The best and worst Royal Rumble winners.


Dark Match Winner
This thread is plain and simple who do you think are the best and the worst RR winners?
1.Chris Benoit-He is the best RR winner in my opinion because he is 1 of the best technical wrestlers(I'm sure many can agree)and it was a well deserved push.
2.The Rock-his RR win was contreversal but all in all it was a great win and the storyline that followed was well-planned(wish we had storylines like that now)
John Cena-Oh man I was there in the garden once I heard his music drop 1st thing that came to my mind "Oh sh*t,he's gonna win...f**k".waste of a RR win and waste of a 30-spot.
Batista-nuff said.
The Undertaker(2007)- When it came down to the final two being HBK and Taker it was special. They fought back and forth for a very long time and it was entertaining and so exciting to see who was going to win it. I was on the edge of my seat the whole time and when Taker won it was going to be belt vs streak at mania. He deserved a rumble win with the amount of times he's been in it and how long he's been in WWE. His career would not be complete without it.
Vince Mcmahon(1999)- This was the year where Vince hated Austin and they entered the rumble as numbers 1 & 2. Which was kind of a fun concept except it was ruined when Vince won. Theres just some things a chairman should not do and win a royal rumble is one of them.
Benoit: however marred by what happened later as it was, the story about his long journey through pro-wrestling, paul heyman vowing not to let him wrestle for the title and coming in number one all made this a special win.
Ric Flair: as it was a good royal rumble match and no one expected anyone but hulk hogan to win, my self included. his promo after the match was incredible, too. "...with a tear in my eye, this is the greatest moment of my life."
HBK: going coast to coast for the first time no one ever thought it would happen and the the ending with Shawn being number one and Bulldog being number two facing each other at the end was a really good part of this Royal Rumble.
John Cena: i don't hate cena and i was actually pretty excited that he came back at this one, but it was a total waste as he used his title shot a month early and ruined what could've been a great wrestle mania storyline against randy orton. it was also anti climactic as once john cena showed up everyone knew he was gonna win.
Rey Mysterio: the epitome of Eddiexploitation. while Rey certainly deserved some big wins and a great run, and maybe even a world title reign, but it was unfortunate it came only after the death of Eddie Guerrero.
BEST - Flair. A top-class performance, which I watched last the night before WM, still enjoy it to this day. Heenan's commentary worth a shout as well, "it's a skirt!"

WORST - Didn't Jim Duggan win it?
This is interesting.

As for the all time best, it really depends on how we're defining best. If it's the best wrestler who happened to win a Royal Rumble, then it's Hulk Hogan, bar none. Most of the all time greats have a Rumble win, but really, none of them stack up to Hogan. Hogan didn't win when it was good for a title shot, but it didn't particularly matter, since he was WWF Champion in the first win, and went on to main event WrestleMania in a loss to Warrior, and in the second he went on to challenge Sgt. Slaughter for the title and recapture it at Mania.

If you want to go with the person who took the best advantage of their title shot, well, it's kind of a wide field. A large number of guys who've won the match have gone on to win the title - Yokozuna, Bret Hart, HBK, Austin, Triple H, Lesnar, and potentially more I'm forgetting about. Based on this particular criteria, I would have to go with either HBK or Austin, for their 1996 and 2001 performances, respectively. Shawn because he went on to have the Iron Man Match at WrestleMania 12, which I personally really enjoyed, but many nowadays dislike. Regardless, it's one of the most important moments in wrestling history when Shawn wins the title. I go with Austin in 2001 for the X-Seven match, which saw him pull off the heel turn that was rather stunning (no pun intended) and another very important moment in history. I'd go with Shawn, but that's not really how I'd judge it.

My personal criteria is the person with the best Rumble performance, then it comes down to three men, in my opinion, and I'll choose one in a moment. Shawn Michaels and Chris Benoit are the obvious candidates, having entered the Rumble at #1 and winning it, the only men to do so. Shawn's, however, has something of an asterisk on it, as the entrances were timed a minute apart, rather than two - making it one of, if not the, shortest Rumbles ever (the original might have been shorter, as it was only 20 men - not quite sure). Benoit is tied with Mysterio for the longest Rumble appearance ever, and though WWE claims Mysterio's is longer, they clearly won't acknowledge Benoit's time, so they might be wrong. Still, a #1 appearance and very impressive.

