The Bella Twins


The Lionheart
Are they nothing more than glorified female escorts for the guest host on Raw? I could swear they were attached to the ECW brand, and managed to ruin the segment they were involved in every week, but they haven't been seen on ECW (if I remember correctly) in a few weeks. They have been featured on Raw a few times in the past two months as escorts for the Guest GM.

We know they suck in the ring (they caused the injury of Maryse, and I think they had something to do with Michelle McCool getting injured as well)

We know they suck on the mic, they couldn't talk their way through a scene in a porno movie, and we know how on par the acting is in those.

I for one do not find them the least bit attractive either, but thats me personally because their are hotter Diva's who can wrestle and don't make my skin crawl when they speak

So I guess the real question is when the WWE is trying to cut cost by getting rid of certain talent, ones that can actually wrestle and have in ring talent

....................Why have they not got rid of the Bella Twins yet?
One of the reasons they have not gotten rid of them, is how great they look together. I seen them wrestle on Superstars, and feel they have great potential. They might not have them in a real storyline now, but at least they are finding something for them to do.
Give them time, they'll be released soon enough, just for the end of the guess host concept, then its bye bye, Olse... I mean Bella twins.

Then again, what if they don't end the guess host concept... Ill get the key to the shelter...

But seriously, it doesn't matter what they are doing right now, as long as they stay away from the mic and stick to developing their talent in a local gym, we shouldn't worry, they're not taking ring time like a certain dirty midget.
my guess is probly because the wwe hasent had female twins nd are probly givin them a few months to improve.
also one of them is dating dolph ziggler so mayb wwe is afriad if the bella's go then ziggler may go to
The Bella Twins are a different kind of talent for the WWE because they're, well, TWINS. Vince always looks to bring something different to the table with all of his talent. With the Bellas, however, I think it's another example of a good idea being rushed to the televised product before it goes stale in Vince's head. And it SHOWS. They have awful mic skills, they can't wrestle, and they're dangerous to their opponents.

However, even though I personally don't think so, they're not just twins... they're ATTRACTIVE twins. Any man that channel surfs and comes across the Raw or ECW product will stop and drool at a hot set of twins with tight dresses and even tighter bodies. Since the WWE is trying to attract newer viewers with their guest host concept, the girls fit in as escorts/valets for these guests. But once it's over, I doubt they will be fired.

Any set of young, attractive, athletic twin girls is EXTREMELY rare in professional wrestling. I would assume that Vince is going to do everything he can to keep these girls relevant since their rarity brings a lot of potential storylines to the table. All they need is a little bit of polishing. Let's face it, unless you're breeding seasoned female, veteran wrestlers such as Beth Phoenix or Mickie James, you're going to need a lot of work to get women to be on the same professional level as where we need them to be. The Bella Twins are no different... give them time and a little patience.
Although I agree that the Bella twins do have potential and they just need more time and work, I think they should have stayed in FCW until they were completely ready. They can't really do any wrestling storylines because they aren't good enough in the ring yet, causing injuries to other divas.

Plus, their storylines would be stupid with this new PG era thing, because they would be so watered down, it would be boring.

I personally think that they're OK attractivewise... the only thing i see in them is their potential... they just need to keep their mouths shut.
The Bellas should have been trained more. They are charisma vacuums and are apparently bad in the ring. Whenever they open their mouths, I laugh because they are so boring. They can't even announce names properly without sounding extremely disinterested.

The reason they're around is because (as has been said) they are attractive to some and are twins. This makes them much more unique than other Divas that are just pretty faces.
It's obvious the Bella Twins are in WWE only because they're obviously twins, but they do have some wrestling ability and they aren't ugly. They aren't going anywhere anytime soon because of the aforementioned reasons. If they were bleach blond and had bigger boobs, they'd be with WWE for life with greater salaries (Vince seems to have a weakness for bleach blonds... and twins? WOAH).

The fact that they can't cut promos and not great workers is completely irrelevant by WWE (Vince's) standards because having not-ugly twins looks GREAT on TV.

Sad but true.
Honestly they seem plain. They kind of remind me of the price is right girls. Just two women that are used as tropheys to look at and have no actual purpose at all. It don't susprise me they are escorts to the guest host. Honestly they seem like escort types you would pay for. They are a teriable pair wrestling and promo wise but I like them as just trophy models.
For once tlight, I am in agreeance with you about why a wrestler/group of wrestlers shouldn't be in the WWE.

These girls are nothing more than an eye candy attraction for male viewers to have a perv at during some of the "boring" segments. Due to the fact that they are twins who have some attraction to them appearance wise, they will get featured time every week on WWE programming as they fit Vince's current Diva style. They aren't that good in the ring for the diva's division & have been sent down to the Dub to receive training from a good solid diva Katie Lea. Think about what I said for a second when I said "they aren't good for the diva's division"... must be something wrong with their skills. Sure, they can execute some moves solidly like the snapmare, but they are extremely boring otherwise in the ring that has nothing to connect them with the crowd. Not even their switches do any justice. They are also boring on the stick & as someone said earlier they almost seem disinterested in what they have to do.

It confuses me on a daily basis as to why they are still on the roster apart from the reason they are twins that seem to garner the attention of the male audience. It confuses me more as to why there is even a remote chance where people think the Bella Twins are attractive. There are already women on the roster who are more attractive than them, better on the stick & provides something useful than walking around looking good. Even Rosa walking out as Carlito's valet being beautiful is better than the Bella Twins.

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