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The Band is TNA biggest thing going.


Pre-Show Stalwart
All of the fussing of the internet fans in these forums about all the old guys? I am tired of it. Your misguiding a small crowd that may believe Aj Styles and these young guys could possibly be even a small amount of interesting..lol

look on the TNA website the current poll is what match was your favorite from TNA Impact and guess who is winning?

THE BAND vs Team 3D....with 672

They even beat out Angelina Love vs Velvet Sky which suprises me even.

It is clearly a fan base wanting to see the band and these old guys. No matter how fat Scott Hall is or how slow Nash is or even how bad Syxx Pac is on the mic. The TNA fan base knows its still more interesting than AJ,The Pope,Wolfe or Abyss.

I've said it before the old guys are the only thing keeping TNA remotely interesting. They still have no chance in hell of beating WWe just because WWE has a loyal fan base and has been around for years.

I think TNA is miles ahead of WWE myself but if those old guys like Sting,RVD,Hogan,Flair and of course the band left I would go with them.

Other than the band Mr. Anderson is the TNA savior....

Sooner or later Bishoff and Hogan will have to get on "The Band" wagon yes pun intended and regroup the best stable in wrestling. Have them take over TNA with Dixie and Jeff doing there best to fight them off.......

AJ Styles---average talent but is boring without Flair
The Pope---he is ok but is nothing more than a mid carder
Abyss--Hogan successfully destroyed his character just release him plz
Desmond Wolfe--????? why all the hype he isnt great at mic or ring skills.

Its just ashame they are not using one of thier best mic guys Raven.....

Old TNA guys are whats keeping the other wise uninteresting company floating!!

Hall vs Aj Styles for the TNA title would be awesome..lol

but seriously what do you guys think? How can you disagree really?

Aj Styles vs The Pope match was last in the polls...........thats the next PPv main event? It cannot even beat out the knockouts or red/morgan vs mcmg match?
The more interesting things from TNA last week happened during events that weren't matches like the Storm/Hardy fireball and Sting/Jarrett. I don't know anything about voting, but I vote what you just said was a whole bunch of bull hickey. I kinda enjoy The Band when TNA play their cards right and place them in the 1st hour of the show, but they aren't main event talent in this point of their careers.

I try not to speak down on people. But when you make comments like Wolfe has no ring skills & Abyss needs to get release, I guess the best thing to do would be to remain silent.....

But that's not my style. Those two men in particular are what I think separates TNA from the WWE and could make them better. When I watch Wolfe, I think of Dean Malenko's ring prowess with a sharper attitude. I think he can be a great Arn Anderson to Style's Flair. Abyss put a little yellow & red in his costume, speaks with more strength, and I think "That's Hogan's boy!" He sounds just like him during the promos. I just hoped they'd have him in the ring more. His Blackhole Slam is one of my fave finishers right now.

But back to topic, The Band is cool in playing their little part, distracting 3D from the Tag belts and keeping EY relevant. But if I see a 50 year old man tag another man's outline on the mat again, I'm coming to the Impact Zone with my own crowbar
I have to agree, and it's a little bit sad, because it really shows how bad TNA is at creating stars. Thats not a shot at the performers, mind you, but a shot at creative for not developing interesting characters, or maintaining pushes and storylines, constantly falling back on their old guard of already established, but ever aging superstars. Thank god for rays of hope like Anderson and Pope.

