The Bearded One Presents: Evolve 4: Danielson vs Fish Review

The Bearded One

Love is not admissable evidence.
EVOLVE 4: Danielson vs Fish


Union City, New Jersey

We start out with Bryan Danielson and Larry Dallas (I think) and Danielson runs him off. We then get the rundown of the EVOLVE rules and regulations. Wow, this venue is tiny. I love it!

Brodie Lee (1-1) vs Jon Moxley (0-1)

This should be a good old-fashioned brawl. The match starts hot with Moxley hitting a dropkick, but then they just start slugging it out. Lee takes Mox’s head off with a big boot and is in full control sending Moxley outside with a clothesline. Oh! Lee tried to slap Mox on the outside, but he is able to avoid it and Lee just crushed his hand on the pole. Moxley just jumped over the ref from outside the barricade to take out Lee. OW! Lee just pulled Mox off the apron gut first across the barricade. This is brutal without weapons. Back in the ring, Lee hits another big boot in the corner and tries a power bomb, but Moxley fights out of it. Double clothesline and both men are down. Both men roll to the outside and grab chairs and bring them into the ring for a double disqualification. LAME! Shit! Moxley was arguing with the referee while holding the chair near his face, and Lee kicked the chair into his skull and may have killed him.

Rating: **1/4. It was a good match for the six or seven minutes it went, but the ending killed it. Both men were delivering stiff shots throughout the match and delivered a good brawl. Nice little matches here, other than the ending.

We will see a series of interviews conducted the next day. First is Brodie Lee basically saying he isn’t going to play by the rules.

Ricochet (1-2) vs Drake Younger (1-0) vs Rich Swann (Debut) vs Chris Dickinson (0-3)

This should be a good spotfest, with two high-flyers in Ricochet and Swann. The other half of the match I’m not too confident about. This has a 15 minute time limit. Younger takes out Dickinson on the outside while Swann and Ricochet go crazy and fly all over the ring. Swann gets the upper hand and Dickinson military presses Younger on the outside and he lands with the THUD! Dickinson gains control of the match for a moment but is taken out by Younger, who takes out the other two men and gets a two count on Ricochet. Younger and Dickinson exchange slaps and Dickinson lands a move I’ve never seen before. It was like an abdominal stretch piledriver. Dickinson just landed a double belly-to-back suplex on Ricochet and Swann. He has really impressed me in this match. Ricochet comes back and hits a head scissors and Dickinson and Swann takes advantage and hits a Trouble In Paradise type kick. Ricochet goes for a reverse hurricarana, but gets dropped face first on the turnbuckle. He locks in a submission on Ricochet as Younger hits Drake’s Landing on Swann for the three count. That was a creative little finish there. It set up a match between Younger and Dickinson in the future and makes Ricochet look good since he didn’t tap.

Rating: ** 1/2. Good little match here that really didn’t have much rhyme or reason. It was a fun match that I enjoyed. It was too short to be great, but it was good for what it was.

WSU World Title Match
Mercedes Martinez (3-0) vs Tina San Antonio (Debut)

I just hope this is quick. For what it’s worth, San Antonio is nice to look at. I would love to raid her Alamo, if you know what I mean. But I’m not looking forward to this. San Antonio is actually in control of the match early on and is trying to keep Martinez off her feet. Martinez reverses her and lands knee strikes to her head. Now Martinez is dominating like we all expected. She hits a triple suplex and a Fisherman Buster for the win.

Rating: 1/2*. Is there any reason for these matches? I know they are building her up to face Kong, but these matches just don’t interest me at all.

Amazing Kong comes on the screen and accepts her challenge for EVOLVE 5.