I believe, however, that Ric Flair's 1992 appearance was the best ever. This was, to date, the longest Rumble appearance at 60 minutes, and should be something like #5 overall. He entered at #3 and outlasted everyone else to win, and I think it's the most impressive overall performance, for several reasons. For one, Bobby Heenan's commentary is absolutely fantastic throughout the whole match. He's got money on Flair and is also a personal supporter, and he's constantly throughout the entire match talking about Flair, putting Flair over, reminding us that it's not "Fair to Flair". This commentary combined with Flair's top notch selling, and getting his ass kicked all over the ring, by damn near everyone, makes Flair look like he's just taken the worst beating of all time, for an hour, and outlasted everyone to win the title. Heenan did his job so damn well that even though Flair was a heel, you were cheering for him. Heenan's commentary, Flair's performance and selling, combine to make Flair's performance just amazing. I watched this match 16 years after the fact, a few months ago, and marked out for Flair when he won. I can't imagine what it was like when it was live.

So, as for the best all time Royal Rumble winner, I go with Flair. Now, the worst?

I'll run through the same criteria. If we want the worst wrestler who happened to win a Rumble, it would have to be Yokozuna. Zuna was impressive for a short time as being so damn enormous, but he was really a poor wrestler at the end of the day.

For the wrestler who used the Rumble win to the least advantage, it comes down to our last two winners, I think. Cena pretty much ruined it all by taking his opportunity at No Way Out, instead of having the Cena vs Orton that was clearly brewing as a Mania main event. Potentially even worse, however, was Orton. Orton won the Rumble, and then barely talked about it. He acknowledged it like, twice, and that was only to save his career. He then went on to have an uninspiring performance at Mania that was really just a let down after the awesome build up they did for it. I still maintain that they should have turned the match no DQ and had Vince turn on HHH to cost him the title and thus join Legacy, but I digress. Really, I go with Orton here, as his Road to WrestleMania barely mentioned the Rumble at all, and his WrestleMania performance was very lacking.

The worst overall performance could very well go to Orton as well, who really just didn't do anything special. It was only a few months ago and I can't even particularly remember anything notable out of it. I can think back and remember a Yokozuna, who was dominant and then threw Savage over the ropes with a kick out, or the Austin "no referee saw me, I'll just head back in" spot, or HBK keeping one foot up and then superkicking Bulldog over the ropes. I honestly can't remember Orton doing anything that great except throwing HHH over the ropes while he was yelling about something, and that's hardly memorable.

Based off the last two I've just listed, I'd say Orton is the worst Rumble winner of all time. His performance was forgettable, his path to Mania barely acknowledged it, and at Mania he was subpar. Orton might be a good wrestler otherwise, but as a Rumble winner, he failed.
Duggan was the first man to win the Royal Rumble, however it was a 20-man one back then. The next year Big John Studd won and it was the first 30-man Rumble, and the first on PPV.

Obviously one of those two would be considered the worst just because they're the least known or cared about, and neither became future champions. The #1 Contender spot didn't start until 1993, which was when Yokozuna won, beat Bret Hart at Mania, then lost immediately to Hulk Hogan. It seems that the Royal Rumble may have had a different intent when it first started, which is why Studd and Duggan won, and not to catapult a superstar into the main event.

So ignoring Studd and Duggan, and going from 1993 on:

Best: Shawn Michaels in 1995, starting at #1 or Chris Benoit (also starting at #1) in 2004.

Worst: Rey Mysterio in 2006 and John Cena in 2008. It's not that I dislike either of these guys, but I just felt Rey was to capitalize on Eddie's death (as someone mentioned), and Cena's was 1) obvious and 2) weird since he didn't have the match at WM. They overplayed the underdog angle for so long (still doing it) with Rey, and with Cena, although the return was shocking, it was almost a guarantee he'd win.
best - bret hart lex luger.....lots of controversy but nice outcome

worst - yokozuna i hate seeing fat guys in rumble.......more fun watching people fly over than roll ...!!!!!
Best: Undertaker
Him vs HBK was unbelievable and had you on the edge of your seat the entire time. I had no idea who would win this epic final 2.

