Dean Winchester

Getting Noticed By Management
I think now with Hogan and Bishoff back to being dictator/tyrants, Sting and Pope shuld recruit few wrestlers to oppose Hogan and Bishoff. I like to see Sting's group be called The Bastards. Based off Quentin Tarantino's film Inglorious Bastards. Now not saying they wear army uniforms and attack people, keep the attires they have now, but act as a rebellious group of men who oppose rule of evil rulers. I also like to see Sting have a better persoality in this angle, and I mean no more being angry all the time, and pissed off. Have him be laid back andcool, but aware of what s going on. Bascialy be like Brad Pitt's character from Inglorious Bastards Aldo Rane, inus thesouhern ascent. Also be coo if Samoa Joe joined the group, he be like ''The Bearjew'' Eli Roth's character from the film, just destroying people. Bascially TNA needs a rebellious stable like DX to oppose Bishoff and Hogan. Like how DX opposed Vince McMahon, but no DX recently, late 90s DX when they was faces. TNA sitting on ogld mine here, they need not mess this up. Since they rehashing NWO bascially, they should create they own DX group, minus crouch chop.
First off, if you wanted to go in line with Tarantino's film, Bastards has a unique spelling of "Basterds" with an "e" instead of an "a".

Secondly, I'm sure this is what is going to happen although I doubt they use this name at all nor any similarities to the movie. There probably will be a group of guys going against them though...as there always is. And the way Sting, Pope, and Nash looked (no facepaint, jeans, etc.) doesn't make it seem like they are going to come up with a name any time soon either. Might just get something going and have the fans come up with something just like they did with "The Band" when they kind of had a similar attitude (albeit with a heel twist).
Just as long as it doesn't turn into Dudes With Attitude, like back in the early 90s. That group had Sting as well, with JYD, The Steiners, and El Gigante/ Giant Gonzales (R.I.P.) It was awful
I don't doubt that their will be a name that comes up for the new stable, but it will be for the new heel element of Hogan,Jarrett,Bischoff,Samoa JOE, and Abyss & Hardy. What should their name be? I am assuming if their is one it will be similar to NWO. Like TNANWO or the Regime. The only other person I see creating a group to combat HOGAN/BISCHOFF would be Angel. If he lost clean he "would" have retired, but how he got screwed over by the heel's he's going to not going to retire, and fight back with his own group for what happened at BFG. More than likely he will bring in Haas/Benjamin, and some other's to exact revenge, and I think Dixie will front the whole revenge Angle from behind the scenes.
Uh, I get the Sting revolt and all, but what the fuck does this have anything to do with that awful Quentin Tarantino movie, and why the fuck would TNA name their rebellion group against "They" after that movie?

Are you not aware you are indirectly (or directly) correlating Nazism with They?

This is an awful angle theme. Awful.
Don't call them the basterds. My thoughts are that Kurt Angle and Mister Anderson will form a face stable to battle THEY. Angle and Anderson could add either Rob Van Dam (Since he lost the original title and has a reason to continu feuding with Abyss and now Jeff Hardy) or Samoa Joe (Since Jarrett left him hanging in their tag Match) or Sting (Since it looks like now he'll be a face who was trying to start this for the get go) or Pope (Since he partner with Sting). (I'm under the impression that Nash is retiring so I don't expect him to be part of this group)

The new face stable with be made up of some combinations of those guys.

But THEY needs a new name now that we know who THEY actually are. But THEY only have 3 wrestlers. How are Hardy, Abyss, and Jarrett supposed to be intimidating? I perosnally hate every facet of this angle but it would have made sense to add one or two more guys to the Stable who can wrestle.
I don't doubt that their will be a name that comes up for the new stable, but it will be for the new heel element of Hogan,Jarrett,Bischoff,Samoa JOE, and Abyss & Hardy. What should their name be? I am assuming if their is one it will be similar to NWO. Like TNANWO or the Regime. The only other person I see creating a group to combat HOGAN/BISCHOFF would be Angel. If he lost clean he "would" have retired, but how he got screwed over by the heel's he's going to not going to retire, and fight back with his own group for what happened at BFG. More than likely he will bring in Haas/Benjamin, and some other's to exact revenge, and I think Dixie will front the whole revenge Angle from behind the scenes.

Jarrett turned on Joe during the match, so i doubt he's a member of the group. i'm sure Joe sides with Nash/Sting/Pope/etc.

as long as it's not something cheesy like the Alliance, where's it's really generic. they may go something nWo style like "The Order" or something. with the other guys, i don't think they'll have a name. they'll probably just be known as some sort of misfits going against this new regime.
Uh, I get the Sting revolt and all, but what the fuck does this have anything to do with that awful Quentin Tarantino movie, and why the fuck would TNA name their rebellion group against "They" after that movie?