Johnny Gargano (2-1) vs Adam Cole (0-1)

Now this is what I’m talking about. This should be a very good match with two up-and-coming wrestlers going at it. This match also has a 15 minute time limit. Gargano’s scrunchie is yellow once again. Cole goes for and up and over in the corner, but Gargano stays back and hits a nice sounding chop. Cole clotheslines Gargano to the floor, but when he tries to go for the dive he is met by a spear by Gargano. A tilt-a-whirl back breaker gets a two count for Gargano. Cole tries to fight back, but Gargano always has an answer. Gargano spit the face of Cole and he snaps. He hits a high angle neck breaker for a two count on Gargano. Cole charges him, but Gargano side steps and he goes to the outside. Gargano leans out to grab him but is kicked in the face. Cole hits a super kick followed by a German Suplex for a two count. The crowd is fully behind Cole, but Gargano is in control by hitting a suicide dive. He goes to the top rope, but is met by a big boot from Cole and then is hit by a DDT for a two count. Gargano’s lawn dart gets me every time. Gargano locks in a cloverleaf, but Cole reaches the ropes. They trade shots when they reach their feet, and now the crowd is behind Gargano. A nice little pin sequence goes down and now they both have small packages and roll around and neither can get the pin. Gargano goes for the Hurts Donut, but Cole rolls through for the pin and the win.

Rating: **3/4. They went out and put on a good match that I enjoyed. It wasn’t anything great, but it was an enjoyable match, and there is nothing wrong with that.

After the match, Jimmy Jacobs comes to the ring and tells Cole he would like to Bradshaw his ass if there were showers. I got me a good chuckle. Jacobs mocks Gargano for losing to Cole and Cole challenges him to a match, but Jacobs just walks off.

Jigsaw and Hallowicked (1-0) vs Aeroform (1-2)

This is another match I’m excited for and it should be a ton of high-flying fun. Green looks really weird on Jigsaw, just saying. Jigsaw and Flip Kendrick start the match out for their respective teams. They exchange arm drags and Kendrick goes for a standing moonsault but lands on his feet after Jigsaw moved. Hallowicked and Lyndon are in the match now. Lyndon gets a few two counts on roll ups. Jigsaw tags in and the masked team try to double team Lyndon, but fail. Kendrick then enters the ring and gets boosted by Lyndon and hits both of his opponents with a hurricarana at the same time! Nice! They roll to the outside and Kendrick hits a good dive on them. The Chikara guys are in firm control of the match now. Kendrick goes for another standing moonsault, but Hallowicked gets his knees up and destroys his face. He recovers and nails Jigsaw with a reverse hurricarana. Wow! Hallowicked had Lyndon on his shoulders and Jigsaw landed with a double stomp, the Hallowicked landed Go 2 Sleepy Hallow, then Jigsaw landed a super kick, and then finally Hallowicked put him down for a three count with a big boot.

Rating: **1/2. I liked this match, but it was just missing something and I'm not sure what.

Sami Callihan (1-0) vs Arik Cannon (0-1)

This should be another intense brawl. I like Cannon and Callihan is always improving. Callihan tries to charge Cannon at the bell but he moved and they try to fight for the advantage, but it turns into a draw. Cannon gets the advantage with a hammerlock, but Callihan escapes and now they are chopping the hell out of each other. Callihan is just raining down elbows onto the back of Cannon’s head. A rolling neck breaker only gets a one for Cannon. Cannon locks on some kind of bow and arrow and it just looks sick. Callihan is able to hit a quick missile dropkick to get the momentary advantage. He hits a springboard lariat to Cannon on the apron. They exchange shots and headbutts on the apron and they straddle the floor with one for on the apron and the other on the barricade. Cannon drops down and takes Callahan’s legs out and he crashes to the floor. They slug it out on the outside and Cannon lands an exploder suplex on the floor! Callihan pops back up and lands one of his own! Cannon pops back up and nails Callihan with a super kick and both men are down on the outside. Callihan is first to his feet and they continue to fight on the outside. Callihan is back in the ring at 18 and Cannon crawls in at 19. They are face-to-face at the center of the ring and they are destroying each other with strikes. Callihan gets a two count with a leaping side Russian leg sweep. Callihan gets another two count with a lariat and he is getting pissed. A big right hand staggers Callihan and Cannon is back in control. Cannon lands a brain buster and Callihan kicks out at two! Callihan gets the win by submission with the Stretch Muffler.