Worst: Rey Mysterio
I was at this Royal Rumble, and Rey Rey was on the floor for the majority of the rumble. It was such garbage watching him win as he did nothing and it was ridiculous
I agree with a previous poster who said that it depends on what the criteria for it is. I really think that Batista and Vince McMahon are probably the two most disappointing wins for me. I say that because I believe that other than his physique (which is definitely more cut and bigger) that Batista is no better than Hercules Hernandez when it comes to mic and wrestling skills... and actually Herc might have been better in the ring, because Batista is awful.

Vince McMahon had about as much business winning the Royal Rumble as David Arquette did winning the WCW title. It's just ridiculous.

I'd have to say that the worst finish to a Rumble was 1993. Think about it, Randy Savage a guy who is a two time WWF champion and had been in a couple of Royal Rumbles already does an elbow drop on Yokozuna and tries to pin him!?! What the heck? Who were they trying to fool? To me it seemed like Macho Man probably had too big of an ego (I'm a huge fan of him so don't get mad at that comment) and didn't want to get rolled by Yoko so he had to find a somewhat honorable way to be eliminated.

Bottom line: No established veteran should ever cover another wrestler for the pin in the Royal Rumble... just stupid.

However, what I did like about it was that I felt like Yokozuna had the, what I will call, "Ivan Drago effect" on the WWF. No one liked him because he was huge, didn't talk, and was from a foreign country and smashed people like Duggan (USA!), Savage, Crush, etc. I remember as a little kid hating Yokozuna and not because I thought he was bad. How many 500+ pound guys can do sweet chin music? He had more ability than one above poster gave him credit for. I just wish that Hogan wouldn't have squashed him in the BS second main event of WM9... because that took so much credibility away from him. Had Hogan been a better man he would have let Yoko squash him and then have Lex Luger emerge at the intrepid as the only hope for America...

But my favorite winner is Ric Flair. I too expected Hogan to win, and I too loved Bobby Heenan during that match... not necessarily when I was a kid, but now I look at it as purely classic. The worst part was that Savage and Flair (in what I believe was one of the more underrated matches in WM history) were not the main event at WM8. That was a great inJUSTICE (no pun intended... actually there is pun intended).

Shawn Michaels in 1995 gets a close second, and Undertakers win was very cool as well, especially considering it had the same affect as 1992 when everyone thought Hogan would win... in this instance everyone thought that Shawn was going to win because it was in San Antonio.
Bret Hart and Luger- both of these guys were over with the fans and to have them both wrestle for the gold at mania was genius.

Randy Orton- I'm a Orton fan but ever since he started punting ppl in the head and having this cold stare on his face he's been boring. I miss the old orton who was cocky ,a legend killer, and used to have fireworks rain as he did his pose.
Best: the rock 2000 and the undertaker 2007. maybe cause they're my 2 favourites of all time or just the fact they were awsome royal rumbles

worst: John cena 2008 his suprise numer 30 entrance.. enough said
Boy, I am glad someone posted this thread. B/c I have what I feel is a legitimate complaint about Royal Rumble '08.

First, I will post the best:

Ric Flair- Awesome RR match and Flair's performance has not been duplicated since!! In an age where I just knew Hogan would win it yet again (Yawn) but they were wise and gave Flair the nod.

Austin- '97 Rumble Winner- Classic how he was eliminated, but the refs didnt see it. He snuck in and won the damn thing. Also, it was awesome when he was in the ring by himself and Hart's music came on. Classic!!

Now, the worst.