But more on topic, the reason why the Band is popular is Nostalgia, their familiar faces, and three fairly big stars in wrestling History. Just Like the Main Event Mafia, they are guys that people can easily recognize, and that people enjoy seeing. They may not be as young or athletic as they used to be, but they are still more interesting than 90% of the TNA roster. Relying on Nostalgia is fine for now, but sooner or later it's going to bite TNA in the ass, because when all of these guys retire, who's left? They really need to work on pushing guys like Pope and Anderson, who are highly charismatic and could be major stars, and use guys like Jeff Hardy and RVD while they can still go, although honestly i've been disappointed by both of their ring work in TNA lately. They also have Styles, who is a great wrestler, but needs to let Flair talk for him, and Abyss who needs to get back in shape, and Wolfe who is a great talent as well.
the only reason i started watching tna was 'cause hogan signed with them, and with the hope that he would bring scott hall/the nwo back. i think the wolfpac, especially hall and nash, are better at promos than pretty much anyone in the business right now.. which is why it was kind of strange that they didn't get a single interview last monday. i would rather see them just come out and cut some kind of promo each week rather than watch them wrestle.. but i still love having them around. i actually wish they had kept scott steiner around and even tried to have hogan make up with savage and have him come back for one last run, and maybe even dig up buff bagwell to get all of the most popular guys from the original group (minus henning and rude, RIP) there's a reason the original nwo was one of, if not the best angle in wresting history.. it was damn good.

watching tna each week for the past 6 month or so, i've become a huge fan of the pope.. i disagree with you, this guy has huge main event potential. desmond wolfe has also impressed me. i'm even starting to like aj styles as a cocky heel. beer money play their role well. even jay lethal is great as black machismo. he has me cracking up each week. mr. anderson is also great.. i don't know why wwe let him and the pope go. rvd and jeff hardy are probably two of the top five most popular wrestlers of the 2000's, so it would be stupid of tna not to sign them. and the older wrestlers they have - sting, the dudleys, kurt angle, ric flair - i think they all fit in very well with their roles. the only older wrestlers that make me cringe are the nastys, who are gone now, and jeff jerrett, but understandably he started the company so i guess he belongs - i've just never been a fan of his, or met anyone ever who was a fan of his. even their women's division.. i think all of the knockouts are either better looking than the divas, better wrestlers than the divas, or in some cases, both. i'm still not sold on abyss, however. and they're wasting raven.. i'd like to see him on tv more, maybe do some kind of ecw angle..

tna's not perfect.. not by a long shot. but i am enjoying it a lot more than wwe. and once guys like hall, hogan, sting, etc are retired and no longer on tv, i'll probably still keep watching because i've become a fan of guys like jay lethal and d'angelo deniro. but i would have never tuned in at first if it wasn't for the "big names." if you told me six months ago that i should watch tna because of aj styles and desmond wolfe, i would have said "who?" but they got me to tune in because of the name value of the older wrestlers, and now, while i still don't think it's a great wrestling show, i still think it's much more entertaining than monday night raw.
I think TNA is miles ahead of WWE myself but if those old guys like Sting,RVD,Hogan,Flair and of course the band left I would go with them.
RVD, Sting and even Hogan yes, but not the Band, I don't mind them, but their not as great as others, they a great heel group, but so is Flair's team he's got.
Other than the band Mr. Anderson is the TNA savior....
Oh, i disagree here. I don't the Band is TNA's savior. Mr. Anderson, Jeff Hardy, RVD, Hogan, Bischoff and The Pope are big time players in why TNA will be competition in the future.
Sooner or later Bishoff and Hogan will have to get on "The Band" wagon yes pun intended and regroup the best stable in wrestling. Have them take over TNA with Dixie and Jeff doing there best to fight them off.......
i wouldn't mind that, but i do NOT want to see them as TNA Champioms. especially World Champion, don't mind them as a tag team champion though.

