The Answer To A Fluid TNA


Lord And Master
Staff member
Let's face it. TNA has great stars, great show and great PPV matches. As far at TV goes, it lacks a lot. Stories seem crammed and matches seem rushed. One is because of the other. And it hurts the product presentation. Which means less ratings. While Reaction may be a great and unique concept, I feel maybe TNA did a mistake in putting it out before a second main wrestling show. While Reaction makes the stories expand well, it doesn't cover matches. Which is a problem, because there's about a standard of 7 matches on a PPV card, but Impact only airs about 3 to 5 a week. Which means every other story has to be covered via promo's which constrains the matches already in place. What I'm trying to say is simple. Almost all of TNA's booking problems as well as it's rating problems can be solved with the advent of Xplosion on Spike. The question is when will it happen.

With a 2 hour Xplosion added to Impact's 2:05 hours, TNA can put up about 8 to 10 matches a week and spread a good balance of promo's between the two shows while still having some left over as well as Reaction (which should document for both shows). With that, stories will begin to click better, character development speeds up and fans are more satisfied because there are more matches in one show as well as a second show to catch your favorite TNA wrestlers. Meanwhile, the shows flow better and more average fan's could be more inclined to tolerate the more balanced product. Which equals ratings and a better overall image for the company.

So what are TNA and Spike waiting for? TNA doesn't need Paul Heyman, or anybody. It needs more exposure and airtime.
TNA has to get the ratings up before Spike would consider giving them another two hours, I'm afraid.

In order for Spike to put another TNA show on, they would have to get rid of something from their schedule. Dixie and Co. would really have to plead the case that another show featuring TNA wrestlers would surpass the show they're cutting. I just can't see them guaranteeing Spike that the fan base is there to warrant the switch. I would be nice, but that's a bit of a stretch right now.
Instead of a 4 hour impact how about they just get Xplosion on US (id wish for wednesday) tv so we can see it, especially if storylines going on there are gonna bleed over into impact.
I would think the number one goal for TNA(or any wrestling) is to get as many buys on the PPV as possible. right?
the weekly TV show is used to create enough interest in order for people to buy the PPV.
how many matches are there at a PPV. roughly 7?
whatever wrestlers are in matches at the PPV, you don't really need to see them in action every week leading up to the PPV. one week you could have them wrestle and the next week could just be a promo. or vice versa.
I do think TNA needs more wrestling than they have had recently, and I think that will happen eventually. ideally I guess you have a 2 hour show with good promos mixed with some good matches that are exciting together to make people buy the PPV. awesome I just solved TNA's problems, get r done.

I would think it's highly unlikely for Spike to pick up another TNA wrestling show while the 1st one(Impact) is only doing as good as it is.
when is Xplosion? I have never seen it before, don't even know when it's on.

something else on the PPV. I have seen a bunch of people who don't buy the PPV but instead watch a free stream online. is this something TNA should be trying to stop? more people watching a stream=less people actually buying the PPV? losing money. I'm sure there are specific sites these streams come from? and if they are illegally broadcasting the PPV could they not face legal action?
Wow, you figured it out. Now the only thing left to do is TNA to hire you and look out WWE.

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TNA has to get the ratings up before Spike would consider giving them another two hours, I'm afraid.

Did you know that IMPACT is Spike's #1 show, right? Did you know that IMPACT does the same or better ratings than UFC, right? I think Spike can do this. It will be better than watching 1000 Ways to die, etc.

But they already have another show... it's XPLOSION. Only problem is that it is not aired here in the USA.

Instead of a 4 hour impact how about they just get Xplosion on US (id wish for wednesday) tv so we can see it, especially if storylines going on there are gonna bleed over into impact.

I don't think he suggested a 4-hour IMPACT. He just want two different shows, 2-hour each. I'm assuming that if TNA do this, ReAction will be merge so SPIKE just need to give TNA just 1 extra hour to make this happen.

I would think the number one goal for TNA(or any wrestling) is to get as many buys on the PPV as possible. right?


I have seen a bunch of people who don't buy the PPV but instead watch a free stream online. is this something TNA should be trying to stop? more people watching a stream=less people actually buying the PPV? losing money. I'm sure there are specific sites these streams come from? and if they are illegally broadcasting the PPV could they not face legal action?

This is a HUGE problem and you are RIGHT! The irony of all this is that the Internet Fans that constantly criticize everything are usually the guys that do this.

There's a solution for this. One of the problems with PPVs is the prices. Cut down the prices to 19.99 and maybe charge 5-10 bucks more for a shirt or something. Give something away.

Then TNA should stream the PPV and charge 9.99 or something. They can also show diff angles or backstage bonuses online, while watching the PPV. Maybe a LIVE PPV ReAction on the web while watching the PPV.

Maybe charge just 2.99 for a LIVE Audio of the matches - no video. And then the results of matches online with fans participation.

One of the things I like MLB and NFL have done with online stream is this: remember watching a Cowboys vs Giants games in diff camera angles. I was able to select the view, etc. MLB did something similar for their All-Star game. It is not the same show that is televised, with the broadcast and everything. But it gave the fan another different view of what was going on, specially between comercials. It was fun.

