuperCena look weak. He destroyed the nexus single handedly and that really irked me. I was never bothered that they had the nexus get beat. That was always going to happen just they should have had a full team put together.
One thing the wwe should take credit for is the way they resigned Daniel Bryan and used him against the nexus. That was a genius move that started his rise to stardom.

If we aren't talking wwe only though. I would put the Main Event Mafia from TNA at number two. More importantly, the original main event mafia. With the legends of wrestling taking over TNA and silencing the TNA Originals. It was a marvelous storyline to follow. With MEM taking just about every title they could and squashing the competition. Even getting Sting to join them after beating him. This lead to 2 world title reigns, one from sting and one from the leader Kurt angle, booker T and Kevin Nash winning the TV title and renaming it the legends title, the tag team titles, and even got Samoa Joe to betray the TNA Frontline and joined them also. It was a time when scripting and writing in TNA was at an extremely good level, and actually WWE may have felt a little competition as TNA had fans caring about what was happening on the shows.
Most definitely Evolution is the cream of the crop as far as stables go in the 21st century. You had Naitch who is a 16 time world heavyweight champion,a young batista at that time who would go on to win 6 total championships,superstar of the year,Royal Rumble winner.. Then you have Randy Orton,the gem of gems IMO,a 12 time World Champion,Royal Rumble Winner,MITB Winner,and then Triple H,wow his accomplishments are just mind boggling.

A total of 13 world heavyweight championship reigns,a grandslam champion,Royal rumble winner,KOTR winner!! Numerous memorable feuds no other stable is better than Evolution and that includes the 4 horseman IMO
Evolution hands down, based solely on the name value, and where all four members have ended up.
RIC FLAIR: psosibly the greatest of all time, 16 or more World Titles
TRIPLE H: Pretty much running WWE now
RANDY ORTON: Current WWE World Champion, held many titles and is still as relevant as ever
BATISTA: Returning next week, still a major name and will create plenty of speculation in this next run of his.

Nobody else comes remotely close in WWE. As already stated earlier, if including TNA, then the MAIN EVENT MAFIA of Kurt Angle, Sting. Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash and Booker T...well that is a hot group of former world champions. Unfortunately the great ring action of Angle and Booker was let down alot by Nash and Steiner. And Sting wrestling in a t shirt is poor.
The 2000s were not known really for their stables or factions, so the realistic choice is quite limited.
It was a boring time in general but ye, Evolution prolly is the elite stable for the sheer fact that Orton and Batista came out of it. And them running roughshot was good, I guess. I liked evolution but kinda hoped that they would use Evolution as a pedestal to elevate Goldberg. That didn't happen.

Nexus sucked. One Raw, and one firing, that's it. Injuries, convulsed storylines and just the fact that none of them actually had any presence blew that ship under.

I really wanna say Shield but to b honest in a few years time, it'll be the Wyatt Family. And the best thing is, they don't need gold to be added to their MO.

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