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The Bash: Khali v ziggler

golden miz


WWE has offically confirmed this match for the ppv on sunday. When I read this I was susprised because the match between morison/benijman would of been better or even a mvp/kingston/regal match. Whose smoking crack in the wwe creative room (and can I have some please, lol. This is not a ppv match and is not a good way for zigglers first ppv match. I understand that khali ws once a champ but god he lost his mobility since then and ric flair could put on a better match at this time. I could think of 1000 beter matches but at least ziggler is on a ppv so at least thats one good thing to come off this. No wonder that wwe put ziggler and khali in that tag match. What do you all think about this austrocity named khali on a ppv again, I guess this took the spot of the recent santino comedy acts.
I can't believe it.
This isn't going to change my mind about ordering the Bash (If I can order it) since the other matches more than make up for it.

Can you imagine if Ziggler won?
Well, this fued has been going on for nearly two months. If WWE has some sort of direction towards a fued, then they are likely to be put on a ppv. I actually expected a ppv match between Great Khali and Dolph Ziggler. I feel that they needed to be put on a ppv. It couldn't have been Night of Champions because neither of them have titles and neither of them will likely have titles before then. And it could have been at Summerslam because I doubt a fued this corny would be dragged out this long. I know that this fued won't really sell the ppv that much, but it's good to see Ziggler performing at a ppv. I couldn't care less about the result, but I predict a Khali victory.
No matter how stupid this sounds, I'm kinda glad they put it on the PPV. I mean Khali is shit, and there is no argument there. But seeing Ziggler on the card for The Bash is a nice step forward. I like seeing the WWE utilize their good young talent, and Ziggler is a part of that. The first step in putting him over is letting him win at this PPV though. There is no reason to let Khali win, because he's not going anywhere, and the same can't be said about Ziggler. This win could be a big step forward in Dolph's career, and I hope he finds a heelish way to come out victorious!
so many on these forums complain that WWE 'always puts the same boring guys into ppvs' (cena, trips, orton, batista, edge, jeff hardy, cm punk etc) and here we have the miz and dolph ziggler on the card as well as a few titles on the line, a needless scramble match for the ECW title and no kofi.

meh, more good than bad- they may actually be moving foreward
I am actually very happy to see this match make the card. I was very suprised to see it on the card as well. I am happy to see this match on the card because it gives Dolph Ziggler his first PPV match, which I see him winning to also give him his first PPV victory. I am surprised to see this match on the card because it is a lower mid-card feud that no one really cares about. I see this match being the first match of the night, with ease. Probably not a good match to say the least but, I hope Ziggler wins after a couple of chair shots to Khali, since the match is No DQ, says Wikipedia.
I wish Ziggler would do like Jake Roberts did to Andre the Giant use a phobia against him wouldnt it be hilarious if Khali was afraid of clowns and Ziggler gets doink the clown to interfere in the match?
I'm totally glad about this. For the longest time, Ziggler's push was nonexistant, and he was getting stagnant. He'd go out and lose to a midcarder like Kofi, and then he'd beat a jobber like Noble, and it was useless. The fact they've got him in a feud with a former world champion, who physically dominates im, is great. It makes him look better because he is constantly outsmarting the man we all know could literally kill him with his bare hands, and with every cheap win he gets more momentum. The fact that they're putting it on PPV means they have faith in Ziggler, and there should be bigger and better things to come.
I never thought I would say it but I actualy like Ziggler, He reminds me of Mr.Perfect. I hope he continues to develop. Am I the only one who can see him pulling off the perfect gimmick?????
Wow. Ziggler on a PPV? Didn't think it would happen so soon, but nonetheless, at least they are giving him a shot. The match will likely suck, it is Khali y'know, but its a good opportunity for aDolph to get some spotlight.
Im actually looking forward to this match, I know its likely gonna be terrible and I know its likely to have a shit finish but as bad as khali is I somehow like the guy.

And as for Dolph Ziggler, I think the guy has great potential and may one day fill the massive void left behind when they shitcanned Mr Kennedy.