First off I want to say that I do not dislike Cena. Nor am I his biggest fan. The fact is, what they did at last year's Royal Rumble with Cena should NEVER be done again in a Royal Rumble match. What I mean is, a "surprise" entrant should NEVER, I mean NEVER, win the Royal Rumble match. I really dont have anything to back that statement up either. I will admit it. It just seems cheap. Not to mention, when his music hit, everyone knew he was gonna win the damn thing. It just sucked. If you are a surprise entrant in the Royal Rumble match you should be either a) a returning superstar who is announced will be in it. Even though you shouldnt win it, you are still returning and that is cool. b) you should be 1 appearance wrestler (like RVD) who comes in, wrestles, gets some pops, and leaves. I really liked it when Goldust and Mr. Perfect were surprises in the Rumble some years back. It was unexpected and brought in some nostalgia.
Wow worst and best Royal Rumble winners, well first let me explain something before I make my choice here. I am not basing my decisions on worst or best wrestler to have won it nor am I choosing this based on bias of wrestler, I am doing it based on the best and worst rumble matches I have ever watched.

With that being said here is my pick for best:
The best is a toss up between HBK's win during the #1 spot, Undertaker's win, and Hogan's first rumble win.
HBK at the time still looked like a mid-card superstar only have wrestled for the belt on PPV and T.V. a short few times and was at the time not as strong of a star as Diesil was and thus wasn't expected to be the winner of the match. Honestly I could've seen a number of people winning it before HBK, but it was unexpected and thats why it is possibly #1.
Undertaker had come close, but never made it to the dance, the only time he his main event opportunity it came after the controversy of Stone Cold winning the rumble and they gave him the match with Sid to further the feud between Bret and Austin. So him finally achieving a rumble victory was to say the least a site to remember.
Hogan and Warrior were two of my favorite stars growing up and I just remember Tony Schiovani and Jesse Ventura playing up the nose to nose confrontation of the Warrior and Hogan the crowd going crazy it was one of the best moments in rumble history

Now for the worst and I am putting these 4 in order of why they are bad to me

1. Batista - The rumble itself wasn't all that special but really made his win bad was him and Cena botching that spot between him and Batista where they were suppose to almost recreate the Luger/Hart rumble. Then the fact you have Vince tearing his quad and then the two more throw outs and the restart, honestly Vince tearing his quad is what made the match more memorable than anything else, and it honestly made your new rising star look stupid.

Tied for #2. Cena/Triple H - Main reason is because they both went out with injuries both came back for the rumble and it was made too obvious in my opinion that these two men were gonna win their respective rumble matches.

#3 Lex Luger's half of the rumble win - The reason for this? He was probably the only superstar pre-RVD to be pushed as a top star in the company only to have never won the big one (granted RVD won the belt but it took the rebirth of "ECW" to get him there). you put him in main event after main event with Yokozuna, never give him the title and then you show he isn't a big enough star to just main event on his own you had to make him and Bret land at the same time, which shows just how much faith you put on him and then he ends up being the mid-main event. Pretty much the worst win possible.
Hey, I've registered just for this topic.

Best: The Rock, 2000. This was an awesome Royal Rumble and the ending was done brilliantly, setting up WM2000.

Worst: Steve Austin, 2001. I think Austin is the best wrestler of all time, but he should never have won this. Kane obliterated everyone in this rumble and he deserved to win. I was screaming at the TV when Austin eliminated him.
1.Chris Benoit-He is the best RR winner in my opinion because he is 1 of the best technical wrestlers(I'm sure many can agree)and it was a well deserved push.

Being a good technical wrestler is overrated. he was boring on the mic so couldn't hype his match. And his title run wasn't special.

John Cena-Oh man I was there in the garden once I heard his music drop 1st thing that came to my mind "Oh sh*t,he's gonna win...f**k".waste of a RR win and waste of a 30-spot.

You were the only one. That pop when he entered was insane. It was the most exciting moment in the Rumble in a long time. Nobody expected it and it was a brilliant moment. What was fucked up was him cashing it in at no Way Out. That was the only bad thing about it.

I was going to say Austin in 2001 was the best winner, but seeing as too many people are saying Cena I will go with Cena. It had everyone excited. It was funny how when Cena's music hit there were massive cheers, then at the end they were cheering HHH. Ah smarks, they stopped cheering as soon as they realised "oh no, we are uncool if we cheer Cena".