TNA can do the same and that will improve the PPV experience.
While I would love it, I do not think it works on the mainstream scale. History tends to show us that the expanded wrestling time per week dilutes the product in one way or another. TNA should focus on making impact the best it can, opposed to all the difficulties and added expenses of another show. If they were up for it, I would be interested but there are a lot of logistic headaches and questions from the business side. Is there really a large enough audience for more time of undercard feuds? I'm skeptical of that. If not then they have to start using all the big names multiple times a week just to keep the show afloat which is expensive and detracts from impact. They do tape xplosion anyway and it would be nice if the one hour of that aired in the us since it is already paid for. I suspect they want to give the product that fast paced feel anyway. They did choose to name the company total nonstop action.
With Reaction a lot of promo stuff could be pushed from Impact to free up time for longer or more matches. I like Reaction, but one of the things that bothers me about it is when they repeat a promo or video that I just saw on Impact. It would be nice to have another program on during the week, but Xplosion won't be it. Xplosion is for the European market and different wrestlers are pushed to satisfy that audience. A good example is Rob Terry and Magnus, since these are "hometown" guys in Europe, they get a bigger push than they do here.

If TNA can hold on to their current ratings, or improve them, there is a possibility Spike could give them another hour or two. What I would like to see on a second program is one that is primarily matches with very few promos and no real storyline development, save that for Impact & Reaction. The color commentator could talk a little about the storyline and do a promo or two during the matches to keep time available for wrestling. It would be interesting to see the difference in ratings between Impact and a second show like this.

I read on another thread a while back that they should combine Impact! and Reaction, I agree with this, go to a 3 hour Impact, and combine the two, mix the reaction segments in with the Impact show. and go either 8-11 or 9-12, doesnt really matter much to me about the time slot. and also, CUT BACK ON THE PROMO TIME. it seems that since BFG, they are going WAY overboard with the promos. I understand that its gonna take a bit of time for the new regime idea to sink in, but geez, that first impact after BFG had maybe 20 minutes of wrestling and the rest was all promos. It's kinda understandable considering the huge turn of events at the PPV, but I think they got a bit carried away
I've been saying for quite some time now that TNA needs another one or two hour program per week. They are attempting to fit way too much into a two hour program. But do I think they are close to getting a second show? No.

TNA hasn't proven it can draw. It hasn't shown a network like Spike that they deserve another timeslot. TNA has a problem here. To do everything they want to do, it seems they need another show. But to get that second show, they need to be somewhat of a national draw..and they aren't.

It's a problem that isn't easily solved. I believe they should focus more on wrestling and less on talking. Notice I said talking, not storylines. And by less time spent on talking, I mean they can easily cut the talking in half, and still have more than your average WWE show, which lacks in interesting storylines. Storylines can develop during matches as well as on the mic. TNA has terrific performers, but a lot of that is being wasted when you have twice as much talking on a wrestling show as you do actual in-ring action.

Some of the TNA-smarks out there are going to tell me I'm wrong about how much talking goes on, but I'm rather confident I'm right about this. Develop storylines through matches as well as talking. I mean, come on, you have a show right after Impact that does nothing but showcase people talking. Use your time for actual matches to have some actual matches.
the problem is less people watch reaction then impact so you simply cannot save the proms for reaction because almost half of your audience would not watch it.

Here is the problem shit loads of people complain that TNA was giving away to much on TV for months Anderson vs Joe, Hardy vs Joe, angle vs abyss, rvd vs aj etc... QUALITY wrestling matches minus sting vs hardy and people bitched about it, now they are going the route of promos and bakstage segments to capture some attention to see what people will grab onto.

People complained when they had quality matches now they compalin that its not enough matches. I get it raw has its 5 matches two ten minute matches a couple of 5 minute matches, promos, and the main event but TNA i trying to no tbe the WWE.

hate on the promos all you want i will take promo dominated shows over see a bunch of squash matches and a mediocre mainevent

TNA knows they have guys that can go in the ring the problem is they need to find out if the general pubic will give a damn about the individual in the ring, promos is the way to figure that out.

Minus Jeff Hardy, and Anderson their really is no one in TNA that people care about say what you want about beer money or aj or joe they are all great to see in the ring but people need to care about them for any of that to matter, AJ comes off as a nobody to general public who just talks about all the shit he USE to do in TNA, saying this is the house AJ built meanwhile he has not looked strong for almost 6 months. Joe has looked solid in promos, pope has looked solid in promos, a certain wrestler who is turning face to vs jeff hardy has put on decent promos.

These promos are necessary TNA wants people to care, wants people to watch, TNA tried the great wrestling route and nothing came of it, was it awesome to watch? yes, would i like to see in ring action like that again? yes, but it didnt work before because no one knewwho ajstyles, daniels, joe etc... were. If TNA can get people over by promos the ring work will speak for itself.

And as for the "let the wrestling tell the story" argument, i agree you should do that if people are into a storyline but people are not so they should continue to build and let the matches/storyline showcase at PPV's

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