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The best heel in the last decade is...

Little Jerry Lawler

Sigmund Freud On Ritalin And Roids

You know him, you hate him, and you always boo whenever he appears on your screen. He is the great John Bradshaw Layfield. You may ask yourself, "How he can possibly say that JBL is the best heel of the last 10 years?" Well, I'm here to tell the Wrestlezone Nation why I think so and give reasons why the other heels pale in comparison.

1. He has been widely criticized for his wrestling style and that is boring and slow. That is what a heel is supposed to and JBL showed great heel psychology in the ring. RVD and Kurt Angle needed to watch footage of JBL matches so they can properly display psychology in the ring. Contrary to popular opinion, I enjoyed JBL's matches. He worked great with Undertaker, Eddie Guerrero, and even the Big Show.

2. Sure his promos were repetitive, but who changes theirs up nowadays. Nevertheless, he was one of the best of the mic and his voice gave off that "I'm better than you and you know it" vibe. He made us think that we can never be as rich and of a big of success as he was.

I'm going to go through some of the best heels and explain in some fashion how JBL was better than them.

I have to admit that HHH was one of the best in the early years of the 2000's. However, most of his heel heat can be attributed to one person- Stephanie McMahon. You hated her so much that anybody that was aligned with her was automatically booed as well. You can say that HHH was a victim of "booed by association." Fast forward to the start of Evolution in 2003 which was one of the most boring years in recent memory. HHH feuded with Steiner, Booker, Nash, and Goldberg. That was hardly an all-star lineup. His heel run didn't start picking up steam after he booted Orton out of Evolution which led to an unsuccessful face turn of one Randall Keith Orton. JBL didn't need any women to help him get heel heat because if he felt she was getting more attention, he would kicked her to the curb just like that.

Randy Orton
Orton was best to me as a heel during 2005-2006 when he was cocky and arrogant. He had a great feud with the Undertaker and Mysterio and looked to be on the road back to the title. This current Orton is slow and methodical but has he had one truly memorable match. People complain of the slowness of his in-ring work, but JBL did the same thing and he did it better. JBL was a brawler which I believe works best when you have a heel-face matchup. Maybe Orton will be there in a few years, but if you keep getting dominated in three vs. one matchups you have no shot.


His heel heat spawned from a real relationship with Lita and he has rode that train to nine world championships which cannot be ignored. He is dubbed "The Ultimate Opportunist" and will find anyway to win. That's all nice and dandy but JBL found ways to keep his championship instead of constantly losing it like Edge. JBL retained his title against the likes of Eddie Guerrero, Booker T, Undertaker, Kurt Angle, and Big Show. Whether it be with the help of Heidenrich, The Cabinet, or escaping through the bottom of cages, JBL always seized opportunity when it was presented to keep the title for nine months.

Kurt Angle
He has the greatest depth of character than anybody I've ever seen. He can play a face and a heel well. He is one of the best comedic heels in recent memory. However, he does not display great heel psychology in the ring. In the midst of Cena's first title reign, he had a great series of matches against Angle. The big mistake Angle made was trying to impress the crowd with high-flying moves which made fans cheer for him. That is a huge no-no. If you're a heel and a fan cheers for you, that's one less person that's booing you. Have you heard a single person cheer for JBL because I sure haven't. He came out to the ring and did what he was supposed to do every time. He made the crowd boo him, he was slow and methodical in the ring, and he found ways to keep his title.

After you read this, you may say that I'm absolutely mental and wonder whoever let this nut post on the forums. I hope that I have if not changed your mind, but a shred of doubt in there about those others who you hate so much. John Bradshaw Layfield was one of the most hated in the WWE, which made him one of my most loved. I welcome everybody to debate why he is or is not the best heel this last decade and give reasons why or list other superstars. This is a family-friendly thread and if you get on my bad side, I only have two words to say to you.

