That Damn Good

The Roid Rage

Getting Noticed By Management
Hello WZ'ers, For any of my critics and those of you who think you're so damn good, or that you are better writers and posters than I, The Game Rage has what will be Earth shattering and ego depleting news. Recently I was online searching for some jobs in my area at I began by looking at customer service jobs, retail, entry level positions for larger companies, etc... Then for the hell of it I decided to see if there were any writing jobs out there freelance or otherwise.

At one time yours truly was looking straight down the barrel of a full ride scholarship to the University of Nothern Iowa, a very respected school in the field of journalism. Unfortunately that opportunity slipped through my fingers thanks to the high school I was attending. True story, they "Lost" my credits somehow going into my senior year meaning not only was I not going to graduate the next year, but that I basically had to restart my high school career. They even said "you won't be able to get everything done again before you turn 21 have to leave high school so you might as well just drop out and get your G.E.D." I can't explain to you how robbed I felt, and how much that shattered my hopes and dreams.

Here I was just waiting to finish up early even, so I could move on to do what it had taken me my entire life up to that point to figure out I really wanted to do, and then they take it away from me. I had respected educators and professionals ready to write my letters of recommendation to UNI to ensure I got in on a full ride, and that was the only way I was going to get to do it. My parents didn't have the money to pay for it or the credit to get me the student loans I would have needed to go, so this was really my ace in the hole. Unfortunately the high school had a trump card.

So, after all this time I was online looking for jobs and really just looking at the jobs I wish I could get writing. As I was navigating through and seeing how many of these required the formal education I was robbed of, I found one that actually didn't require all that. It was a job writing for a rather large web site I will not name at the moment. It wasn't freelance either, it's an actual writing job. I decided since it doesn't require the education I should apply for the hell of it. As I went to apply I noticed that I could apply for writing in any area I wanted be it night life and club scene, regular metro news, politics, whatever. So I was looking at the options and noticed that there was an option for a boxing writer in my area. I had to write what my background and qualifications were, what I would write about and why, and then I had to give a sample of my writing, as well as make a short pitch separately to kind of sell myself all of which I did. In submitting my application I was told I would hear from someone within the next 2 weeks regarding my application, keep in mind I just submitted it this past Friday.

So yesterday I went to check my email to see if I had any surveys from Knowledge Panel that I could do and I noticed one particular email from someone I had never heard of. I looked at the subject area and sure enough it was from the company I applied to. Apparently not only were they "Very impressed with my background and writing ability" quoted verbatim, but they want me to write another sample for them to let their review board see so they can hire me to be the local boxing writer for Des Moines, Iowa. The real kicker is that they already have one, but they want me instead. This is really a dream come true for me. Coming from being robbed of my opportunity to be the journalist/writer I've always wanted to be, to actually landing a job writing about something I truly love is to me nothing short of a miracle.

Not only is this part of dream come true, but it shows that I really am that damn good despite what any of you think or have to say about it. I may be here in this prison and therefore not able to post in the forums, but no matter what I am still so damn good that a major news source is axing their current writer to hire me. So many of you place yourselves so high above me, yet I am being picked up by a legit company wanting a great writer. Now, when your heads stop spinning let that sink in. I am good enough to write for a real news company, but you have me here wasting my talents in an area that no one really comes to. Maybe it's time to let me out of here.
I will save my congratulations for when you actually land the job, but I know that it's such a satisfying feeling when an employer wants you for a job that not every one could do. The timing of this is rather ironic, I have a similar situation tomorrow in which I will be interviewed for a youth program coordinator position. Clearly my education in Psychology was the reason I am being interviewed for the position, so it's nice to be appreciated and reminded of qualifications you have over others.

In regards to the rest of what you wrote, I don't think many were saying you couldn't write. Clearly a running joke is the length of the so called 'word forts' that you create. I think people were critical of the substance of your posts. There are many people who can write and articulate important points, but if those points are useless and flawed than the latter doesn't really matter.

Good luck with the process however, I mean that.
I will save my congratulations for when you actually land the job, but I know that it's such a satisfying feeling when an employer wants you for a job that not every one could do.

That's why I didn't give the name of the company or anything because it's not official yet, but it's a pretty done deal. It is a very satisfying feeling as well.

The timing of this is rather ironic, I have a similar situation tomorrow in which I will be interviewed for a youth program coordinator position. Clearly my education in Psychology was the reason I am being interviewed for the position, so it's nice to be appreciated and reminded of qualifications you have over others.

Good Luck in those future endeavors. You could be more accurate on that last part either. As I explained earlier I got kind of robbed out the education I needed to really break into that field, but my skills are still so sharp I am able to do what I want to do regardless of any degrees or certifications. That makes it all the more a victory for me.

In regards to the rest of what you wrote, I don't think many were saying you couldn't write. Clearly a running joke is the length of the so called 'word forts' that you create.

I know, I was just enjoying the moment a bit. I was feeling pretty good about that and wanted to share it with you guys, so I thought I'd give a little ribbing back just for fun. I know a bunch of my posts have been like novels and it's kind of crazy, I just get caught up in my writing and stuff keeps flowing and flowing from my brain and I don't stop until I am satisfied.

There are many people who can write and articulate important points, but if those points are useless and flawed than the latter doesn't really matter.

Good luck with the process however, I mean that.

What is useless or flawed is a point of view in itself, the idea is that because we don't know for sure everyones point DOES matter.

Good Luck again, and I mean that.
Anyone fancy shortening the opening post as I can't be bothered to read it all.

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