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The Beginning of a New Era


Wrestlezones Top Heel
Last Night at WWE TLC we seen two legends put it all on the line two determine one undisputed WWE Heavyweight Champion.But that's where that should end both Cena and Orton has been through 3 era's in WWE.Randy techincally 4.Cena's been in the RA era 2002-2008,PG era2008-2010,and The Universe Era 2010-2013.Randy Attitude Era April 2002- May 2002,RA Era 2002-2008,PG era2008-2010,and The Universe Era 2010-2013.But I think after WM XXX these two should drop to the mid-card for a little while.They should let Bryan,Punk,Langston,Reigns,Cody Rhodes,Ambrose,Rollins work their way up to the main event scene.While they stay out the way.That's just it their already legends people like Jericho,Show,Kane,Mysterio,and even Undertaker has dropped down the card.Maybe they should to.

The Reality EraI think at Wrestlemania it could either be Cena vs. Bryan for the title.I would have Bryan win.Getting the biggest win of his career.Have Cena finally snap the next night and turn heel feuding with Bryan until BattleGround.Cena then goes on to feud with Langston for the IC title.Having Cena eventually beat him winning the title for the first time.Langston could get boosted up the card that way.Reigns continue to feud with Ambrose.At Summerslam have Reigns face Punk (Who beat Bryan a month prior at MITB.) for the title and win.feuding with Punk (who turns heel at some point in the feud.) Randy Orton could go part-time or stay in the U.S. title picture.Maybe we could get a reversed roles final feud between Orton and Cena down the line.Have Cena go on to lose to Reigns at Wrestlemania to officially passed the torch to Reigns.then have Cena then go on to defeat Reigns for the title at Extreme Rules.But drop's the title back to him at Battleground.Have Langston win MITB and cash in at Elimination Chamber.As for Ambrose he can eventually become top heel.

This probably sounds dumb but a new era is destined now.What is your idea for it.Don't criticize my idea instead just put yours.But Cena should not pass the torch to someone who was there before him and is already a legend.
Last Night at WWE TLC we seen two legends put it all on the line two determine one undisputed WWE Heavyweight Champion.But that's where that should end both Cena and Orton has been through 3 era's in WWE.Randy techincally 4.Cena's been in the RA era 2002-2008,PG era2008-2010,and The Universe Era 2010-2013.Randy Attitude Era April 2002- May 2002,RA Era 2002-2008,PG era2008-2010,and The Universe Era 2010-2013.But I think after WM XXX these two should drop to the mid-card for a little while.They should let Bryan,Punk,Langston,Reigns,Cody Rhodes,Ambrose,Rollins work their way up to the main event scene.While they stay out the way.That's just it their already legends people like Jericho,Show,Kane,Mysterio,and even Undertaker has dropped down the card.Maybe they should to.

The Reality EraI think at Wrestlemania it could either be Cena vs. Bryan for the title.I would have Bryan win.Getting the biggest win of his career.Have Cena finally snap the next night and turn heel feuding with Bryan until BattleGround.Cena then goes on to feud with Langston for the IC title.Having Cena eventually beat him winning the title for the first time.Langston could get boosted up the card that way.Reigns continue to feud with Ambrose.At Summerslam have Reigns face Punk (Who beat Bryan a month prior at MITB.) for the title and win.feuding with Punk (who turns heel at some point in the feud.) Randy Orton could go part-time or stay in the U.S. title picture.Maybe we could get a reversed roles final feud between Orton and Cena down the line.Have Cena go on to lose to Reigns at Wrestlemania to officially passed the torch to Reigns.then have Cena then go on to defeat Reigns for the title at Extreme Rules.But drop's the title back to him at Battleground.Have Langston win MITB and cash in at Elimination Chamber.As for Ambrose he can eventually become top heel.

This probably sounds dumb but a new era is destined now.What is your idea for it.Don't criticize my idea instead just put yours.But Cena should not pass the torch to someone who was there before him and is already a legend.
What you are saying is interesting, but I don't see either Cena or Orton dropping down the card anytime soon. Both are under-40 years old, Cena(36) and Orton is only (33). The majority of the Mid-Card are the same age as Orton and only a few are under 30. Cena and Orton may be veterans in terms of how long they have been here in the WWE, but yet, they are still young enough to remain in the WWE title picture for a few more years,which I think they will.No doubt about it.
What WWE need to do is have good interesting storylines for the IC and US belts which will elevate those belts and also make the Show much more interesting and stop giving us boring filler matches like the Miz vs Kofi last night.
After TLC, how can anyone really think Bryan has ANY chance to be NEAR that title by Mania XXX? He's not going to win Royal Rumble after losing to the Wyatts. He's not going to be Champ before then. He'll either be in a feud with the Wyatts leading up to Mania OR he's going to be BURIED BEHIND Bray if he joins them. Fans hoping for that DB WMXXX "Once in 3 Generations' Moment" need to wake up!
Lol at the people who think Bryan doesn't stand a chance at the title because he lost against 3 men. If anyone cared to truly pay attention to today's product would know, wins and losses no longer mean anything. In a world that has superstars absent for months and then show up at the Royal Rumble, odds are they will win it. So anyone who truly thinks Bryan losing to The Wyatts means he's fell from grace should really take a breather and realize losing against a whole team isn't the death of his career.