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Can't argue with this at all. Sure, he got pretty bad in the ring towards the end late last year and early this year, but he wasn't as bad as some played him off as. His match with Eddie in the Staples Center is one of my favorite of the decade and his match with Rey for the World Championship on PPV is one of my favorite matches of 2006. However the true beauty was the character he was playing itself. I've always felt that parts of the character were just there to play on GWB's lack of popularity in certain circles and the way that Michael Moore and Jon Stewart were making a go of that lack of popularity. Only in wrestling can you see them go out of their way to capitalize on ill-feeling in that manner. He was a True America, he was so certain about how right he was that it annoyed everyone, he was a Texas big-wig, he was a Republican. I loved the gimmick so very much. Him falling literally ass-backwards into a title win was very fitting for the man. This gimmick was going to get over with whoever had the mic skills to sell it and I just couldn't get enough.
While I will give you the fact that JBL is one of the best heel's of the last decade I don't think that he was best. Now I know the man I'm about to list didn't have that long of a stent as a heel, but god he was great while he was. I'm talking about The Rock. This guy was one of the most beloved men in the wwe in 2002, and when he turn heel in early in 03. It was possibly one of the greatest short heel run's ever. His promo's with Hogan were great. It was at this point he had some of his greatest promos IMO. The man new how to get the fans to hate him. Look at this promo.

Part 1

Part 2

He also had that heel psychology in the ring. He still had his faster paced moves, but he new how to play the heel in the ring. He was always talking trash in the ring. He slowed his matches down to that heel pace that you were talking about. Then at WrestleMania 19 when he put on Stone Cold's vest. If the crowd didn't hate him before they defiantly did it after that.

Like I said he had some greatest promos in these few months. You had that promo I listed, as well as "The Rock Concerts" that were great. In which he basically destroyed every city that he was in. Then you had Rock Appreciation Night.

That's my opinion, now i know he wasn't heel near as long as JBL, but to me he was the greatest heel of the decade.
Id have to agree . J.B.L is a great heel and can relate to the people know days with the economy and he uses it against all of us and hits us personally and thats why he is a great heel
He knows how to get to our nerves and what buttons to push when they need to be pushed. Much better then jericho, not taking anything away from him but I feel like what J.B.L sais we can take more personally and hate him more as for a personal reason
I'm sorry but you're wrong - it's HHH. Look at what he did, mainly in the early parts of this decade. He had an AWESOME fued with The Rock - Backlash 2000 and WM2000 matches show this - the only heel in the past decade to win the WM main event. Of course he got heat because he had the McMahons on his side - but guess what - The Rock's support has got to be down to, in some part, the fact that people wanted to see him kick HHH's jabroni ass. And he retired Mick Foley - one of the most lvoed faces of that era. His Street Fight and Hell in a Cell with Foley were awesome - and he got to be the guy to end his career. He fueded with Stone Cold - he had the guy (who is one of the two biggest faces of ALL TIME) run over - HHH was a heel on such a different level to JBL, who's really just portrayed as a rich, bumbling idiot tbh, and generally was never portrayed as seriously, or as menacingly as HHH. Even later on, he fueded with HBK, the returning golden boy - and ultimately went over him in the Hell in a Cell. He later ran Raw as the leader of Evolution - you can say HHH benefitted from the McMahon's heat - but Orton, Batista and even Flair (yes, Flair) got more heat just by beign associated with with the guy. And look at how good of a heel Orton is now. Look how over Batista got for finally being the guy to beat HHH!
I&#8217;ll agree that JBL was one of the best of this decade, definitely in the top 10 for best heels of the decade. But I disagree with the fact that he was the best. The best heel of this decade was with a shadow of a doubt Vickie Guerrero.

I honestly cannot remember the last time I saw someone generate as much heat as she did during her time with the WWE. She didn&#8217;t even need to say anything, just her coming out to the arena would get the crowd riled up. Before she even said a damn thing they whole arena would boo her as loud as they possibly could. Not a damn person would cheer for her. But that was just before she even began talking. Once one word came out of her mouth, everyone in the arena would just get louder and louder than they already where when they were booing her. Once she dropped an &#8220;Excuse Me&#8221;, people would get even louder than what they were already. People truly loved to hate her and she did an excellent job at drawing so much heat.

