The baffling way they've booked The Miz.


Championship Contender
So The Miz just turned heel a couple of weeks ago, right? Wrong. This past Wednesday, Miz suddenly plays the face again and has Foley Claus in his corner for a match against Curtis Axel. Not to mention on Smackdown right now, he's taking on Damien Sandow.

How can they even possibly try to justify this? I've never cared for Miz, but if I'm him, I can't tell you how pissed I'd be. How can you expect the fans to invest in you one way or another if they never know which side of the fence you'll be on from one show to the next? Just lazy, incompetent booking here.
I guess the Miz is being portrayed as a tweener sort at this point in time, for whatever reason. Maybe, to keep him relevant somehow is what I'd think.
That's the thing, he's not even a tweener. He's made the typical heel move, jumping off the apron and not allowing Kofi to tag in. One week later, he officially turned. Another week later, he's a babyface who's defending Christmas. It's ridiculous.
Well, I guess, as certain other happenings in WWE are, we as the audience are supposed to forget some occurrences and just accept the story and its messed up script,I suppose.
Honestly, I think he's being punished. They don't want him to get over. Unfortunately, the product is suffering because Vince wants to make a point. This has happened A LOT lately. Now, why is he being punished? I'm not sure. Maybe they were disappointed in how he responded to his Wrestlemania push a couple years back. His work since then has been mediocre, and he has failed to demonstrate any command over the crowd.
I was thinking about this too. He's definitely being booked in the grey area as a tweener. Or maybe even as a face that just doesn't like Kofi.
He's kind of doing the opposite of Cena where instead of being polarized by the audience and having a mediocre character - he has a polarized character and gets a mediocre response.
he might just need to defend santa because of his movie Christmas bounty. thats my only guess. im pretty surprised by this to. wwe wrighters sure are lazy these days. its just baffeling. i still exept a heel miz but who noes. did enjoy his slapfest with koffie
I really don't know what to say about The Miz. I honestly think WWE should've still booked him to be a main eventer. He got a massive push at its such a waste that they don't even treat him as a guy who main evented Wrestlemania and won. Hell, Del Rio is treated better on the show than The Miz. Del Rio's a better wrestler than The Miz but The Miz gets/use to get a much better reaction from the crowd than Del Rio. So why is Del Rio treated on the card than The Miz? What WWE should have done after the Summer of Punk was to ship Miz over to Smackdown and let him be the main heel there because I don't think there was a legit main heel on Smackdown at the time.
I really don't know what to say about The Miz. I honestly think WWE should've still booked him to be a main eventer. He got a massive push at its such a waste that they don't even treat him as a guy who main evented Wrestlemania and won. Hell, Del Rio is treated better on the show than The Miz. Del Rio's a better wrestler than The Miz but The Miz gets/use to get a much better reaction from the crowd than Del Rio. So why is Del Rio treated on the card than The Miz? What WWE should have done after the Summer of Punk was to ship Miz over to Smackdown and let him be the main heel there because I don't think there was a legit main heel on Smackdown at the time.

That's what I been saying since he lost the WWE title. Miz would still be a main eventer if he had been drafted to Smackdown in that draft and have him win the WHC. That would have continued his momentum for sure and thats what i thought they were going to do and I was disappointed when the didn't
Yes, it's baffling. Since those days of main event status (ill-advised, imo), Creative seemingly hasn't known what to do with Miz. With the way he looks and acts, I've always had a hard time seeing him as a heel, and there didn't seem to be a good reason planted as to what was keeping him in such a foul mood (kayfabe).

However, he had been a bad guy from the beginning and I figured he'd remain one, so it was surprising they turned him face, but I welcomed the change. With his rather unimpressive physique and uninspiring ring ability, it appeared he'd be better off as a face.

Honestly, I was enjoying him the past couple months; his speaking ability could cut down evildoers in their tracks.....and using his talents this way seemed more effective as a good guy.

Therefore, I don't know why they turned him bad. Similarly, I don't know why they turned him back to face in the last week, although it's a welcome change. I didn't feel they gave his face persona nearly enough time.....and I presume Creative has a long-range plan in mind for Miz since they've taken the unusual step of altering a performer's direction after such a limited run.
The Miz turns have been done so poorly as a whole. In his first face turn, they really dropped the ball. If they would have turned him face at Wrestlemania and had him join the team that faced team Johnny instead of joining that team he would have been a huge baby face. Instead they wasted the opportunity to further the Eve as a heel storyline. Then they finally turn him face with little to no fanfare for a meaningless survivor series match. He then floats around as a face with nothing to do and then turns heel just because to feud with Kofi who they also have no idea what to do with. Then again this week he acts as a face again. They have no idea what to do with this guy, and yet if they would have just turned him at Wrestlemania a couple of years ago, I feel he may have evolved into a top 5 face.
I think the writer's booked his heel turn completely forgetting he had a movie coming out at Christmas. So of course when the film released, they hit the reset button and flashed the Men in Black light thingy hopin everyone would forget.