Rating: *** It was a very good match and they pulled out all the stops. They seemed like they were going to try for an epic match. It didn’t deliver on being epic, but it was a very good one. Check it out if you don’t have anything else to do.

Gargano comes to the ring and says he is doing ok after his loss. He said he did some growing up backstage and he can admit Cole got the better of him. He says Jacobs is scared of Cole.

Up In Smoke (1-0) vs Osirian Portal (0-0)

I’m looking forward to this and it should be a fast, high-flying match. I seem to say that a lot about tag wrestling in EVOLVE, and that isn’t a complaint. This match has a 30 minute time limit. Cheech and Amasis start us off and Cheech gains the advantage with a wrist lock but the Funky Pharaoh dances his way out of it. Ophidian gets Cheech into a crucifix for two. Up In Smoke double team Ophidian for a moment and Cloudy hits a snap suplex and Cheech hits a senton for a pin attempt, but Amasis breaks it up. Ophidian just nailed Cloudy with a sick lung blower type move. Ophidian rolls to the outside which allows Amasis to dive in to take Cloudy out. Ophidian locked in a full nelson with his legs on Cloudy, who needs a tag in the worst way. He just has Cloudy tied up like a pretzel, but he eventually reaches the ropes to break the hold. Amasis locks in a camel clutch on Cloudy, who has just been taking a beating. Cheech has had enough and just storms the ring and takes out Amasis, but Ophidian takes him out to the floor. Cloudy nailed Amasis with a sick ace crusher and both men are down. Hot tag to Cheech and he cleans house. Cheech dives over the top and takes Ophidian out into the crowd. Head scissors by Ophidian takes Cloudy out. A nice splash and drop kick combination by Up In Smoke gets a two count. Ophidian death grip on Cheech but Cloudy breaks it up. He goes to the top and hits a knee and Cheech hits a power bomb on Ophidian and they get the win.

Rating: **1/4. Decent match, but ultimately disappointing. There isn’t anything to complain about in the match, but it didn’t deliver like I hoped.

Jimmy Jacobs (3-0) vs Chuck Taylor (2-0)

These are probably my favorite two wrestlers in EVOLVE, so I should love this. They are both great wrestlers and I’m excited for this. Before the match, Jacobs talks trash about Gargano and Cole and says he accepts Cole’s challenge. The match has a 30 minute time limit. They lock up and neither can gain the advantage in the match. They both go for their finishers but neither hit. Jacobs throws Taylor into the corner and stomps a mud hole on his ass, but he is able to fight back with an over head suplex. Taylor throws Jacobs into the corner but Jacobs counters and hits a dining lariat and gets a two count. He hits a few head butts and a drop kick to Chuckie T’s back for another two count. Taylor gets back to his feet and sidesteps Jacobs, who goes to the floor. From the apron, Taylor hits a nice kick to the face that knocks Jacobs into the crowd. Taylor dove from the guardrail onto Jacobs in the crowd! That was awesome chant breaks out and I agree. Taylor throws him back into the ring. Taylor tries for a power bomb, but Jacobs counters into the End Time. Taylor counters that with Soul Food and then connects with a boot to the face that only gets a one count. He does it again and gets a two count. Jacobs lands with an ace crusher and he quickly goes to the top and lands with a senton for two. A baseball slide sends Taylor into the crowd. Jacobs tries for a dive but Taylor is able to use the guard rail once again to get to the apron and land a knee. He hits a springboard missile dropkick, but Jacobs pops right back up and lands a spear for a two count. Both men are down as the crowd chants “This is awesome.” They are back to their feet and are trading right hands. Taylor goes for a suplerplex and Jacobs fights him off and once again locks on the End Time. Taylor frees his head a gets a single leg Boston crab, but Jacobs grabs the ropes. Jacobs connects with the Contra Code and comes within inches of a three count. Jacobs goes for a top rope Contra Code and Taylor fights him off and hits the Awful Waffle for the three count to give Jacobs his first loss. Chuck Taylor is the wins leader in EVOLVE.