AJ Styles---average talent but is boring without Flair
disagree, AJ Styles is (in my view) getting a BAD gimmick. TNA needs to see what Flair did with Triple H and do that with AJ Styles, have Flair as his manager, not his mentor whom AJ is trying to become. I like the suits he has and how he's cocky, but the Flair/AJ robe has got to go.
The Pope---he is ok but is nothing more than a mid carder
Disagree here, The Pope is one of TNA's finest moves, the fans love this guy, even when he was a heel. He's now a top face and i think he's being used at his best now, WWE is most likey kicking themselves on this one.
Abyss--Hogan successfully destroyed his character just release him plz
Agree here, Abyss is NOT and should NEVER be a Hogan clone, i didnt mind the Mick Foley follower of him becaue Abyss and Foley were similar, but Hogan and Abyss aren't. They need him to go back to his old music and have be the Monster that is, let him use bats and weapons on the bad guys and let him be scary.
Desmond Wolfe--????? why all the hype he isnt great at mic or ring skills.
The hype is his wrestling and i think it's good. He can go in the ring. I think a Global Championship push should be used with Wolfe and with Chelsea as a manager, it makes his character better.
Hall vs Aj Styles for the TNA title would be awesome..lol
hope the lol part was a joke, i honestly want to see either an RVD/Hardy?Pope and Styles feud with the world title.
AJ Styles---average talent but is boring without Flair
The Pope---he is ok but is nothing more than a mid carder
Abyss--Hogan successfully destroyed his character just release him plz
Desmond Wolfe--????? why all the hype he isnt great at mic or ring skills.

Seriously?? AJ Styles is one of the best, only problem has been his mic skills, and they are coming along since Flair turned up, all he needs to do is create his own promo style before this partnership blows up and he turns face.

The Pope has what a lot of TNAs young talent doesn't have, charisma! He is more than capable of becoming a Main Eventer for years to, he's good enough in the ring, and with the lack of focus on size in TNA he has nothing to hold him back... I'd love to see him align himself with Flair when AJ turns, I think that Pope truly be the next nature boy, great catch phrase too, if TNA get's to the point where they do arena tapings I could see it sound like when The Rock asks "If you smeeeellllllllllllllaaaa..."

Abyss is lost, and to be honest this is the only point I agree on, I think that it would be impossible for him to ever be a legitimate monster... but to say that's Hulks fault... pffffph... Abyss's gimmick was dead year's before Hulk came on board... ever since his feud with Sting. He's been a laughing stock since then... I would release him too.

As for Desmond Wolfe... you say he isn't great in the ring? From your comments about AJ and Wolfe's ring work it makes me think that you never actually watch the matches... Specially not Wolfe's matches with Angle. Wolfe is solid in the ring. On the mic he is good, but he suffers from the British wrestlers biggest problem... being made to be Uber-British.

AJ, Pimp, and Wolfe can easily be the solid future of TNA and it will be a good one. I would get rid of Abyss though.

The Band is an old gimmick, but it's solid, the only worry is that Nash is too slow, Hall can't wrestle anymore and Pac seems to gas in every match. You can't build a program on guys that can't be trusted to wrestler a good match. They need someone like Samoa Joe to come back and go over them, taking there ratings and using them to promote someone more marketable than Eric Young.
mr. anderson is also great.. i don't know why wwe let him and the pope go. rvd and jeff hardy are probably two of the top five most popular wrestlers of the 2000's, so it would be stupid of tna not to sign them

They let Mr. Anderson go because of 2 reasons, 1) he was injury prone in WWE and 2) he almost seriously hurt Orton (in Orton's view) and both Orton and Cena complained to Vince. As for The Pope, they let him go because at the time, they had no plans with him. WWE messed up with the Pope. They had him as Ellijah Burke and he got little to no reactions, but TNA used him right and now The Pope is a top guy. I think WWE kicks themselves over the Pope.
I think the Band segment is interesting, but for a different reason than you think. I want to see if they are really going to put over Eric Young. If EY goes over Nash on the PPV, it will tell a lot about how TNA will move forward. I think if EY goes over Nash, it will solidify him as a major player.

The Band are just there for fun and yes they are one of the biggest and best acts for me in TNA. They might be old but they ooze charisma and scream LEGENDARY. They are cool and thats why people still react to them.
Hall vs Aj Styles for the TNA title would be awesome..

i totaly agree with this scott hall is about the carasmatic and entertaining guy in tna, the guy is full of carisma and character,and his promo skills are the best in the biss. period, but i think if this happened they would have to give him the belt witch dont get me wrong that would great, but i dont think aj has nearly enough credabilty to beat a top like hall. come to think of it not many people in tna with the exception of hagan flair and nash have the credabilty to beat hall.
The Band is cool and all but I think that they need something to make more fresh because nothing has really changed about them and I don't want them to get stale quickly.
Hall vs Aj Styles for the TNA title would be awesome..

i totaly agree with this scott hall is about the carasmatic and entertaining guy in tna, the guy is full of carisma and character,and his promo skills are the best in the biss. period, but i think if this happened they would have to give him the belt witch dont get me wrong that would great, but i dont think aj has nearly enough credabilty to beat a top like hall. come to think of it not many people in tna with the exception of hagan flair and nash have the credabilty to beat hall.