Im hoping for a Ziggler win, they have made him look good against Khali recently so with a bit of luck they will continue to do so.
Like everyone else, I was very surprised to see this match on the card. I'm glad that Ziggler is getting a chance on a PPV because he does have potential, but unfortunately that chance has to be against Khali. I think Ziggler will find a way to get the win here, hopefully cleanly, as it could really jump start his push again and make him seem like a credible opponent against other mid-carders (Morrison, Benjamin, Mysterio, etc)
Hell yeah is all I got to say!

I've been a Ziggler fan since he wrestled down here in FCW and if he can get the win here tonight that'd be awesome momentum for him. It could also be the first decent thing Khali's ever done for the business, and I'd gain at least a little respect for him, if he could take the job here. I know it won't be a great match, but I doubt it'll go more than 5 minutes, so it'll be worth it just to watch Ziggler's PPV debut.
Im actually looking forward to this match, I know its likely gonna be terrible and I know its likely to have a shit finish but as bad as khali is I somehow like the guy.

And as for Dolph Ziggler, I think the guy has great potential and may one day fill the massive void left behind when they shitcanned Mr Kennedy.

Im hoping for a Ziggler win, they have made him look good against Khali recently so with a bit of luck they will continue to do so.

Since I don't get to watch much of Smackdown (MyNetworkTV isn't on DirectTV or I haven't found it yet.), I don't know about Ziggler's mic work. It has improved I'm sure, or they wouldn't give him a PPV match.

I see Dolph winning here, probably cheating to win, and then they move him into a future IC Title Program possibly after Summerslam.
I'm just glad to see how they are having mid card feuds and showcasing them on PPV's. Its a good way to elevate young talent, i hope they continue with the mid to lower card feuds.
WWE should let Ziggler pull an upset victory over Khali. It wouldnt seem likely that he could beat Khali in a regular match, but with the No DQ stipulations, it seems more likely for Ziggler to win. I hope he does because Ziggler has good charisma and is good in the ring and a victory over the huge Khali could give him some credibility.
Pretty fired up about this, for a number of reasons.

1. anothe rmid card feud getting a build, push, and a conclusion, on PPV.

2. The Zigglerpush continues

3. Hopefully Ziggler can get the win here, and move on to bigger, and better things, IE a feud with Rey Rey Mastrio over the IC title (given Rey winning of course)

Ziggler has preformed VERY well in this feud, and I truly belive the sky is the limit for him. I truly, TRULY hope he manages to get a win here, which logcially, he should. Its been said for a time that kahli doesnt have much left, so therefore it makes all the sense in the world for Ziggler to get the win here. Really hope so, and I will be in full mark mode during this.
Pretty fired up about this, for a number of reasons.

1. anothe rmid card feud getting a build, push, and a conclusion, on PPV.

2. The Zigglerpush continues

3. Hopefully Ziggler can get the win here, and move on to bigger, and better things, IE a feud with Rey Rey Mastrio over the IC title (given Rey winning of course)

Ziggler has preformed VERY well in this feud, and I truly belive the sky is the limit for him. I truly, TRULY hope he manages to get a win here, which logcially, he should. Its been said for a time that kahli doesnt have much left, so therefore it makes all the sense in the world for Ziggler to get the win here. Really hope so, and I will be in full mark mode during this.

100% agree on this, who cares if it means Khali is on a PPV? The guy is a former world champion at the end of the day, you're getting an up comer in Ziggler on the Bash PPV, when you don't have someone like Edge? That I think is pretty big! We'll see how he performs on the bigger stage, he did well on Raw, so why not here?
Since I don't get to watch much of Smackdown (MyNetworkTV isn't on DirectTV or I haven't found it yet.), I don't know about Ziggler's mic work. It has improved I'm sure, or they wouldn't give him a PPV match.

I see Dolph winning here, probably cheating to win, and then they move him into a future IC Title Program possibly after Summerslam.

Well I hope Dolph cheats to win, the match is a NO DQ match. I'd be bored to tears if he didn't cheat to win in a NO DQ MATCH.