There have been countless reports from people that have said they have gone to shows and they could not hear her because of how loud she was getting booed. Do you know what it means to get a whole arena to boo you loud enough so that a lot of people can&#8217;t hear you? It means that Vickie Guerrero was the best heel of this decade and possibly one of the best of the last few decades. If someone was to make a top 10 list of the best heels, Vickie Guerrero would have to be included.
All good points...all wrestlers mentioned are/were very good at being a heel, my personal favourite Jericho, he seems to be having a lot of fun coming up with crazy insults for his promos, and unlike Orton and Edge he backs his words up in the ring without any help and usually not a huge amount of cheating.
I'm sorry but you're wrong - it's HHH. Look at what he did, mainly in the early parts of this decade. He had an AWESOME fued with The Rock - Backlash 2000 and WM2000 matches show this - the only heel in the past decade to win the WM main event. Of course he got heat because he had the McMahons on his side - but guess what - The Rock's support has got to be down to, in some part, the fact that people wanted to see him kick HHH's jabroni ass. And he retired Mick Foley - one of the most lvoed faces of that era. His Street Fight and Hell in a Cell with Foley were awesome - and he got to be the guy to end his career. He fueded with Stone Cold - he had the guy (who is one of the two biggest faces of ALL TIME) run over - HHH was a heel on such a different level to JBL, who's really just portrayed as a rich, bumbling idiot tbh, and generally was never portrayed as seriously, or as menacingly as HHH. Even later on, he fueded with HBK, the returning golden boy - and ultimately went over him in the Hell in a Cell. He later ran Raw as the leader of Evolution - you can say HHH benefitted from the McMahon's heat - but Orton, Batista and even Flair (yes, Flair) got more heat just by beign associated with with the guy. And look at how good of a heel Orton is now. Look how over Batista got for finally being the guy to beat HHH!

Let's talk about Evolution shall we. It's true that Batista, Flair, and Orton got heat by association. Orton was picked as becoming the youngest heavyweight champion in history but ultimately being with Evolution benefitted Batista more. Orton was booted from the stable subsequently causing an unsuccessful face turn. His current heel persona never had anything to do with HHH. I pinpoint the exact moment to be Judgment Day 2007 against Shawn Michaels. He did run RAW, but I don't know if there was that much to run since 2003-2004 wasn't one of RAW's finer moments. I venture to say that HHH wouldn't be as great as heel if it wasn't for Stephanie McMahon but that's a story for another day.
while JBL is in the top 5 i will have to say that Y2J is the best heel in this decade as well. you know why because he turned on the fans at the most opurtune times. He turned On HBK to start off the middle of the year and that led to feud of the year. he just got done with three great legends and beat the shit out of them saying they do not matter and his promos there were great support of that. Or how about REY the fans favorite wrestler. he made a program with this guy look like feud of the year 2009. he got just as much heat as Vickie di maybe worse. when you call the fans hipocrites and turn your back on them and there favorite wrestlers that pisses them off. i can name countless promos where he is better then JBL and Vickie. so i say Y2J wins this award. he did not get superstar of the year award at the slammys for no reason.
while JBL is in the top 5 i will have to say that Y2J is the best heel in this decade as well. you know why because he turned on the fans at the most opurtune times. He turned On HBK to start off the middle of the year and that led to feud of the year. he just got done with three great legends and beat the shit out of them saying they do not matter and his promos there were great support of that. Or how about REY the fans favorite wrestler. he made a program with this guy look like feud of the year 2009. he got just as much heat as Vickie di maybe worse. when you call the fans hipocrites and turn your back on them and there favorite wrestlers that pisses them off. i can name countless promos where he is better then JBL and Vickie. so i say Y2J wins this award. he did not get superstar of the year award at the slammys for no reason.

I would say Jericho got superstar of the year in main part because there weren't any other options. Cena and Orton were hurt most of the year, Batista did nothing of note and HHH didn't have a stellar title reign on Smackdown.

