The "All Things Jack Swagger" Thread

Tha Wolfpac

Hey Yo...
Anybody else digging Jack Swagger's new entrance theme. I cannot be bothered uploading or finding a link for it, so it would be most appreciated if somebody could do that. But man it has really made me look forward and buy into the new Jack Swagger a lot more.

It was obvious Swagger needed a mouthpiece and he finally has that, so it is looking up for Swagger. I am not a huge fan but i like what i see so far and it's quite interesting.
So thoughts guys on the theme and "Swags" in general?
You know what bothers me the most about Swagger? You mentioned his entrance "theme", which would also include his music.

Now, while we know Swagger is an imitation of Kurt Angle, does his theme song have to be a tribute band? It's not even RATM like I first thought. Here he was, gone for way too long, and they stick him with the same shit music. C'mon, WWE, he deserves better (spliff-disclaimer not included).
I'm fully aware these were filmed in advance, but the fact that they're still going up is hopefully a good sign they aren't going to drop the angle.

While 1080p is available, I feel 240p fits the vibe a hell of a lot more.
Zeb is actually going to get a lot of support from the first one. But Zeb should also know Obama backs immigrants learning English to get citizenship....I am sure Zeb HATES Obama.
Nah, its only a sign they arent dropping it IMMEADIATELY. Still plenty of time for Swagger to put his title shot on the line in a big mouth match monday, and be on his way the day after.

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