It is kind of good to see Hall back on TV because he was my favorite out of the group. I think that the band is ok but I hope that TNA doesn't get carried away with it that have half of the TNA roster join them and have them interfere in almost every match like WCW did.

Hall vs Styles would be cool if Hall would have kept up his body and in shape. I always wanted Hall to be come a world champion but I think it is a little to late for that because he just looks terrible now a days.
Hope this wasn't brought up before but I thought that Hall, Nash & Waltman had gone back to using the old Wolf Pack name, then they go back to the Band?? They're using an instrumental version of the old theme, so does that mean that Vince slapped them with a cease & desist or do they just decide to stick with the Band moniker??
WOlfe and The Pope future? If so thats a bad out look for TNA...lol

If Wolfe was in WWE he would be lucky to be a mid-card guy...he is average at best.

The Pope...what the hell makes him different from Ron Killings who was in TNA? About the same mic skills and ring ability and I didnt see Ron Killings selling out arenas or boosting ratings for TNA and guess what apparently neither does the pope as his match with AJ Styles was voted last.....

if u think i am wrong its on the TNA website the proof is there!!
It is kind of good to see Hall back on TV because he was my favorite out of the group. I think that the band is ok but I hope that TNA doesn't get carried away with it that have half of the TNA roster join them and have them interfere in almost every match like WCW did.

Hall vs Styles would be cool if Hall would have kept up his body and in shape. I always wanted Hall to be come a world champion but I think it is a little to late for that because he just looks terrible now a days.

I don't think so, if you read the thread I made about how to make Hall become Champ HERE:

Hopefully after reading my FIRST and LAST post in that thread that you can see that it CAN work if they told the story correctly. I would love to see Hall as champ personally as its the only FRESH thing that has not been done that they can run with. Also X-Pac is not that bad like people think, his X-Factor on the dudly's threw a table was awesome! lol NO ONE is talking about that but it was pretty funny that is how they won, despite getting their butts handed to them. This is a pretty good fued.

Back to the OP, I think Desmond wolfe, Mr. Anderson and The Pope are huge potential main eventers for TNA. I bet WWE is kicking themselves for letting all three go. (Wolfe was supposed to sign with them and opted for TNA last minute instead. WWE had a while to sign him)

Out of the three however, Desmond has the most unique ring style. Which I think ultimatly puts him above the other two. His mic work is above average, I really think he should drop the desmond wolfe gimmick and just be Nigel but thats another topic. On the flip side.. Pope and Anderson are WAYYY above average on the mic, but basically average to above average ring skills. So really they all bring something to the table in different ways.

I personally would LOVE a Mr. Anderson vs Pope fued! can you IMAGINE the promos between those two??? EPIC!

I agree about Abyss but its not Hogans fault, Abyss's character was dead WAYYY before Hogan came in. If anything Hogan should push Black Machismo more.. he seems to mesh well with him and everytime I hear him coming to a promo I smile expecting to laugh. And sure enough Machismo delivers! LOL he can be a high mid-card level person if they continue to use him correctly (like they been doing this month) Instead of burring him like they were doing before hogan got into TNA.

AJ with Flair? well I think Flair in a mangers role is probably the best move they could do. He makes AJ better and more interesting to the casual fan that has no idea who this guy is, but knows Flair. I also think Beer Money with Flair is a good pairing as well.. I smell goods things here. Desmond Wolfe in this stable reminds me of Tully Blanchard. Here is my way of looking at it..