Are you not aware you are indirectly (or directly) correlating Nazism with They?

This is an awful angle theme. Awful.

You idiot....I said Sting group should have name Basterds and be rebellious against dictators/tyrants which Hogan and Bishoff will be. Has nothing do with Nazism. And movie was great, won academy award.
It won an academy award for best supporting actor. A film can still not be the best but have a good performance in it. That's how most of Tarantino's latest films have been.

Also, seeing as you called The group "Basterds" and picked members on how they could be portrayed along similar lines to those in the group in the movie, I'd say calling IDR an idiot would be highly incorrect.

Good idea in parts, but a shit name.

Oh, and I think the film was complete shit as well
Sadly, this is what's going to happen. What's more sad is that's probably the best option following the swerve last night. And what that means is yet another faction. Meaning...the last days of WCW all over again where there's countless factions. So many that you can't even keep up with them all nor can you possibly care about them. Not declaring TNA dead. Just declaring it unwatchable for me at this point.
There are two laughable opinions in this thread. The first is the thread itself. Why would even someone as simple as Dixie Carter or her band of has been creative team DIRECTLY steal an entire movie theme to create a stable? They just stole the Shore gimmick, theyre all out of freebies. Then again I wouldnt put it past them to steal it, but thats one of the most ridiculous angles I have ever heard. Why does the idea of a rebellion instantly mean Inglorious Basterds, and what does any part of that movie have to do with this angle or those wrestlers? They scalped Nazis and were goofy the whole time. I dont usually comment on these things but I cant even imagine how someone creates this idea.

Secondly, to call that movie anything close to awful is ridiculous. There was nothing less than average in that movie, not a single aspect of the film. And to whoever said a good acting performance doesnt mean the film is good, correct. But obviously you didnt notice that the film garnered TEN other Academy nominations. I dont hold much stock in who the Academy picks as their award winners, but just thought Id point that out. Obviously we have a bunch of Tarentino haters up in here, because while I couldnt care less from him after 1996, this particular film was easily one of the best of the year, and anyone who can try to claim that the movie was awful, despite whether you liked it or not, loses my faith in their movie opinion.

By the way this thread should be closed, it isnt doing anything except provoke anger and insults.
o k . i might be on a limb here but doesnt this rehashed NWO angle seem to be a way to kill tna just like it killed wcw. washed up rasslers trying to show up the younger talent. and besides it is just plain stale. at least the nexus angle with cena is interesting . a gereatic nwo is just plain dumb LOL
I think now with Hogan and Bishoff back to being dictator/tyrants, Sting and Pope shuld recruit few wrestlers to oppose Hogan and Bishoff. I like to see Sting's group be called The Bastards. Based off Quentin Tarantino's film Inglorious Bastards. Now not saying they wear army uniforms and attack people, keep the attires they have now, but act as a rebellious group of men who oppose rule of evil rulers. I also like to see Sting have a better persoality in this angle, and I mean no more being angry all the time, and pissed off. Have him be laid back andcool, but aware of what s going on. Bascialy be like Brad Pitt's character from Inglorious Bastards Aldo Rane, inus thesouhern ascent. Also be coo if Samoa Joe joined the group, he be like ''The Bearjew'' Eli Roth's character from the film, just destroying people. Bascially TNA needs a rebellious stable like DX to oppose Bishoff and Hogan. Like how DX opposed Vince McMahon, but no DX recently, late 90s DX when they was faces. TNA sitting on ogld mine here, they need not mess this up. Since they rehashing NWO bascially, they should create they own DX group, minus crouch chop.

Why not call them the Union? like WWE back in 1999 a group of guys who were beat on or kicked out of the higher powers group and feuded with them.
TNA is becoming a huge flusterfuck with heel teams, why don't Flairs team and Hogans join up? and just kill TNA until Kurt, Anderson, RVD & Sting defend TNA?
I see two possible team setups here.

Heel: They
Face: Fourtune

Heel: They, Fourtune
Face: Angle/Anderson/Sting/Joe/Kendrick/Lethal/etc

Option 1 would obviously require a fourtune face turn with Flair staying anti-Hogan, but then it's 5 great wrestlers against 2 good wrestlers, 1 past his prime wrestler, 1 manager and 1 guy who can barely even fucking walk.

Option 2 would also suck due to the MEM factor...literally everything on impact would be focused on this one big super heel faction and other people trying to take them down.

TNA has essentially put themselves into checkmate. They've left themselves with three options; the two I have listed, or coming up with something (else) that doesn't make any fucking sense.
Obviously some you missed the point I was trying to make. But forget it in Any way like The Union name for the stable of Sting's.

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