ANYWAY... Again... surprised to see this match but am excited for it. I think the Bash shaped up to actually be buyable. I mean Miz/Cena alone is worth 20 bucks. That might be pushing it a little, but I really am looking forward to these undercard talents getting spots on PPVs. I've been high on Ziggler and Miz since their debuts. Well... Ziggler since his repackaging as Ziggler and Miz once he showed he really has it during his run with Morrison. Late 07 was when The Miz really made me believe he was something. Plus, I started a thread awhile ago about where the 3 Stages of Hell match went.... and here it is. So again... I'm jacked for this PPV.

Ziggler and Khali will be decent IMO. Since Khali has turned face, he doesn't seem AS stiff in the ring. I mean granted he might have only gotten like 5% better, but he doesn't seem as stiff to me. I'm really looking forward to this match and to see what tactics Ziggler uses to get over on the Punjabi Playboy.
I'm joining the crew that is marking out over this. I'm so happy they actually have Ziggler doing something, instead of just being another guy to throw in multi-man tag matches (I'm looking at you Ricky Ortiz). The no-DQ stipulation should give it Dolph, which will result in a nice rub. You can't beat a giant, even an immobile one, without gaining quite a bit of credibility. Here's to a solidified spot in the midcard for Dolph Ziggler.
I pretty much feel the same way as others have said. Things are looking great for Ziggler. They've made and built his character to actually use his head, which was shown when he beat Khali via count out. So this sets up things perfectly for this match. Ziggler gets a win via underhanded heel tactics, making Khali still look strong(well i think he always will) and making Ziggler more hated since apparently face Khali is actually over. After this match the feud should hopefully end and Ziggler moves on as some have mentioned to the mid card scene. Where he should compete for the IC belt. This is what should happen, and hopefully does.
I pretty much feel the same way as others have said. Things are looking great for Ziggler. They've made and built his character to actually use his head, which was shown when he beat Khali via count out. So this sets up things perfectly for this match. Ziggler gets a win via underhanded heel tactics, making Khali still look strong(well i think he always will) and making Ziggler more hated since apparently face Khali is actually over. After this match the feud should hopefully end and Ziggler moves on as some have mentioned to the mid card scene. Where he should compete for the IC belt. This is what should happen, and hopefully does.

Is everyone forgeting that jericho and mysterio are in a year long fued. I don't really think it wll last that long but the ic title will be locked up for a good 6 months between those two. I think the only thing to do is put ziggler in a heel/heel fued after this to show his ruthleness and i think hes one of only 2 people who can work a heel on heel fued the other being randy orton so stick those two together in a program. Have ziggler come out and hit orton with a lead pipe, get transfered to raw, have a lengthy non title fued with orton, then move on to others like cena. Orton in my mind is nothing without the title but is a big enough name to put ziggler in a point that in a year everyone will take him serious.
I'm honestly not that interested in this match. It will be when I go to the fridge for a snack and water. Khali is not interesting and Ziggler sucks. I expect this to not be anything worth remembering whatsoever....

DAGGER DIAS prediction: Khali
I like that these two have got a PPV chance. For people who don't watch Smackdown they won't think much of Ziggler but they can see how he has improved given the chance. Khali being on the show ups buy rates in India. It's a win win situation for WWE.

The match won't be too long but it should be all right, obviously not a classic. Imagine if Ziggler gets a pinfall win over Khali? It will do wonders for him and make him seem a credible threat. If Khali wins it doesn't take too much away from Ziggler because Khali hardly ever gets pinned.
Things worked out great in the aftermath of this match. Ziggler held two wins over Khali going into this match if i remember correctly, one by count out, the other by getting Khali DQ'ed. As i said earlier this added a lot of depth i felt to the Ziggler character. It showed he's a thinking heel who tries to out smart his opponent. This was further developed by the commentary at the Bash which i was happy with. J.R put over his scholastic credentials, further solidifying he's a smart thinker.

The ending was strange, but it went down properly. Although the Kane run in was really out of nowhere, it let's both Ziggler and Khali move on. Because of the run in Khali moves on to a assumed feud with Kane, and Ziggler moves on to a hopeful mid card title feud with Rey. Since Rey seems to be done with Jericho.

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