Jericho has found his niche just recently but JBL found it five years ago and still continued to maintain it throughout those years. So far this heel Jericho was at his best when he was facing Mysterio. I would still take five years of heel JBL over one year of heel Jericho.
I couldn't agree more. JBL was that rich bully type character that everyone loved to hate. His promos were so believeable that he was a bad guy, and although sometimes he did get repetitive, he was a great watch. Even though some say Triple H was a better heel than JBL, I have to disagree. In my opinion, Triple H got boring going on and on about his WHC and running to the GM for an easy way out. Where as JBL was alot more fun to watch and listen to.

I think you're forgetting one very important character though, Vince McMahon. I'm not saying is the best but when he was heel he had that "Don't cross the boss" type swagger to him. Always screwing the good guy over, hell doing anything he damn well wants to. Even having matches with his own kids and making out with another woman infront of his wife. If that doesn't scream awesome heel to you then I don't know what does.
JBL is in NO way the greatest heel of the decade. He was SO boring. I didn't even hate the guy, I just wanted him to get the hell off of my screen. So, unless you call a good heel one who makes viewers want to NOT watch, then JBL was not the best in any sense of the word.

I've quite liked Edge this year. In an I hate him way. He really does know how to work the crowd, and I think he's a really talented wrestler.
JBL is in NO way the greatest heel of the decade. He was SO boring. I didn't even hate the guy, I just wanted him to get the hell off of my screen. So, unless you call a good heel one who makes viewers want to NOT watch, then JBL was not the best in any sense of the word.

I've quite liked Edge this year. In an I hate him way. He really does know how to work the crowd, and I think he's a really talented wrestler.

That's what JBL did best. He was so boring to most that they wanted him to get off their screen. It only meant he was doing his job. He annoyed so you much that you wanted to be rid of him. That's what most people hated Vickie for which in turn made her job easier to do.

As far as Edge is concerned, he is okay but I've never felt like booing him that much. True he does know how to work the crowd, but to me he never got that same heat that JBL did. Edge is a talented wrestler but I just think JBL did his job better than him especially in the ring.
I couldn't agree more. JBL was that rich bully type character that everyone loved to hate. His promos were so believeable that he was a bad guy, and although sometimes he did get repetitive, he was a great watch. Even though some say Triple H was a better heel than JBL, I have to disagree. In my opinion, Triple H got boring going on and on about his WHC and running to the GM for an easy way out. Where as JBL was alot more fun to watch and listen to.

I think you're forgetting one very important character though, Vince McMahon. I'm not saying is the best but when he was heel he had that "Don't cross the boss" type swagger to him. Always screwing the good guy over, hell doing anything he damn well wants to. Even having matches with his own kids and making out with another woman infront of his wife. If that doesn't scream awesome heel to you then I don't know what does.

I did forget Vince McMahon how silly of me. I guess I was concentrating to much on wrestlers even though he does wrestle occasionally. He is certainly in the running for number one so I will put him a close number two. McMahon was dependent on Austin and vice versa but I'm going off the criteria that you can get heel heat by not being associated with any single person. We may have different criteria but that is fine as I like good competitive banter.
I guess I could agree from a wrestling standpoint, but as many people have posted on here, I feel as though you seem to be ignoring GMs, and people in power. That's what made us hate JBL as much as we did; because he was so much in power, and we did not want him to be. But with this in mind, and because someone has already thrown out Vince McMahon, I'd like to throw out another man in power, as well;


I can't tell you just how much I hated Brock Lesnar... And to be honest, I really never hated Brock. I hated the man that was a mouth piece for him, good old Paulie. No one knew how to get a reaction quite like Paul Heyman, and every time I saw the man out there, I simply wanted for someone to kick the living the shit out of him.

Also consider the reaction when Paul does actually faces peril, and does find himself in sticky situations. Listen to the pop Undertaker gets when he Tombstones Paulie:


I feel it's much bigger than any reaction JBL got in that same period. Furthermore, while people wanted to see Vickie and JBL get out of the ring/ off the rampway, people boo'ed Paul Heyman... And still paid the next week, just to watch him get his ass kicked by any face on the Smackdown program.

Anyway, I'd personally argue that Paul Heyman is just as hated, if not more so, than any heel in that era not named Vince
Has to be Vince. You can't beat the best babyface of the decade's enemy in this one. When he was feuding with SCSA there was a lot of heat on Vince, I mean he was cunt and still is if he wants to be. He can generate a lot of heat and always can, there's always going to be people booing him and he's definatley one of if not the top heel ever.
I've been saying JBL was great for a long time now, good to see I am not alone.