The worst (from ones I've watched) was the Vince McMahon one. I thought the storyline was good, but having them two enter first and end up there at the end took away from the actual Royal Rumble. The other 28 guys were worthless.
Being a good technical wrestler is overrated. he was boring on the mic so couldn't hype his match. And his title run wasn't special.

Killings aside Benoit was a well deserved rumble winner. Yes not the best on the mic, but what was great about Benoit was, he never had to be. EVER!
When his music hit, fans just knew business was about to pick up. He was such a great technical wrestler who busted his ... day in and day out and this was his big break. I was expecting the wrestlemania win and I loved every second of it, but I think the Rumble had me more impressed/shocked because I never expected the big break to finally come for the guy.

Well deserved, and fans knew it, and appreciated it.
I think the “Best” Royal Rumble winner is Stone Cold Steve Austin. His character and style of fighting is clearly made for this match type and it was always exciting to watch him take care of business in the ring.

I think the “Worst” Royal Rumble winner is Vince McMahon for the exact opposite reasons I have for Stone Cold being the best.

My favorite Royal Rumble winner is Ric Flair, for the simple fact that the WWE Title was on the line that year and winning the World Title that way is an incredible accomplishment.

I would like to see Jericho win it one time, and if ever possible, Kurt Angle.
I'd have to say my fav. all time winner is Shawn Michaels from the 1995 Royal Rumble... entering in at #1 and finishing. Great match! Other than that my other favorite one is 2007 with Undertaker. His and Shawn Michaels finishing it off... the ending was intense! I didn't know who to route for and I didn't know who was going to win.

By far the 2008 Royal Rumble when John Cena returned and won. I HATE CENA! I was so pissed when he came back.
Best: I have to go with Ric Flair. When he won it he was still establishing himself in the WWF, did it from the then unprecedented #3 spot, cemented himself as the dirtiest player in the game in the way he did it, and it sprang up a bunch of awesome feauds.

Worst: Rey Mysterio. A 150 pound wrestler should never, ever, ever win this sort of contest. It was complete and utter nonsense, and the fact that he did it from the #2 spot makes it so much more ridiculous.
The best winner was probably Triple H in 2002. The crowd were behind him and he took the momentum forward into the most prosperous period of his career. There are arguments to be made for Batista, Benoit, Hogan 91, Austin 98 and Rock to be made though. I'm not sure I'd say the same ting if asked tomorrow.

The worst winner was undoubtedly Shawn Michaels in 1995. I like the rumble and loved the ending, but Michaels carried no momentum whatsoever forward from the victory and ended up losing an ill hyped midcard title match at one of the worst WrestleMania's ever. There's not really much else to say, except that he had to win it the following year and start over on his title push. It was a win that came too soon.
The Best Royal Rumble Winner

My first choice is Yokozuna. This is supposed to be the type of guy for whom the Royal Rumble is MADE. A 505-lb behemoth who could legitimately sit down and just wait for people to attempt to toss him? Ha! He was epic in the Rumble, and his bench press of Randy Savage, which valuted him OVER the top rope, was sick. It solidified him as a bonafide monster.

My second choice was the year prior with Ric Flair. That rumble was damn impressive, and that was a time when an early entrant winning was still a damn impressive feat. There was a lot of time in between entrants (unlike Michaels' pathetic 1 minute between entrants), so Flair hanging in there and then having the wherewithall to recognize Sid distracted was an open door - just masterful.

The Worst Royal Rumble

My first choice is Rey Mysterio. For the same reason as I have Yokozuna as my favorite - I never bought Mysterio as a Rumble winner. I understand they were pushing his heart and whatnot, but I would have much rather seen him win a MITB than a Rumble. Worse still was that he was entered #2. Nobody could toss the jellybean in all that time? I also didn't buy him headlining Wrestlemania, and I sure as hell didn't buy him as World Heavyweight Champion.

