The 3 Missing Rumble Picks

Who Will Be The Rumbles 3 Unknown Participants?

  • Batista

  • Jericho

  • Christian

  • Khali

  • Other (Please state)

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Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Well, we've got 34 announced for sure in the Rumble Match, and there's chances of Booker T, Nash and HHH turning up in the match, that makes 37. That leaves another 3 places unfilled. It could be a total set of surprise. Sting? Anyone? I don't know. Anyways, I believe that the WWE are a bit too predictable, as T & Nash would be two great surprises here. So, there are a few men out with injuries at the moment. They are Christian, Khali, Jericho & Undertaker. Two of these man, in the form of Christian & Jericho I believe will return at the Rumble. Christian in some form and Jericho as his Y2J character. People are missing him now and if his music hits, I don't think there will be boo's, but cheers. He'll come out, with the Tron, jump around, hit the ring.
This leaves one more place left in the match, which I have a hunch will go to Batista. I've heard that he may be making a return sometime, so this could be there perfect time. It'd be nice to see him back, 'cos once Mason Ryan is finished with the New Nexus, he'd be good to feud with him, then it could give Ryan something to do instead of becoming the next future endeavoured.
So that final 3 makes up Batista, Jericho & Christian. I don't believe that any of them, along with HHH, Nash & Booker will win, my money is on Punk.

So, who do you guys think that these final 3 men will be??
Pick 3 on the poll.
I feel that Jericho is for sure coming back as there seems to be a hole that needs filling on RAW right now. Also considering he never actually left the company and was out on a Randy Orton punt I feel that this will be a great feud to start up if Orton loses the title.

Next Option Evan Bourne

I have been reading numerous reports that he has very big Mania plans and I would have to believe that if he is going to live up to these plans then he will have to be present for the Rumble. He has been out for quite a while and if memory serves me I believe he was already doing light workouts recently. I think that people will be very excited to see this as he was on a huge push before he had to exit.

Next Option Skip Sheffeild

I know that I may get blasted for this but I feel that this mystery spot will be either a disappointment or a very welcomed entry. I think that the only way his return works if he enters the Rumble and ends up helping Corre. This would create a balance of numbers between the two groups and make it a short storyline within the Rumble Match. If this doesn't happen look for Tarver to take his place.
I Actually think that a guy from the championship matches will be in the Rumble. I hope Jericho comes back but I doubt it. I think Tarver or sheffield will definetely be in there if not both. But back to my first point. I don't know if wwe plans to unify the championships but what if The Miz retains and then Comes out and wins the Rumble That would be the ultimate shocker of the Year
Christian, Chris Jericho, and Michael Tarver would be my guesses for the final three entrants (not the last three to enter, just the last three names to round out the list of 40. The winner will be John Morrison. Finally.
I don't know where to find it so I'm asking people on here to help. Can somebdoy please post everyone who is in the Rumble on this thread. I just wanted to see it as I don't know everyone who will be in the match tonight
I don't know where to find it so I'm asking people on here to help. Can somebdoy please post everyone who is in the Rumble on this thread. I just wanted to see it as I don't know everyone who will be in the match tonight

Ok, I'll do it now.
1 Alberto Del Rio
2 R-Truth
3 Rey Mysterio
4 John Cena
5 CM Punk
6 David Otunga
7 Husky Harris
8 Michael McGillicutty
9 King Sheamus
10 Daniel Bryan
11 John Morrison
12 Ted DiBiase
13 Mark Henry
14 Darren Young
15 David Hart Smith
16 Primo
17 Tyson Kidd
18 William Regal
19 Yoshi Tatsu
20 Zack Ryder
21 Ezekiel Jackson
22 Heath Slater
23 Justin Gabriel
24 Wade Barrett
25 Mason Ryan
26 Jack Swagger
27 Drew McIntyre
28 Chris Masters
29 JTG
30 Kane
31 Kofi Kingston
32 The Big Show
33 Santino Marella
34 Vladimir Kozlov
Thanks so much. I think they will make the match work with the suprise entrants rather than the ones that are currently listed becquse it seems that there are a lot of midcarders in it. I feel that every 6-8 wrestlers we could be in for a suprise that will help sustain the entire hype for the show. I really hope though that Corre gets another member tonight as I feel they are the weaker group after Mason Ryan entered Nexus
Am i the only one who expects Awesome Kong (with likely a new name) to be one of the remaining six.

Along with Triple H, Chris Jericho, Christian, Michael Tarver, and Evan Bourne.

Plus, don't be surprised if some previously announced jobber, such as Yoshi Tatsu, gets replaced by yet another surprise.
Am i the only one who expects Awesome Kong (with likely a new name) to be one of the remaining six.

Along with Triple H, Chris Jericho, Christian, Michael Tarver, and Evan Bourne.

Plus, don't be surprised if some previously announced jobber, such as Yoshi Tatsu, gets replaced by yet another surprise.

No I thought that she could but I have a feeling that she will be in the divas match somehow.
No I thought that she could but I have a feeling that she will be in the divas match somehow.

According to the various dirt sheets, though, Vince wants her to compete against the men. Which I, for one, am dead set against.

How about Beth Phoenix entering the Rumble again, only to be eliminated by Awesome Kong.
According to the various dirt sheets, though, Vince wants her to compete against the men. Which I, for one, am dead set against.

How about Beth Phoenix entering the Rumble again, only to be eliminated by Awesome Kong.

Only if they replace the jobbers. I wouldn't want both of them to take up places that could be used for better. It'd be great to see Kong turn up against the men, but not having Beth Phoenix already in it. Please, use those free spots wisely WWE, use them wisely.
Only if they replace the jobbers. I wouldn't want both of them to take up places that could be used for better. It'd be great to see Kong turn up against the men, but not having Beth Phoenix already in it. Please, use those free spots wisely WWE, use them wisely.

I agree 100%. With supposedly six open spots, they could easily be filled by the various numerous surprises or returns which have been speculated about for days now. But every year, some guy who no one cares about like Yoshi Tatsu or Darren Young gets replaced and no one even notices. I personally don't want to see Kong or Phoenix in the Rumble, as I don't like the divas competing with or against the men. But there could be more than six surprises if the WWE really wants to throw us off the track.
It'll probably be like, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Tatanka, and Sgt. Slaughter or something.

Or Khali, so the announcers can shit their pants like they do every single year, "OH MY, IT'S... IT'S THE GREAT KHALI, COLE! HE'S CERTAINLY A FAVORITE TO WIN NOW -- WHO'S GOT THE SHEER STRENGTH TO TAKE THE GREAT KHALI OUT OF THE ROYAL RUMBLE?"

And they'll have Khali stare down with The Big Show, or Mark Henry or something.
I think Jericho, Christian, and a proper suprise return..
Kong sounds actually plausible.

I've been going over the idea, can't remember where I saw it, but the tron flashes up saying Raw GM or something, and the GM is revealed...probally won't happen, but hey, sounds fun..

If its not them, either Evan Bourne or Michael Tarver will take that last spot...Anyone but Khali
I think that all the return scenarios are pausibe and realistic but will any of them be able tow in the Rumble? Also is there any chance that somehow Undertaker in some form makes an appearance tonight? For example Wade and whoever are the final two and all of a sudden the lights go out and the gong sounds and Wade is laid out on the mat. I think tonight we will be suprised no matter the outcome and i'm already expecting the unexpected.

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