The same mistake was made with Kane and See No Evil 2...they booked a character change forgetting the feature film he did is being released.
The "baffling" stuff started at Wrestlemania 27. Think about this for a second. The WWE Champion was an afterthought in the main event of Wrestlemania, because the focus was on Rock's form a vengeance. WWE just used Miz as a fall guy to further a bigger storyline. I sincerely believe R-Truth could've went into Wrestlemania 27 as the WWE Champion to fill Miz's spot as the fall guy, because WWE was more focused with furthering the Rock/Cena feud.

With that said, the simple fact of the matter is Miz plateaued a long time ago. He was exposed for being a serviceable mid card heel, and that's it. At best, Miz might land a spot in a MITB match, or they'll give him a spot in the Elimination Chamber for the title(s) (or a #1 contender's Chamber), but his days of being a world champion are over.
due to the way WWE have disgracefull destoyed The Mix, I do not care for him one bit anymore. He was fantastic carrying the WWE Title muich better than expected, was buried among The Rock coming back. Now he is face/heel/face/hell, I dont know if Kingston is a face or heel now either......WWE are destroying the mid care, burying Bryan out of spite, putting Punk in meaningless matches just to keep Cena and Orton on top of the WWE tree.
I think they don't know what they want to do with him. I would have rather seen him headline one of the non-big four PPVs against Orton for the title instead of Big Show or the multiple Bryan rematches.

I recall Orton and Miz got history when Orton beat him up in front of his parents. From what I see of him now, it would be interesting if him and Kofi became a tag team and became the new team hell no.
I'll tell you what... I went to a live event and Miz came with Ziggler and Justin Roberts. They got out of the car, Roberts said hi to a few fans and walked in the building. Ziggler just walked straight into the building. Miz went up to EVERY person waiting by the entrance, no joke. Every single person and said hello. Even people who weren't running over to see him. He was thankful to everyone.

I don't like the current version of the Miz, but that moment gave me a ton of respect for him, and I'd like to see him utilized better. I think a Miz/Ziggler tag team could be a good pairing, and would do the tag division a major service. Have them disappear for a little while and find a way to bring them back as a tag team. Both guys are lost in the singles division right now, and I think they'd be a heck of a team.
The way The Miz has been booked since he lost the WWE Title is baffling to me. I thought he carried the title pretty well, probably one of the best reigns since Cena took the reigns as face of the company. He consistently put on good matches with Cena, Orton, and others. I don't know why WWE soured on him, but they obviously lost their faith in him after he dropped the belt. From jobbing to Alex Riley to becoming a lower midcarder. He could and should have consistently been in upper midcard to main event level matches, but was relegated to PPV pre-shows. His face turn, which I thought was a refreshing change of pace for his character, was an utter failure because WWE wasn't willing to put the time and energy into his character. Even the addition of Ric Flair endorsing his use of the Figure Four was lackluster and made little to no sense.

And now, with the random alignment changes in the last month, WWE Creative seems to think the fans (or WWE Universe as it were) are too stupid to notice. While The Miz might not be at the top of most peoples favorite superstar list, we're going to notice how erratic his booking is. From his heel turn against Kofi Kingston all the way to his babyface defending of Christmas, it's just a whole lot of bad booking. In my opinion they should keep Miz face and have him feud with some upper midcard heels. Maybe even give him a crack at Orton, even in a losing effort. I think he could be an effective babyface if given the right storyline. He's above average on the mic, and his ring work isn't bad. I think he could stand above most of the upper midcard players right now if the WWE brass just gave him a shot. But seeing as they appear to have no idea what to do with him, I don't see much of a chance of that happening.
Baffling is as good of a word as any. It's as if creative isn't willing to give either his face or heel persona enough time to develop. I welcomed his first face turn and thought there was potential there. And while I'll admit it wasn't going very well, sticking through it may have produced better results than the juggling act they have going on now. Is Miz better as a heel? Sure. But he's been a heel for so much of his career that it all seems so stale now. Either way they have to commit which is something they have yet to do. You can't give up every time something isn't panning out like you planned. Bad booking for a good guy that deserves a lot more than what he's getting. And to think he once held the World Heavyweight Championship.

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