The Backstage Segments

Hard Hit Prince

Not really working as a
For those who watched WWE Monday Night Raw last night you probably noticed that all the action was inside the squared circle, which was actually something different, not necessarily better or worst, but something fresh. This got me thinking about how important backstage segments truly are in professional wrestling.

As far as my knowledge goes - Starrcade I: "A Flare for The Gold" in 1983 was the first ever wrestling event to use backstage segments, in this case interviews to hype the matches on the card while on air. It was something unique, you had a locker room where babyfaces like Ric Flair, Steamboat and Yongblood were seen together and even seen shaking hands and stuff and you also had the heels locker room in order to further up kayfabe in that time. After watching the event and knowing some background stuff, I have to say that this interviews really worked to create some hype and some heat for the main event bouts.

I know some people are more purists and love the wrestling and the storytelling and what not, but there is also people like me that likes to add some realism into some things or to at least create some interactivity between the wrestlers in different places, instead of being in the ring all the time. It adds to the characters and to the stories a whole lot and, it may be just me, but that trend of backstage segments have not been used properly for years now. Some things that come to my head is The Rock and Hurricane story for instance, it was something really entertaining and mostly booked in the backstage area with different situations and some comedy.

Nowadays the backstage is used to fake parties by only god knows why. Is used to see people going from the parking lot most of the times to the ring. Is used when we see The Authority in a place that looks like everything but an office. Or when WWE decides to go a little further and throw someone off some stairs or throw some ink at them.

It's also worth noting that TNA uses backstage segments in a different way than WWE. Not necessarily a better way, but at least it adds to the stories most of times and creates some realism.

So what is your take on this particular subject? Do you think that backstage segments are important? You don't care for them or the subject for that matter... Just discuss it properly guys!
I wanted to post a thread talking about backstage segments but couldn't since i'm fairly new to the site.

I couldn't agree more,
I've been watching some of 2000-2001 Raw and Smackdown in fast forward mode lately and I was actually surprised that I'm entertained by watching those, Like an old movie you don't quite remember and love it when it's on TV once ever 2-3 years (Ocean 11, Reservoir Dogs, Taxi, my case ).

And I narrowed it down to 3 reasons

1- Backstage segments - Time invested in a story
2- Storyline build up - Side stories
3- Character definition

1- Backstage segments,

How freaking awesome were they? How important are they? So let's take as an example, Monday Night Raw a monday of October 2000 , newly babyface Triple H and Rock will face Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit at the end of the show, we learned that after the first segment of the show, no less than 1 run-in and 3 backstage segments made the story that much more dramatic for the match 1h45 mins later. Backstage segment with a Rock promo, with Kurt talking to Steph, with Triple H and Rock, man you were invested in the story once the match started. Nowadays, you get matches shove down our throats with no reason no build up (I'll get back to it).

Who didn't like the backstage segments with Eddie and Mamacita ? The APA drinking beer and having people knocking on their "Door", Stone Cold WHAT? The Hurricane and Rock, there is no more classics like that anymore, quick which one was the last one you remember? If you said Kane and Bryan's therapy , you are correct, but you probably cheated ! :p , (BTW Kane and Bryan have so much history and chemastry, they NEED to get back to backstage segments with them if they want to persue that feud!)

It's a shame we are made aware of a match by the music of one of the wrestlers coming in. Show us some backstage history please! Show me Bryan going to the ring before a commercial and JR saying "OMG ! It looks like Bryan is coming our way, and that'll be next!"

2- Story building, side story.

I won't waste much time on that point but I think the last story that I remember had a proper build up was the CM Punk, Paul Heyman, hate, personnal statements, story telling : AWESOME.

Hate him or love him Triple H was probably the best to get us emotionally involved in storylines, when there was the Steph-Kurt-Trips triangle it lasted half a year, how long was the Bryan/Wyatt angle? 2 weeks before he whipped his ass (On Raw not on PPV which is stupid) only to get his ass whipped at the Rumble all in less than a month and a half , Bryan is not seeking revenge, he moved on to greenure pastures, sorry but for me this is awful booking.

As for the side stories, i'll give you example and not explain my point as it is pretty self-explanatory,
- Jericho and Christian for Trish
- Jericho and Eddie with Chyna involved
- Flair vs Macmahon for control of WWE
- Shawn vs Taker Streak vs Carreer
- WWE vs WCW for ownership

When there's consequences in matches, there's emotions, there's ambiance

3- Finally Character definition,

Again, nowadays, there's nothing that differentiates the wrestlers really except maybe the Wyatt's that are on another level, Del Rio who is the Mexican reject, Cesaro doesn't look or feel like a real american, Miz? Swagger? Even Bryan? What are their character. It's acting for christ sakes: act!!!!

Back in 2000 :
Kurt Angle : Annoying Olympic Hero
Trips : Son in law of the owner
Rock : Awesome trashtalker with cocky attitude
Mick Foley : Harcore legend
Hardy's : edgy high flying duo
Edge and Christian : Rockstars, five seconds posers
Right to censor : Pretty self explanatory
Eddie : Latino lover but mostly : CHEATER,
Jericho : Young fearless voice of the crowd

Now they all wear the same thing, complain a lot, and you don,t know where they're from and what they're doing here.

Would it be bad to show us how the character's react to real life situations once in a while so that we can relate.

Anyways, that's it for now
I'm glad I wasn't the only one to notice the lack of backstage segments last night on RAW. It is good to sometimes deviate from the norm as it provided a different type of flow that saw all the focus on what was being told in the ring. Personally I love backstage segments when used correctly and effectively some of the most memorable moments in wrestling history have happened backstage. Examples of this include Booker & Goldust, The Rock, Stone Cold and countless others.

Backstage segments can be used to further a story or give the crowd a break after an intense, draining match up so when used correctly backstage segments can be very important in enhancing the viewing experience. Superstars like Dolph, Damien Sandow, Big E would benefit greatly from good backstage segments as it'd help their characterisation and connect more with the crowd as we have more material to relate to as opposed to just watching them in the ring. The Shield's backstage segments are a great example of how to tell a story and build character through a backstage segment.
I grew up on backstage segments. I think it was a positive way for televised pro wrestling to evolve. Now, balancing that with other aspects such as in ring promos, matches, and other....things that happen on wrestling shows, can be a challenge. But when your in WWE's position rite now where more talent needs to get over, then the backstage segment is something to consider. Perhaps you have a guy who isn't ready to go out and give a promos in front of a crowd. Do something backstage to develop his character. I've enjoyed the interview segments between HHH and Cole. At any time the WWE can employ a plethora of entertainment options for a 1 or 3 hour show.
Backstage segments back in the day were used to protect flaws. You do a pre-recorded segment so you can minimize errors on a live mic. Nowadays the backstage segments just seem like filler, no substance. Also they're really obviously planned. I mean who's the guy on the road crew that's just running around every time they go to a new city putting cameras in the most random damn places.
They still do backstage bits but there not nearly as good as they used to be now it usually consists of hhh telling randy orton or someone they have to have a match tonight and thats about it.the backstage bits used to be a big part of the show there used to be a lot more variety in what happened backstage it really helped build up fueds and give the characters more depth.stone cold is a good example his backstage antics where a huge part in making him so popular.another one thats already been brought up is team hell no kane and bryan where already popular but there anger management skits actually made people care about them as a tag team and therefore want to watch there matches.i definatly think they should bring some of the more elaborate backstage storylines back it could really help some of the younger guys get over aswell.

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