The Best League In The World? (Soccer)

Now, for all those who follow football; or soccer, whatever you want to call it, the argument about the best league in the world will have come up at some point with friends, colleagues, or strangers at football matches. It is perceived by many in the English media (obviously) that the Premier League is the best in the world, at least from a purely aesthetical standpoint, if not finincial. I shall start off with the Premier League, then hopefully you lot will offer your opinions on this.

Firstly then, the Premier League:

From 1992, on the back of a sudden wave of money from Sky, the Premiership was born, bringing with it the sudden influx of big money to all teams involved. This econmic boom for the Premier League is still going on, and it has got bigger and bigger worldwide, with over the last few years, that economic dominance translating into European dominance. However, this economic dominace has come at the cost of the same 4 clubs challenging every year. This has changed, particularly in the last season, however not without serious outside investment.

This pressure on clubs to better themselves has already led to one imploding (Portsmouth) one at least £700 million in debt (Manchester United) and with almost every club in the Premiership in some form of debt. And now, with the two best players in the world playing in La Liga, has the Premiership lost its lustre? Is the same three clubs competing for the title of ever season beneficial?

The question on how we judge the best league in the world remains. Is it from a quality and entertainment standpoint; a competiton standpoint; or an economic standpoint? Or a combination of all three? In terms of quality and entertainment, I believe the Premiership really is in a league of its own. All teams, on their day, can beat each other, as evidenced by Portsmouth beating Liverpool; Wigan beating Arsenal, Chelsea and Liverpool; Burnley beating Man United, not to mention some of the best football matches around, such as the first Manchester derby of the season.

I welcome all of your opinions and look forward to some interesting discussion.

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