This probably sounds dumb but a new era is destined now.What is your idea for it.Don't criticize my idea instead just put yours.But Cena should not pass the torch to someone who was there before him and is already a legend.

Eras are defined by the influx of new ideas. Attitude Era had the raunchy, anti-hero roles, Ruthless Aggression/Brand Extension had two individual rosters at once, and PG Era for the obvious. This Reality Era may already be happening now that we have one world champion, so I don't think it's a stupid idea, but I'm unsure where this Universe Era is coming from.

And I know it's off topic, but I'm to the point of using Paypal to keep you from using the word legend ever again.
As much as I'd like to see Daniel Bryan in the title picture at WM, it's most likely not going to happen. The more realistic prediction for me personally is we see Randy Orton vs CM Punk for the WWE title.
I do like the idea of turning Cena heel in 2014, but I don't think it's likely. Hell, turning Cena heel at WM30 (or around that time) would be a great idea, storyline-wise. Cena would have some fresh match-ups, even with guys he's feuded with in the past...but it would be a PR nightmare for the WWE if it happened anytime soon. Around half (?) of the WWE Universe would like to see Cena turn heel, but he's too big of a PR figure for that to happen (the WWE has Cena's public appearances, and merchandise sales to take into account). I'm not saying it will never happen, because Cena will most likely be a heel before his career is over...the WWE would be flat out silly to never turn him heel again, it's just probably not going to happen within the next 365 days. They tried putting Bryan in Cena's shoes, PR-wise - and I don't think Bryan's got it in him; at least not like Cena does. Then again, I'm just speculating from what I've seen of Bryan on Total Divas. I honestly don't know the real story.

I'm not so sure I'd call this a new era just yet. As others have already alluded to, a new era starts when a new star becomes "a made man". A better example is when you can see the stars aligning for several performers in one night. For argument's sake, the Attitude Era started at WM 14 the night Austin won the belt. The next night on Raw the DX Army was formed (and the wheels for HHH becoming a megastar were put into motion), and Rock became the leader of The Nation (setting the course for The Rock to become a major player). That, to me, is a new era starting. I know 1998 might has well have been a century ago, compared to where the company is now - but I don't see anyone coming up to the ME (that hasn't already been there) besides Bryan any time soon. Maybe it's in the cards for Ambrose, Reigns, Sandow or Big E (maybe all four) - but there hasn't been any one standout moment for any of them. At least not yet. I'm thinking WM30 will be the stage for that, and hopefully we'll see at least one or two big stars emerge (or at least we'll see the foundation laid) around Wrestlemania time. Then again, what do I know? I'm just another fan.

Last night was just a title unification, and we'll most likely see Orton acting the same way he's been acting since winning the belt back in August. Just my two cents. If a new era begins any time soon, it will be at WM30 - when someone else is given the ball. Daniel Bryan is a great choice. I hope Bryan wins the Rumble, and goes on to be the one to defeat Orton at WM. Doesn't mean it will (or even should) happen, I just think that's the most logical story arc. That's when the Flying Goat Era will begin! hahaha
Daone5000: Don't criticize your idea. Just build on it? See I have a problem with your idea on a fundamental level so it's difficult for me to build on something I see that is from the beginning flawed. The PG era did not end in 2010. We are still in the PG era regardless what the smarks want to believe. You're still watching 'PG' TV. So it's still the 'PG' era. This idea floating around that the next era should be the 'reality' era..LOL..guys 'reality' is all we've had in wrestling now since the New World Order. And PG is what we've had ever since the so-called 'ruthless aggression' era lol. The next 'era' will not be the 'reality' era. That's already happened. And there is no 'universe' era. That's just plain stupid.

As for this being a 'new' era, LOL. There will be no 'new' era in WWE until we look back in hindsight. One cannot determine or predict the beginning of an era. It wasn't like I was sitting at home when i was 17 and I saw Stone Cold go crazy and realize out loud that it was the 'attitude' era. The name 'attitude' came about some time later after it was evident that there was in fact a new era. A new era being where something different and awesome is happening. Nothing different and awesome is happening in WWE besides Triple H taking over for Vince McMahon. And I personally don't find that all that 'era' defining. At least yet anyway.

