The apple

Arsenal 4 life

Frankie <3
On Monday , we saw the apple debut. It consisted of Santino , Bourne , Byran and Mark Henry.

The point of this thread is i really saw chemistry between Byran and Bourne. After this is all done would you like too see a tag team between Byran and Evan Bourne? I personally would love too see it , this would bring something new too the tag division and these two have nothing else too do?

your thoughts?
I think they would work well together. Bryan with his technical wrestling skills and Bourne with his quick,high flying style. They would certainly be a fast paced team and the go over well with the fans. Bryan's recent storyline with the Bellas never really took off and with him droping the US title he is at a loose end at the moment. Think were gona see Apple V Corre play out for a while longer though, or at least untill steve jobs sues the WWE :lol:
i thnk it was pathetic. yea the name is funny and all especially with santino as leader and i LMAO when i saw the 'APPLE POWERS COMBINE' thng.

but seriously nexus/corre was supposed to be the most dominant group in the wwe at this era and what happened. reduced to 90 second matches and being berated by santino

i mean WTF !!!!!!!!
Unfortunately, there's nowhere to go for tag teams right now, so even if they put over amazing shows, and we saw them break off, the tag titles are less prestigious than Michael Cole's Slammy.
I kind of hope both of them keep going with their single's careers, DB is above a tag team right now, fresh off losing his midcard title, he needs to keep moving forward in single ranks. Bourne will probably be playing face jobber until his endeavors lead out of the company, he lacks the size, and mic skills to be taken seriously as anything else (still love him though).
I think that Apple was a one time deal, I'm very very much hoping it was a one time deal, in order to help The Corre get some heat back. The Corre has come up on the short end of the stick in their recent 4 on 4 feud against Big Show, Kane, Santino & Kofi Kingston so maybe this little win is the beginning of things getting back on track.

If this really is going to be a continued thing, however, then I have to say that I feel so bad for Daniel Bryan & Evan Bourne. They're both far too talented to waste in a joke faction with the likes of Santino Marella & Mark Henry.
I think Evan Bourne and Daniel Bryan could be an awesome tag team...if Vince ever began to care about the tag titles again. When was the last time they were even defended? It used to be a way for up and comers to become upper mid carders and eventual main event players. (see: Edge, Jeff Hardy, Christian, Matt Hardy, HBK) The division is a complete waste right now. I don't know what's worse, them or the divas.
The only thing I could care about is Daniel Bryan and Evan Bourne. They work very well as a tag team, but Vince hates them because they are small.

Apple is a one time thing I think. It's a damn shame, I was so pissed to see Evan Bourne and Daniel Bryan in this group of... it pains me to say this about Daniel Bryan and Evan Bourne... but a group of jobbers.

It's a shame, I hope they don't release Daniel Bryan because of this bullshit, he's way too talented to be in this deal. Being excluded from WM 27 was not too bad, seeing how R-Truth is getting the main event spot at a PPV. Anyway, I wish the BEST for Daniel Bryan and Evan Bourne, and I pray for them.
Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes! Great chemistry and I think It's something people have wanted to see for a while now.
I have to agree with a previous poster and say that this was probably a one time deal. Maybe a couple time deal at best. Did anyone get a taste of De Ja Vu with this though? Anyone remember the UP YORS? (Union of People You Ought to Respect, Shane?) aka The Union. Basically the exact same thing. Foley, Big Show, Bossman, Shamrock, and Man's Man Regal all joined up for a couple of nights as The Union to feud with the Corporation. Although the Apple was entertaining, I wouldnt count on it being around very long
The sad fact is that they may have to. Tag team wrestling is so utterly meaningless right now it just isn't funny. Quickly, name all of the WWE tag teams. How many did you come up with? Yeah...

Neither Bryan nor Bourne have anything else going on right now, so it really couldn't hurt I guess. The problem is that it's a go nowhere solution unless WWE does something major to revitalize tag team wrestling. I don't care much for Bourne, so I don't consider that a loss, but I see a lot of potential in a much more serious and vicious Bryan, which I don't think we'd ever see as a part of a tag team.
As far as Daniel Bryan and Evan Bourne teaming up, only if they win the titles. I don't want another useless team with so much potential like the Usos. As far as the APPLE, permanent? For Asgaard's sake, I hope not. I didn't even want to watch the match. Seeing Santino at this point makes me want to change the channel. It pained me to see Daniel Bryan and Bourne in that group of jobbers. I hope they get the ball rolling with those two, and soon. I know Bourne is in more danger than Bryan, but Daniel shouldn't have to join this group. Daniel Bryan is the best technical wrestler WWE has today..
I have to agree with a previous poster and say that this was probably a one time deal. Maybe a couple time deal at best. Did anyone get a taste of De Ja Vu with this though? Anyone remember the UP YORS? (Union of People You Ought to Respect, Shane?) aka The Union. Basically the exact same thing. Foley, Big Show, Bossman, Shamrock, and Man's Man Regal all joined up for a couple of nights as The Union to feud with the Corporation. Although the Apple was entertaining, I wouldnt count on it being around very long

Actually, the Union was Foley, Big Show, Shamrock and Test. The only reason I remember this was because when Stone Cold controlled 50% of the WWF at the time, he gave each of them whatever match they wanted, which started the Test loves Steph storyline.