Anyway, yeah great heel, everybody hated him for whatever reason, dont matter why, they paid there money to see him get his arse kicked. Would I call him the greatest heel of the decade? Probably not, there have been a few good heels in this past decade, and I am not the kind of person that wants to pick out the best when he wasnt in anothers era.

So JBL deserves more credit than he gets, although this thread is very JBL positive. I'd definately give him my vote as one of the best heels of the decade.
JBL might be a boring wrestler, but so are most of the top stars in the promotion. People seem to like Randy Orton for those very same reasons.

JBL cuts some of the most passionate promos in the business. And unlike John Cena they never felt forced. And Unlike a lot of wrestlers he's happy to make fun of himself.
1. He has been widely criticized for his wrestling style and that is boring and slow. That is what a heel is supposed to and JBL showed great heel psychology in the ring. RVD and Kurt Angle needed to watch footage of JBL matches so they can properly display psychology in the ring. Contrary to popular opinion, I enjoyed JBL's matches. He worked great with Undertaker, Eddie Guerrero, and even the Big Show.

For reals. JBL wrestled a match that made you simply have no choice but to cheer Cena. The same as Orton does now. Orton wrestles a style that pretty much forces the face to do all the high-spot poppy moves. That's what heels are supposed to do. Angle made a mockery of heel psychology in his matches against Cena. It's a disgrace to anyone who has ever called themselves a heel.

I can make more of an allowance for RVD in the One Night Stand match against Cena, seeing as though he was in the fucking Hammerstein Ballroom. But honestly, RVD should have been busting his ass to get Cena the cheers. But he has more of an excuse than Angle.

2. Sure his promos were repetitive, but who changes theirs up nowadays. Nevertheless, he was one of the best of the mic and his voice gave off that "I'm better than you and you know it" vibe. He made us think that we can never be as rich and of a big of success as he was.

I love the repetitive promo excuse. Oh? And Orton has done anything new lately? Edge? JERICHO? All Jericho does is whine about the hypocrisy of the fans.

I have to admit that HHH was one of the best in the early years of the 2000's. However, most of his heel heat can be attributed to one person- Stephanie McMahon. You hated her so much that anybody that was aligned with her was automatically booed as well. You can say that HHH was a victim of "booed by association." Fast forward to the start of Evolution in 2003 which was one of the most boring years in recent memory. HHH feuded with Steiner, Booker, Nash, and Goldberg. That was hardly an all-star lineup. His heel run didn't start picking up steam after he booted Orton out of Evolution which led to an unsuccessful face turn of one Randall Keith Orton. JBL didn't need any women to help him get heel heat because if he felt she was getting more attention, he would kicked her to the curb just like that.

I'm going to say this right now. HHH's heat that he gathered from Stephanie McMahon is like Edge's heat from Vickie Guerrero. Towards the height of La Familia Edge wasn't getting the heat. Vickie was.

Randy Orton
Orton was best to me as a heel during 2005-2006 when he was cocky and arrogant. He had a great feud with the Undertaker and Mysterio and looked to be on the road back to the title. This current Orton is slow and methodical but has he had one truly memorable match. People complain of the slowness of his in-ring work, but JBL did the same thing and he did it better. JBL was a brawler which I believe works best when you have a heel-face matchup. Maybe Orton will be there in a few years, but if you keep getting dominated in three vs. one matchups you have no shot.

Orton works a much better style now. It's like he's come into his own. One thing that JBL has on Orton, JBL's promos aren't a monotonic mess. However, I appreciate Orton's style of promos. He's taken the "slow and methodical" approach and applied it to everything he does. Try not to get cheered when wrestling or trading promos with Orton. Go ahead.