Rating: ***1/2. A very good match between two of the best EVOLVE has to offer. They went all out and had a match that was exciting from bell to bell. Jacobs suffered his first loss and it played in nicely to him getting cocky over being undefeated. Check this match out if you want to see a very good match. I think if it had five more minutes it would have been a great match. I was think about giving it ***3/4, but I couldn't pull the trigger. Still a very good, though.

Bryan Danielson (Debut) vs Bobby Fish (0-3)

This is the first of two appearances in EVOLVE for Danielson, who looks to keep Fish winless in the promotion. Huge ovation for Danielson and he is littered with ties. This match has a 60 minute time limit. I never realized how much I missed the “You’re Gonna Get Your Fuckin’ Head Kicked In” chants. They feel each other out early as they both are just going for leg kicks. They finally lock up and Danielson drives him into the corner, but Fish hits a couple of nice kicks. Danielson answers back and just unloads on Fish in the corner. Fish answers back with kicks in the corner of his own. Danielson goes for a leg lock and Fish quickly gets to the ropes. Back in the middle of the ring, they go into a knuckle lock and Fish overpowers Danielson into a pin. Danielson hits a monkey flip to get out of it. Fish knocks Danielson out of the ring and hits a huge dive and is in full control of the match now. Danielson is able to counter a pin attempt and steps on Fish elbow and then drills him with kicks to the back. Danielson locks Fish's knees up and just stomps to the back of them, which has to hurt. Danielson has Fish’s knees trapped once again and locks what appears to be a version of the Indian Death Lock, and he rolls it over into a pin attempt for two. Fish makes his way to the outside as the American Dragon stalks him on the apron. He dives off and lands a double knee strike. He rolls Fish back into the ring and makes his way to the top and connects with a missile drop kick. Danielson just keeps demolishing Fish with leg kicks, but he will not stay down. Danielson ducks a strike attempt and connects with a belly-to-back suplex and both men are down. Fish gains control and goes to the top and lands a very nice diving head butt. Falcon arrow gets a two count for Fish. Danielson catches a kick and dragon screw leg whips Fish to the floor. Danielson has a tendon hold on Fish’s left leg in the middle of the ring, but Fish refuses to give up and he rolls both himself and Danielson to the floor. Danielson makes it back to the ring first. He asks Fish if he wants to fight and connects with a huge kick and follows with a tiger suplex for two. He holds on to the arms and it’s Cattle Mutilation. He rolls it over and Danielson traps the arm and lands 20 elbow strikes! And Fish kicks out! What a match! Danielson goes for another German suplex, but Fish lands on his feet and connects with a flying knee strike. Fish is landing vicious knees on Dragon now, but is too tired to make the pin. Danielson lands some up kicks to the face as they exchange forearms from their knees. Danielson hits a cradle suplex for two and then locks on a knee bar and Fish taps! The fans chant “Best in the World” as both men are exhausted.

Rating: ****1/4. This was a phenomenal match. Both men gave it their all and they delivered with a great match. Danielson proved why he is the best in the world and Bobby Fish continues to show how good of a wrestler he is. I will mark out like a little kid when Fish finally gets his first win. Do yourself a favor and watch this match.

Show Rating: I think I overrated EVOLVE 3, as it was more along the lines of a 7.5 out of 10. But for EVOLVE 4, I will give it an 8 out of 10.
Great review man, completely agree with pretty much everything you said and your match ratings. Let me look at my ratings...yep, pretty much the same as yours, *** for Callihan-Cannon, Jacobs-Taylor at ***1/4, and the main event at ****1/4 as well. Typical EVOLVE show with a slow undercard that picks up with some good matches towards the middle, and an excellent main event. Danielson-Fish is a serious candidate for the best match in EVOLVE yet, possibly even a 2010 Match of the Year candidate. I REALLY hope Fish goes places in this business, because I want to see more of him against top-level talents like Danielson.

Good show as always, great review man.

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