Ric Flair (TNA) = JJ Dillion
AJ Styles = Ric Flair (NWA)
Desmond Wolfe w/ Chelsea = Tully Blanchard w/ baby Doll
Beer Money = The Andersons

and um ahem*
Sting = Sting

This version of this stable reminds me of the first 4 horsemen group. They need to get Beer Money the world tag belts and give Desmond the Global Championship to be a stable of champions to push there gimmick even further to have a FLAIR for the GOLD! lol
the band is the coolest thing tna has, they just need to get a good feud with them. I would have to have seen hall and nash vs team 3d, would have been a much better tag match. and i wonder what is next for the band, i hope they change their name fast for some reason i really don't like the band
Hey Yo!
As everyone knows im a Wolfpac mark maybe the biggest here especially for Scott Hall because let's be frank when this guy is sober and with Kevin Nash this guys create history and amazing moments so yeah 'The Band/ Wolfpac' is the major thing keeping TNA in the public eye so dont turn your back on Tha Wolfpac because they are TNA. If you dont believe me take a survey lol
.Tha Wolfpac.
i read that both Hall and Syxx are taking their TNA runs really serious, there's no reason to cry and whine about them, they're all about pushing the envelope, Waltman is still under 40 and can still wrestle and bring in solid matches, TNA should keep them...
First off, The Band isn't anywhere close to the biggest thing. I remember the good old days of the nWo, but they're nowhere near where the once were. Have you truly seen Hall lately? I hope you were kidding about Hall v. AJ. To take The Band seriously Hall needs to get in shape. The Band could be good, but I'm afraid TNA's awkward shorelines will screw everything up.
I think you have never seen AJ, Wolfe, and The Pope . First, The Pope is nowhere close to a midcarder. we aren't takin about Burke we are takin about The Pope. The Pope is the next big thing in pro wrestling due to his charisma and mat skills. His promos remind me of The Rock and Dusty Rhodes. WWE is killing themselves. The belt needs to be around his waist now!! AJ also a bright light in TNA. Flair is improving his promos and he is great in the ring even though his mat skills have decreased since the addition of beeing a heel, but I still enjoy his character.
Don't kid yourself.... Mr...Anderson is not the savior. He is getting a rub from Angle. Although I love Anderson, he is not the savior.
no doubt, i'm a huge fan of the ol' NWO guys but i'm not sure how long they're gonna stay together. what i mean is i just read that Syx-Pac aint at lockdown tonite. this doesn't sound good. i hope this report is wrong as it is still early.
Safe to say Waltman has burned his last bridge with TNA after no-showing the PPV tonight?

Dirt sheet reports are noting that he was bragging at an indy show over the weekend that he had no intentions to show up, which tells me he was probably unhappy with the fact that TNA wanted to book 3D over them in what was essentially a squash match, but that doesn't give him the right to no-show, IMO.

The real question is how to handle Hall & Nash from this point out? I give major props to Hall for what he's managed to accomplish since his TNA re-debut, most notably in getting into the shape he's in now, and certainly for showing up tonight, even if it was to job clean in a squash match, but how much of a future is really left for him now that Waltman is out? I realize Pac was probably the least relevant of the three, but seeing as they've been booked as a duo this long, how far can the Band really go from here without him?
Sure the Wolfpac can go on without him. What they do is get Matt Morgan in as part of their group and convince him to let them defend the tag titles with them Freebird-style. That adds a major young talent to the group and makes them more relevant. It also lets Hall continue to get into shape and continue to look more like the star he used to, and still can, be.

Syxx would have been a nice X Division addition for the group but if he doesn't want to show then fuck him, TNA doesn't need him. No-showing is about the worst thing a wrestler can do, especially one working on a day-to-day basis like Pac. Goodbye.

Not let's stop calling them the damn Band and start calling them the Wolfpack.
Good afternoon all, new guy here, but no stranger to forums. I look forward to sharing my thoughts, moving forward. Should be some pretty interesting TNA discussions forthcoming :)

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