His heel heat spawned from a real relationship with Lita and he has rode that train to nine world championships which cannot be ignored. He is dubbed "The Ultimate Opportunist" and will find anyway to win. That's all nice and dandy but JBL found ways to keep his championship instead of constantly losing it like Edge. JBL retained his title against the likes of Eddie Guerrero, Booker T, Undertaker, Kurt Angle, and Big Show. Whether it be with the help of Heidenrich, The Cabinet, or escaping through the bottom of cages, JBL always seized opportunity when it was presented to keep the title for nine months.

Edge has honestly made most of his heat from fucking women. Lita, in real life, then Vickie Guerrero via storyline. It's rather hilarious when people complain about wrestlers use X-Pac heat, but don't call out Edge for stealing someone's girlfriend. Edge fucking took X-Pac heat and used it skyrocket to the main-event. If he can use it, so can the mid-card.

Kurt Angle
He has the greatest depth of character than anybody I've ever seen. He can play a face and a heel well. He is one of the best comedic heels in recent memory. However, he does not display great heel psychology in the ring. In the midst of Cena's first title reign, he had a great series of matches against Angle. The big mistake Angle made was trying to impress the crowd with high-flying moves which made fans cheer for him. That is a huge no-no. If you're a heel and a fan cheers for you, that's one less person that's booing you. Have you heard a single person cheer for JBL because I sure haven't. He came out to the ring and did what he was supposed to do every time. He made the crowd boo him, he was slow and methodical in the ring, and he found ways to keep his title.

He was a horrendous heel when it came to psychology. He could cut the comedy heel promo, but in the ring it was like he forgot which side he was on. He regularly played for those pops against Cena. A travesty.

After you read this, you may say that I'm absolutely mental and wonder whoever let this nut post on the forums. I hope that I have if not changed your mind, but a shred of doubt in there about those others who you hate so much. John Bradshaw Layfield was one of the most hated in the WWE, which made him one of my most loved. I welcome everybody to debate why he is or is not the best heel this last decade and give reasons why or list other superstars. This is a family-friendly thread and if you get on my bad side, I only have two words to say to you.

All in all, JBL was very solid. He could get ANYONE to hate him. Give him 2 minutes, and he'd have the whole crowd booing him. And he didn't have to punt people in the head to do it.
JBL was awesome as a heel. Absolutely hated him. I'd say that Hollywood Hogan was a better heel though. When Hogan turned it was the coolest thing ever. I've always been more a fan of the heels than faces and thought that turn was great. The NWO helped him keep the title and the whole fingerpoke of doom with Nash was a super heelish thing to do. But yeah, JBL is right up there too.
The best heel of the decade ?

I would say Eric Bishoff, the way this man could produce heat was impressive and his display of his roles was always perfect.

His tactics in the MNW were creative and set the bar for the rivalry between him and Vince McMahon.

His run with the NWO was amazing and added to his overall overness as a cold businnesman.



But also his role as RAW general manager fittet him perfectly and he became one of the most hated individuals in WWE history, he fired Austin and costed him his career.


He lead RAW into the feud with Smackdown in which RAW kind of played the heel role.


His entire carreer he was the heel boss or the heel GM and he did it with class and it was impressive how he was able to put together his talent as businnesman and his talent as an entertainer to create the Eric Bishoff character.

He made such a big impact as a heel and GM that people are still thinking of him when a new GM is needed.

He was a really hate man in WCW and in the WWE and that´s the reason I´d say he´s the heel of the decade.
Without a doubt it is JBL. Little Jerry Lawler said it best. The man simply knew how to make you hate him. His promo's never felt forced, he just knew what to say at all times. His matches were not that bad. People say they were repetitive? How about any Hulk Hogan, or John Cena match? You know whats going to happen. Same with JBL. The guy simply knew how to work. Plain and simple. Best Heel of the decade goes to him, without a doubt.
2 types of heels.

The first is like JBL or late 90s HHH, where when they come on TV and start talking, more than anything, you just want to change the channel.

The second type is the Chris Jericho, Edge, Heel Rock type, where they get every bit as much boos from the live audience, but you relish the heelishness of their performance, and are always entertained.

I prefer the latter type. Chris Jericho is the reason I tivo Smackdown every Friday, so he gets my vote as best heel alive.

I've also noticed Matt Hardy exercising some top notch heelitude when he's healthy.

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