My second choice is Shawn Michaels in 1995. Again, one minute between entrants? That took ALL of the lustre off of the "1st guy in wins" statement, because if Flair was entrant #3 and it took 2 minutes for a fresh man to get in there, and for Michaels it took one, how am I supposed to hold Shawn's work in higher regard? He also ran through an epicly weak field, with Lex Luger and British Bulldog as the only viable competition out of 30 men.
Best in my opinion: Chris Benoit!
This was a definete FINALLY moment! He came in first and had hell of a match! And how he upset Show was amazing! All his hard work came to this doorway that opened the final path to his goal, the world heavy-weight championship! He won the WCW title but only to quit and go to WWE on the same night to acomplish a bigger goal! Holding the WWE's world championship, and for about 6 years the dude worked his ass off! And finally, finally it happened! :D

Worst, in my opinion: Cena BOO!
This was absolute crap, I hate his guts! He comes in at number 30 and you KNOW he's gonna win IT WAS SOOOOOOOO predictable! And how come he got two title shots after the rumble!THATS NOT FAIR! WHY DOES WWE HAVE TO SHOVE CENA DOWN OUR THROATS! WHY!? IDC IF HE'S A GREAT HIT WITH THE KIDDIES!
Ah the Royal Rumble.... the best time of the wrestling year!
first off i would like to say that the royal rumble is the best ppv and i have all the rumbles from 1999 to present.(if anyone cared)
the best rumble was 2003.
the 2003 royal rumble was starstudded and was the first rumble under the wwe banner.
it had the likes of old skool undertaker, kane with the mask, many current top stars had there rumble debut in this rumble, overall it was a great rumble
with lesnar eliminating undertaker after being distracted by batista and the chair. a cheap win but that was probably the only way taker would have allowed it to happen.

now for the worst, i like rey mysterio, but how the hell can the smallest wrestler on the roster enter at number 2 and win it with hhh starting out with him and lastest about the entire time too.... it was definately a tribute to eddie or someone else would have won.
but i do give wwe props for giving him a major rightful push nonetheless.
Best: Vince McMahon. How can people vote him the worst when he's the most over heel to ever win the thing?

Ric Flair. One of the only wrestlers to carry the whole thing from start to finish. HBK did in 1995, but it was also the shortes Rumble of all time. As well as not being that good.

Worst: Chris Benoit. Didn't do a thing in that Rumble to stand out.

Indifferent: Batista should've won the 2005 Rumble, but he was so shit and he fucked up so badly that it didn't work.

Triple H. You knew he was going to win so the match had very little drama.

Ausin. He didn't actually win his first one and I don't see the point in him winning it more than once.
Okey dokey lets see here....

No doubt especially after all the statements I'm going to have to go with Ric Flair. I mean when I was a kid I thought it was straight out garbage for him to win(Even though Piper winning the IC and WWE title in one night would have solidified him as a great). But being older and reliving the moment it was the perfect choice for the Dirtiest Player in the game to go out on top in this history making rumble.

Close 2nd will definitely have to go to The Undertaker. Don't hate me as I am admittedly not a huge fan of his. But for him to win when nobody expected him too and the drama the match had was edge of your seat worthy. The best part about Taker's win was that he unseated the worthless Batista as World Champion. Great moment.


John Cena! I'm sorry yes I'm not a fan of Cena but if Cena was going to win any Rumble he should have won it back when him and Batista tried to re-create Hart/Luger. Don't get me wrong his return was earth shattering. In the world of internet rumors nobody was able to find or figure out that Cena healed quicker than expected. Don't get me wrong sure let Cena jump into the rumble but he shouldn't have won it. But then again I shudder to think that if he didn't win it then Triple H would have. I can't remember who were in the final four but apparently nobody solid enough to eliminate Triple H and Cena.

Close 2nd goes to Lesnar. I think they could have done something else to get him to the Wrestlemania dance but I don't think Lesnar was deserving of a Rumble win. What's horrible about this is the fact that I can't even give a good argument as to why. I don't know maybe the fact that he was shoved down our throats from beginning to end. Sad part is Vince wasted a lot of money that this dude along with your Lashley's, Goldberg's etc.

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