As for a new 'era', it's just gotta happen organically without parental guidance restrictions. It's gonna have to revolve around Bryan as the underdog and Triple H as the tyrant. Similar to Vince and Stone Cold but it has to be different and unique and limitless. Otherwise, I would hesitate to call it a new era. It would still simply be the PG era.

I may be wrong but for me there has only been 4 or 5 eras since Hogan. There was the Hogan era of 84-90. There was the New Generation years with smaller wrestlers from 91-96. The Attitude Era from 97-03 give or take a year. There seemed to be a transitional era from 03 to about 06. Then there was the PG era from 06-12. This year with Daniel Bryan and Triple H. I don't know. I think we'll look back in a year or two and have a name for it. But WWE has to move away from the PG crap to differentiate itself from the past 6 or 7 years. Or else it will be too similar.
Cena and Orton are the two top guys in the company and are both relatively young. There is no need for them to drop down to the mid-card. The "mid-card" isn't the right phrase (unless you actually mean the US title). Taking one or both out of the title picture can have it's benefits and it is something that will inevitably happen. It's not going to be Cena vs Orton every month until they retire: there are other feuds these two can/will have.

Also, guys like Mysterio, Kane, The Big Show were always in floating around the title picture. Cena and Orton are the top guys; it is completely different. Hart, Austin, The Rock, HHH were all chasing the title until (semi) retirement, or leaving the WWE. The same applies for Cena and Orton. It's not as easy as telling them to fuck off and have Big E wrestle Seth Rollins at the main-event at Wrestlemania.

We are now in a situation that there is one title and about a maximum of 5 or 6 guys who are instantly going to challenge for it. Cena, Orton, Punk, Sheamus, Bryan and Del Rio (not my choice but he'll be there) These are the guys the WWE will rely on to headline PPV's and they can build stars outwith of that. It will take a few months before we see Reigns or Ambrose challenging for the WWE Heavyweight Championshp.

There is, indeed, plenty of potential in the roster. The Shield, Rhodes, Big E, Sandow and Ziggler are all guys that have the talent to be feuding with the aforementioned names. These guys will become top stars in time but the WWE still need the big players for plenty of reasons. I'm a fan of The Shield but they are not going to sell PPV's or merchandise - not yet. That is why after Rocky and Austin left we say Triple H and Taker dominate until Batista, Edge, Orton, Cena were at a level to carry the company.

The WWE need the top stars to keep people interested. The important thing is to build these younger stars at the same time.
Im sure this is the beginning of a new era, but if it's one where we have to watch the commentators take "selfies" in the middle of a match then count me out.
Goddamnit why have Cena turn heel? Here's what happens, inverse reaction, lower sales, less interesting reaction. That's it. The people who boo him boo him like a heel. They can tell you they are sophisticated fans all they want. Here's the reality. I don't like golf. I don't go to golf forums and bitch about golf, I don't make signs about how I hate golf, I don't go to golf tournaments and boo the golfers. Cena is a heel to the people who chant "cena sucks". It's been going on for damn near 10 years now, it's just how he is. The audience isn't homogeneous, so Cena is a heel to some (like the guy from Jingle All the Way who bangs everyone's wife) and a face to some. That's it.

After that, yea, we are seeing a new era. Why have Cena and Orton drop though? They can elevate guys a lot better main eventing with them. Pro wrestling is a business and wrestlers are products. You don't lower exposure of your cash cow just because you have a new product to push. You pair the two. Why do you think you see "Christopher Nolan, creator of the Dark Knight Trilogy" on movies he didn't even direct? If he's involved in any way, it draws eyes there and so people will see it and it gives another director and movie more exposure.
I swear you guys talk about the dumdest crap on this site. I mean really you ppl are worried about what era the wwe is in, come on just watch wrestling and enjoy it i swear fans any more either overthink crap and worry and discuss about the silliest stuff that has nothing to do with wrestling itself or nitpick and complain about every wwe show but still every week the same ppl that complain tune in every monday to watch raw and after the show they go to this site and start b¡chin how raw sucks. Ppl just need to shut up and watch wrestling amd enjoy it for what it is stop worrying about whose gonna get the next push or what era wwe is in and just live in the now and just watch it no matter wwe, tna, roh, or what ur in too just watch and enjoy and be a wrestling fan not a iwc b¡ch. If you dont like it dont watch it simple as that dont be a matt hardy.

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