But, to get back on topic, I think that Bryan and Bourne would be a great team, almost like a post-World Wrestling Entertainment version of London and Kendrick. I honestly think that Bryan won't get cut due to his ties with both Shawn and Regal, as well as the fact that he doesn't go out to piss Vince off.
They should be great as a tag team i even think that cara & rey may become a tag team over time if cara is still here and not botching his entrance.
I think the last tag team match we saw was DX vs Legacy before and during last years WM.
It's fine.

Cudos, to the WWE for sitting down and getting all your wrestlers involved in a more creative fashion.

Surely this is nothing that will stick around, but its a fun thing for the crowd.. everybody gets to see their favorites... 8 great wrestlers going at it, its sure to be a great match no matter what you call the stables.
Maybe we will see a tag team of Bourn & Bryan but I have a feeling Vince just wanted to see if he could get an Apple Corre chant going at a live event.

I'm starting to dread whenever Santino comes out cause to me he is no longer funny and the stuff they have him doing now is just rediculously stupid.
I would really enjoy seeing Bourne and Danielson continue to team up, possibly branching out from Apple. Personally, I would like to see them be given a high profile group with maybe Seth Rollins, CM Punk, or other ROH alumni and call themselves the Honor Society
I think it was a way for the WWE to just throw in some guys who they don't have doing anything else, just to give them something to do, and that it wont last long. It was a thrown together team, with no real reason of being together. They had no real ties or anything. It's like they said "Hey, you, you don't have a match or a storyline anymore, so we'll throw you in to, oh, and you, guy walking down the hallway, you can be in it too. and Santino will be your leader for comedic reasons because we don't take any of you guys serious enough to be in real storylines. Now go out there and not say anything! By the way, your team apple, I know it's stupid but it's comedy!"
It didn't seem to me as a legitimate stable that'll be around for more than one night, but if I'm wrong, then I'm wrong.

I'm not going to knock on the formation of ANY stable, comedy or not. It gives these people something to do, because they sure-enough weren't doing anything in the first place.

Except for Bryan, but let's be honest here, his "feud" with Sheamus wasn't going anywhere.

My only issue with APPLE is that I simply don't see it gaining any steam, let alone the steam that would be required for any kind of legitimate feud.
i thnk it was pathetic. yea the name is funny and all especially with santino as leader and i LMAO when i saw the 'APPLE POWERS COMBINE' thng.

but seriously nexus/corre was supposed to be the most dominant group in the wwe at this era and what happened. reduced to 90 second matches and being berated by santino

i mean WTF !!!!!!!!

I don't see why you're so surprised. It's wrestling. Story lines change every 2 seconds. It's the roller coaster effect.Right now I think the main problem is because there are 4 people in the Corre, it's hard to match up other wrestlers with a group that big. Most of the other big names are in their own story line right now.
i thnk it was pathetic. yea the name is funny and all especially with santino as leader and i LMAO when i saw the 'APPLE POWERS COMBINE' thng.

but seriously nexus/corre was supposed to be the most dominant group in the wwe at this era and what happened. reduced to 90 second matches and being berated by santino

i mean WTF !!!!!!!!

I thought maybe it was a way for them to strenghten the corre. Like have the corre totally destroy these four guys they just threw together and reestablish some kind of dominance. I mean, it happened during the set up promo of them about to break up. Maybe this will allow them to dominate somebody more likely for them to dominate. I think them dominating kane,big show, kozlov and santino just didn't seem right and it belittled the big red show from hell. so maybe this is a sign that they really want the corre to work after all. By destroying a joke group. hopefully this group team doesn't destroy them, cause that would really damage these guys career even more.
I think that Bourne and Daniel Bryan need to team together to stay on Raw. With his title loss, Daniel bryan has gone down to jobbing to sheamus and teaming with santino. Evan's biggest win since his return was over a beaten up Sheamus. I think they could win the tag titles, put up some great matches then lose them and go back to singles with more momentum. If they do not tag together, i fear they will go to low card matches and stay there for a while.
Hopefully this is just a one time comedy bit. Its sad to see Daniel Bryan and Evan Bourne go to waste. At least they are on television. The mid card division could be really good on Raw with Sheamus as U.S. champion. There is no reason to put Daniel Bryan in a comedy jobber role with Santino and Mark Henry. Hopefully he can go on to bigger things, but this is disappointing for Bryan if this is long term.

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