The best return of the dead man


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So what is your favourite return of the Undertaker? He's had plenty of 'resurrections', such as returning with Paul Bearer to face Kane at Wrestlemania XX, and in a flaming casket to face Randy Orton at Survivor Series 05.

My personal favourite is at Judgement Day 2000. His return had been teased with a strange promo with weird girls saying 'now back from the dead'... which I guess made it obvious who it would be, but this was before I knew about internet forums :D

And his return at the end of an excellent Iron Man match between Rock and Triple H, on his bike and to a Kid Rock track, and then destroying the McMahon-Helmsley faction, and tombstoning Triple H, well, I peed my pants.
i would say his best return was at wrestlemania 20...just for the fact taht the deadman gimmick had disappeared for quite sometime and for him to leave the way he did (kane burying him) then returning with was just awesome..esp to see him come back with paul was a good fucking night....i agree that judgement day 2000 was awesome..came back with his biker gimmick and was in the ring with the greats like rock, shawn, was a hell of a moment...but wrestlemania i think surpasses that because of the return of the deadman gimmick
i would say his best return was at wrestlemania 20...just for the fact taht the deadman gimmick had disappeared for quite sometime and for him to leave the way he did (kane burying him) then returning with was just awesome..esp to see him come back with paul was a good fucking night....i agree that judgement day 2000 was awesome..came back with his biker gimmick and was in the ring with the greats like rock, shawn, was a hell of a moment...but wrestlemania i think surpasses that because of the return of the deadman gimmick

Before you even see Undertaker or Bearer, just hearing Paul Bearer saying 'Oh yeeeesss!' got a huge pop.
My personal favourite is at Judgement Day 2000. His return had been teased with a strange promo with weird girls saying 'now back from the dead'... which I guess made it obvious who it would be, but this was before I knew about internet forums :D

And his return at the end of an excellent Iron Man match between Rock and Triple H, on his bike and to a Kid Rock track, and then destroying the McMahon-Helmsley faction, and tombstoning Triple H, well, I peed my pants.

That was my favorite aswell, I didn't new who it was going to be or even what those promos even meant at the time, then during the match, all the shit hits the fan, and out of nowhere Taker comes flying down to the ring on his bike, at first I didn't even know it was him then he started clearing sthe ring, that was probnably one of my favorite moments in wrestling, to me that was the perfect return, i like it better when I don't see it coming
Judgement Day was an awesome return, no doubt, but my personal favorite was when he came back after he was burned alive and "rose to the rafters" at the Royal Rumble, and came back to defeat the Underfaker (Brian Lee). The match itself wasn't so good, but the build, with classic Taker Mind games was fantastic
The absolute only positive thing to gain from Undertaker (or anyone, HHH, Mysterio) absence, is a great return.

If Taker's rehab is 6-8 months that puts it right around Survivor Series.
My personal favorite taker return was at Wrestlemania 20.I ordered the pay per view and when i heard paul bearer say the words"Ohhhh Yeeeaaahhh!"i was like omg its paul bearer and the undertaker!!!

That was too awesome.
I think at WM 20 when he returned with PB was the best.

It was the most suspensful and he had been absent for quite some time, I also remember him "floating" down to the ring one time I can't remember what PPV it was but I remember absolutely loving it.
I think at WM 20 when he returned with PB was the best.

It was the most suspensful and he had been absent for quite some time, I also remember him "floating" down to the ring one time I can't remember what PPV it was but I remember absolutely loving it.

he "floated" down to the ring at WM 21 when he wrestled Orton
Definately WM20 obviously because he returned with Paul Bearer and it was the first time the Deadman gimmick had been used in quite some time. As others mentioned once Paul Bearer said "Oh yeeeeessssss" I marked like a little girl haha.
I got to say Judgement Day 2000 because he made a big impact and debuted a new gimmick that I'm not a fan of but that's beside the point. He came out to the last few minutes of The Rock vs. Triple H 60 minute Iron Man Match. This match was fucking awesome and then to decide the match Undertaker comes out and attacks HHH thus costing The Rock the match. This return also had the most meaning as well because it debuted a new gimmick and decided an important WWE Championship defence. BTW, you can find the video of Taker returning on Kane on Vidilife, Dailymotion or Google Video.
You know,I kinda got tired of his resurrection storylines after Survivor Series 2003( returning at WM20).But I will always be a total mark for his 1st one back in 1994 at SummerSlam.The whole Undertaker vs. Undertaker was one of the greatest storylines in pro-wrestling history.
One of my favorites was when Kane helped HBK beat him in a casket match then Kane and Uncle Paul set the casket on fire for The Deadman to return in a casket which was then struck by lightning opening up for The Deadman to raise up and cutting one of his classic promos with many cool lighting bolts.

Yeah I remember the Undertaker vs the Prime Time Brian Lee-Taker match but the videos of people who had Undertaker sighting were the best including the guy who worked at Subway saying Undertaker got a meatball sandwich lol classic WWF days.
I'd Have to say my favorite was when Taker' returned at Wrestlemania 20. Everything Was Perfect for that event. The build-up, the vignettes, the storyline with Kane, the return of Paul Bearer, The actual entrance itself. Everything about that return was awesome. When the druids came out and then i heard Paul Bearer speak I got goosebumps it was AMAZING!!

I also loved the Undertaker vs. Undertaker return too that was a CLASSIC!
How can you not go with the original....1994 Summerslam! After Yokozuna and about a dozen others finally were able to put him down at Royal Rumble 1994 in the casket match, i remember him saying "i will never rest in peace. And you will witness the rebirth of the undertaker." Then to wait till summerslam in the undertaker vs undertaker match. It was definitely a cool moment if you never saw it.

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