The best choice for X division champion....

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The Hiphopapotamus

The Dude abides
It's true.The X division is nowhere near it's heights at the moment.Suicide is the champion,and while he does good spots,during the match he's decent,good enough.But soon,inevitably,Homicide will be the new X division champion.And while I love him and all,is he really the best choice to solve TNA's X division champion Problem.Well,let's see...

X Division reigns:
None that I know of.Yet.
Thoughts:Well,homicide is one of my favourite performers.I've already said why in a different thread,but to be honest,I think he deserves a title shot at least.In ring,he's one of the best.Exciting,fast paced,full of charisma.But in promos,he's pretty bad.I actually can't make much of a comment,because he hardly ever speaks.Not a good sign,not at all.But his finisher,well maybe we'll see a gringo killa again.X division wrestlers,used to mad spots,seem the only one's willing to take it.

Alex Shelley:
X division reigns:
Only a short one
Thoughts I honestly thought Alex shelley was deserving of his title reign,and much more deserving than just being known as the guy who had the title for a month or so before Suicide took it off him.Shelley is great in ring,charismatic,brilliant at promos and really knows how to connect with the crowd.He can really make the crowd love him or hate.His in ring talent is great,but his lack of finisher really hurts him.He needs to stamp one down.

Chris Sabin:
X Division reigns:
Thoughts:A great in ring talent,although slightly not as good as Shelley.The advantage over shelley,the cradleshock.He actually has a finisher.Now sabin is a great in ring worker,but his promo cutting,mic work and charisma leave much to be desired.He's quite boring.Read the thread on the guns for more details.I just think he's a little bit too boring to be champion.

Jay Lethal
X division reigns:
Thoughts: One of my favourite promo cutters,alongside James Storm.He is Hilarious.And in-ring he ain't bad.In fact he's brilliant.he's so quick and agile,a lot like all of them.But he is also pretty good teachnically.I would love him as X division champion.

Amazing Red:
X division reigns:
Only the single.
Thoughts:What more can I say,I fucking love this man in the ring.He's more exciting than almost any other wrestler in the X division.His high flying shit is crazy.He's also an x division pioneer,which is always good in my book.But I've never heard the man,boy, speak.And I don't think he ever will.I would prefer him to just put on great,exciting matches to get me pumped then hold the title though.Maybe slap on the title once,see how he does,let him amaze us,and then let him drop it.If they start jobbing him off,I would be pissed.Not so much if the matches are great though.Then I wouldn't mind.I'm fickle that way.

Consequences Creed:
X division reigns:
Thoughts:Entertaining to say the least.He absolutely oozes charisma.And in ring he's as agile as they come.The jury's still out on him though,but I wouldn't mind seeing him as champ.Not my first choice however.

Doug Williams:
X Division Reigns:
0.0001 (I'll let him have the Title shot as a thousandth)
Thoughts:Great wrestler.A little boring,but he's an english wrestler.It's how they are.I like him in the Prick invasion,they aren't bad.But as X divion champion.No.he's be my last choice.I'd prefer him with the tag titles.

Sheik Abdul Bashir
X division reigns:
1 I think
Thoughts.Please no.He's not only boring.He's really boring.Meh,he's a good heel.But not my cup of tea.Same with kiyoshi.I'm not even going to bother with one for him.I liked no limit more than him

Oh and Christopher Daniels,Eric Young and AJ Styles are not being counted,I don't consider them in this division.Not for a while anyway.But I would like daniels.And Maybe young.

So in conclusion,I think Hoicide is the right choice.I'll wait and see how he does,but i wouldn't mind seeing Lethal and Ahelley with the strap though.

