The Best In The World


The Fantastic Captain
It might be just me... But I would be totally psyched about "The Best In The World" CM Punk being challenged by a returning "Best In The World At What He Does" Chris Jericho. While I don't think WWE needs to repeatedly bring back older wrestlers and veterans, there's no doubting Jericho still has a few years left in him, and can still be a major player in WWE. I know we all want to see CM Punk VS Austin, but I really think Jericho and Punk could have a great program, too. I would probably do it after Austin tho, just because I don't think it would be AS big. Maybe this could be a substitute program in case Austin can't wrestle? Also, CM Punk does a great job of putting veterans over; He's been carrying this whole Triple H/Nash thing, so I think a returning superstar would benefit greatly. Like a mutual benefit

What do you guys think? Are there other people you want CM Punk to face?
I don't think Punk is carrying Nash/HHH. Thats nonsense. CM Punk isn't in the same class of superstar as HHH is or Nash was. Thats just common sense. The angle is interesting because all three men bring something to the table. Punk isnt at the level where he can have a good money making fued with just anybody-hence why hes got Nash and HHH on TV working to help him get over.

Now as for Jericho- I think it would be a great fued for the IWC. A big draw? Im not sure. Jericho isnt as big a star as he was in the early 2000s and Punk is just developing into a main eventer. The matches would be good. The promos have a lot of potential. In my personal opinion, I find heel Jericho to be a bit boring with his long monotone promos. I would love to see the funnier Jericho that did a shoot on Orton when he returned feud with Punk.
I agree with dtroppe, I don't like it when everyone says that an angle or match for that matter was good solely because of CM Punk. Punk was not carrying Nash/HHH, keep in mind they are veterans that are popular due to their mic skills in addition to the work they put in bell-to-bell.

On topic, CM Punk is a great talent, I think WWE is giving Punk a big slice of cake right now. They can easily stretch this Punk/Nash/HHH angle into the next PPV post N.o.C. and then double back to Cena vs Punk again or however they want it to play out, this probably is the most compelling story in WWE so I believe that in order to build Punk as the #2 or maybe #1 face of the company you have to put him in something like this.

Punk vs Jericho can be big due to the IWC love for Jericho and Punk and because Punk is hot right now. In many ways it's a dream match, thus it can be built for Mania 28 if Austin can't wrestle. Usually when Jericho returns he spins a great reaction and at that point can be a good to great draw.

Other competitors to put Punk up against in the future or whenever, I would say The Miz, for the sake of the youth movement; Miz has grown on me and I can't simply say the guy is crap like many other people he put in work he has a above decent move-set, he's great on the mic their back and forth banter could be great and elevate the both of them. Additionally Maybe Punk can teach Miz something in the ring. Or the WWE can put him up against The Undertaker, focus build on who's a better submission specialist (pointing out how Taker pulled out a hell's gate sub on HHH at Mania 27) it could draw.
If it does go down at Mania, Punk vs. Austin, I certainly wouldn't mind. However, I think that this match could possibly steal Cena vs. The Rock's thunder, so I think if it does happen it won't be until Mania 29. I wouldn't mind seeing Jericho return to fight Punk at Mania. I think it would be a classic. But, if Punk and Austin does go ahead this Wrestlemania coming up, I would still enjoy seeing Jericho return and battling The Miz. To me, The Miz seems like a younger, modified version of Jericho, so I think they could have an excellent war on the mic with a pretty good match at Mania to follow.
I want to see CM PUNK vs Jericho more than Austin vs CM PUNK. I just don't want Austin to wrestle and CM Punk does botch at times and if he botches the GTS on Austin it can end Austin and leave him paralized. I mean on paper sure, this match is gold but in reality I don't want it to happen even though I would watch it. Stay out the ring Austin.

Now Jericho who I think who work great with Punk is what I truly want to see. Jericho is a technical machine and him an Punk could def put on a good show. I think the story line can be good and it can be a good SS match up if Austin, Punk at Mania. I think Jericho and Punk can have that chemisrtry were we don't need to hear who carried who as it would flow so nice it would look so natrual. An Punk is not carrying Trips and Nash as did you watch Super Smackdown. Trips got twice the pop and is amazing in the ring and Nash is a Vet who is good at talking too. Again it looks so good that its flowing together natrually and its why I keep watching this angle as it doesn't seemed forced.

Now I would like to see some Punk vs D-Bry matches for a good 20 minuets to let them tear the place down. Them matches would kick so much ass. I would also like to see some Jomo vs Punk matches again as they both seem to improved shit loads so this can be another good series of match ups. An some matches wit Miz would be worth the watch too.
I don't think Punk benefits from working with Nash. Nash is a total hasbeen. However Triple H can still go and have good matches. and of course HHH gets a bigger pop than Punk he is a veteran.
I keep bringing it up so I am gonna have to say it again…. Chris Jericho Made Cena look like gold during a match to try and get Jericho into team Cena vs the Nexus and I would absolutely LOVE to see Jericho vs CmPunk.

However if anyone should have a Gripe with CM over the Best in the World title…. Its Daniel Bryan. This was Daniel Bryan’s title during his ROH days and as a former ROH competitor himself I think CM punk fully well knew this.

And also Kurt Angle but we don’t really need to talk about him now do we?
Number one on my list for who Punk should face is obviously Jericho, how surprising. The mic work alone would be worthy of being perhaps the best of the year, no doubt, and the matches themselves could also top the year end polls. My hope is that enough interest builds in the possibility of this feud, that Jericho comes back simply for this. It's WrestleMania worthy, and I could really see it going on for quite some time.

Another guy I'd like to see is Daniel Bryan again, though I really doubt that will happen anytime soon. The action in the ring would be phenomenal though, and maybe working with Punk could help improve Bryan's mic skills.
Chris Jericho is pretty high up on the list of people I would like to see Punk feud with. Is Austin can give it another short go I wouldn't mind seeing them work a program either. As someone else had mentioned, a Punk/Bryan feud would be pretty sweet as well. I could honestly rattle off a bunch of guys I would like to see work with Punk right now as he is currently one of the more entertaining guys out there.
Don't get me wrong, I love Nash and Triple H as much as the next guy, but I was just expressing that they're both a little understandably rusty in talking, and the whole presentation would be a mess if CM Punk's promo skills weren't what they were. That's what I meant when I said that Punk could carry a veteran. And with Jericho, he could help get him get back into the groove
Most people would love to see Austin or Jericho against Punk at WM28, but for me I'd like to see the WWE give some fresher faces a go. Guys like Cody Rhodes and Dolph Ziggler are without a doubt future world champions and they've got all the talent in the world. The thing that makes Punk so good is he brings out the best in his opponent as we saw with John Cena. If he can make John Cena look good imagine what he can do with a Ziggler or Rhodes.

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