[OFFICIAL] Jack Swagger Fan Club/Apprectiation Thread

he did that ametuer style slam, wehe takes em around the waist, lift them way high, and then slams them on their face. He did that, and then went and stood outside the ring, and deliberately got counted out.

he gets on the mic, and tells Orton "ive always respected you, and wanted to leave a lasting impression on my first night"

it was way cooler on TV than how I just described it, I swear
Maybe some mysterious stranger will be kind enough to send me a YouTube link to it.

I see you hovering, DIAR.
Seeing as how Swagger's starting at the bottom of a new ladder and considering how I actually quite like him, I will commit my name to this here fan club.

Maybe I have a reason to watch Raw now.
^ Fact. Now that Swagger's on Raw the possibilties are endless. Most likely world champ by this time next year.
Agreed. I was a little dissappointed in the match though. The crowd was dead. I blame MVP.
they will come to give him a reaction soon enough it was only his third week on raw give him time
I hated this match. MVP blows. Any match he's in immediately feels like he's going through the motions. No fluidity to it, no smooth transitions or counters.

Goddammit Swagger had to work his ass off in there to make it semi presentable. Sweet new ring gear though.
So, Swagger's in the US title match on Sunday. He has a good chance of winning. Thoughts?
I will be there to witness crowning of a new US champ. Our beloved Jack Swagger. I even made a sign for him. :)
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