What do you guys think?
I, myself, am a fan of "New" Champions, so out of your list, I would go with Homicide, Creed, Williams, and for $#!+s and giggles, I would like to see Eric with a “meaningful” X – Title reign.
I would have to say that Chris sabin is a better mat wrestler while Shelley is the better high flyer. Homicide has the in ring ability to bring back the x-division pride but I wouldn't mind seeing him recieve a manager (Hector?).
I think that Homicide would be the best choice right now. I don't think LAX is going to be a tag team for long and with Hernandez out, it's time to see how Homicide will fare as a singles competitor. This leaves Hernandez to pursue the TNA Heavyweight Title. I would like to see Sabin and Shelley win the tag team titles and establish themselves as one of the best.
Well Homicide just won the X Division title and I for one am looking forward to seeing how his reign will go. I am Homicide fan and I definetely think he is a good choice for X division champion. He has character, can put on a good match and I think he could really help re-establish the X-Division title (and put the X-Division back on the map) as long as booking doesn't hold him back. Homicide is the best solution right now IMO.
My favorite from the list you made is Alex Shelley. He is simply the one that entertains me the most, whether he is on the mic or wrestling.

It’s crucial to have good mic skills to be a champion. I know there have been many champions throughout history that didn’t have very good or good mic skills for that matter. But I think that the one with the best mic skills from the wrestlers you listed is Alex Shelley. When he is on the mic it seems like he is just a natural mic talker. So as far as mic skills I think he is the best one from the wrestlers you listed.

As far as actual in-ring skills go, he isn’t the best, but he also isn’t the worst. He is a good wrestler who can put out good and entertaining matches. The other ones can put on good and entertaining matches too, but I am usually far more entertained by Shelley. Maybe it has to do with the fact that the other wrestlers don’t show much or any in-ring psychology, and that’s why I get more entertained and hyped for an Alex Shelley match than a Doug Williams match. So those 2 reasons are why I think Shelley is the best choice for X-Division Champion, he is a better on the mic and he is more entertaining in his match in my opinion.
I'm pretty much of the same opinion as LJL as of right now. Homicide winning the title came as a bit of a surprise, something I wasn't expecting. After all, Homicide is far from an established singles competitor, but that's part of what makes it so interesting.

LAX has gone about as far as they're going to go as a tag team. They've been in limbo for a long while and there are more interesting teams in the division right now. Now that Homicide has the ball, let's see how far he can run with it.
I would actually really like to see Eric Young get a title reign. I think he has a shitload of potential as a heal after what he did to Jeff Jarrett a few weeks back. Give him the belt and let him prove himself to the masses.
I've been hoping Consequences Creed gets a title reign. I've waited since he debuted that one time as Ron Killings partner in that Truth & Consequences tag team, which I believe was when Pac-Man Jones was in the mix haha. The guy is great, and his pairing with Lethal did well for him in the beginning, but they both kinda dropped off the map for now. There will probably be something big between British Invasion/Bashir/Kyoshi vs Team 3D/Lethal/Creed in a kind of World vs USA feud, so I don't see Creed in the title picture.

I'm glad Homicide is getting a chance to shine in the singles arena, and hopefully Hernandez will get that same opportunity when he returns.
I agree with Yoshi doce I'd like to see Eric Young become champ after all the crap he's been through. He has a good chance of becoming a hated heel but TNA just needs to let him flourish
Im a huge fan of Alex Shelly and Chris Sabin. Ive watched tna since the day it was on wensdays, to internet, to spike tv. I followed tna due to the crazyness.

It's hard to pick who's the great, cause Red will risk his life, Sabin & Shelly can give a 10 Start match.

Styles has the athleticism to make everyone shit themselves.

It'd be hard to say who's the best, my all time favorite champion was Jerry lynn in tna. But I think homicide can boost up the lvl for x division and do a pretty good job at it. Cause eventually suicide will get un-masked kaz will be back, and then more feuds for the title.

Id like to see red get the title though, he deserves it more than anyone, any tna fan back from wensday nights knows this.:burn:
I'd agree that AJ and Joe are above the X-Division title now but not Daniels. He has a little while to go before he is main event material. I'd put it on Daniels to establish some lost credibility to the X-Division. Alex Shelley and Homicide are good options for champions but they are both a part of two very successful tag teams MCMG, and LAX. One of TNA's glaring advantages over WWE is their tag division and breaking up tag teams is not a good way to keep that advantage.
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