Anyone who doesnt think vince was forced to go through with it look at it this way...
Vince pushed Yokozuma as almost unbeatable...
Bret of the greatest technical wrestlers in the world could not defeat him...(forget the powder...there was no way)...
and all of a sudden at the end of the worst wrestlemania(Bar none)...we decide that a 58 year old champion is the best thing going???...
Hell No...
But Hogan Convinced Vince...and we now have a format for money and the bank...
Attack beat up champion...Win...and lose your title at the next PPV...
Obviously you're exaggerating the age but that's quite an exaggeration. Hogan was 39 at the time. Same age Rock is now and two years younger than Jericho is now.
Anyway, Vince wasn't forced to do anything. It is likely that there was a plan to have Hart go over Hogan in the future and Hogan backed out, but I highly doubt that Hogan forced Vince to give him the title at mania. I think you guys are using the wrong word. There may have been a negotiation or a compromise. The original plan may have changed after mania. All that is possible but I just find it hard to believe that Hogan held Vince hostage and threatened to no show mania if he didn't get the belt.