The Authorities Ascension


Dark Match Winner
Just like "The Corporate Ministry"

What if the Ascension debuted on RAW aligning themselves with the Authority.

Triple H, Stephanie, Kane, Rollins and the Ascension. Then Randy can go out on his own and the Authority still looks like a strong stable.

I'd rather see this than Bray teaming with them.
I think its a great idea! It would fill the Authorities team at SS and bring them to the main roster. Think of all the greats that have debuted at SS:
- Scott Steiner
- Kurt Angle
- The Rock
- The Undertaker
- The Shiled.
The Corporate Ascension would be right up there with it. Thumbs up!
I think we all expect the Ascension to be very dark with gothic type look and they still can be but when they appear in the ring with the Authority they can wear black on black suits. Still would look very cool. In ring gear can be the same.

So it would be Seth Rollins, Kane and the Ascension vs. John Cena, Dolph Ziggler, Ryback and Randy Orton.
If they have them go for the tag title it could be quite good, having the tag title associated with the upper card storyline of the authority could do the title good if handled well.
So it would be Seth Rollins, Kane and the Ascension vs. John Cena, Dolph Ziggler, Ryback and Randy Orton

I thought there were usually 5 on 5 elimination tag matches. Although WWE has been known to flip flop on what is considered a "traditional" elimination match. I guess we'll know for sure soon enough.
I think it's a good idea, The Authority look weak without Orton, so this would be a perfect way to introduce The Ascension, make The Authority look strong and prevent the storyline from going stale with the likes of Reigns returning.
I don't see them debuting at Survivor Series because they are involved in a major NXT feud and have matches scheduled through December's NXT special event. I do like the idea though, because they wouldn't have to be built up really and could be thrown right into the mix... there aren't really enough jobber tag teams to build them up anyway... how many times could they beat up the Los Matadores and who would give a shit? Triple H also has a hard-on for them/speaks very highly of them so I wouldn't put it out of the realm of possibility.
i think aligning them with the Authority would be a great idea. Authority is just finding its centerpoint in Seth Rollins and in order for them to continue strong i think they need some freshness and the Ascension would be a great addition and will also eventually help elevate the tag division once they challenge for the titles.

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