Thank You Vince!


Pre-Show Stalwart
Ok, Alex Riley is the first rookie i ever really liked, then kaval. He's been serving protege to miz lately, miz is my favorite wrestler btw, sort of like lance cade to chris jericho. Daniel Bryan has kicked Riley's ass for weeks. Then, last night, Riley was really taking it to Morrison and Bryan, not to mention we saw a signature ,from from him and then he and miz won. I started running around i was so happy. Your thoughts?
I agree. Whilst I didn't get to see his match against Morrison and Bryan ever since i saw Alex's match against Kaval in about week 2 of his run I knew he was my favourite. He's got the look, the talent and charisma, I really hope they start putting him in some singles matches soon and give him some tough but clean wins and let him begin to shine as a new star. I'm glad to see other people showing an interest in him.
Alex Riley was my pick to win NXT Season 2 anyway, he's way talented to be riding Miz's coattails. I guess after this program, we'll see Riley doing a better job, maybe a rivalry with Miz would work out too.
im pretty happy with alex riley at the moment too, i'd love to see miz as wwe champ and riley as united states champ at the same time. i think a riley and bryan fued for the united states title would be awesome
Alex Riley is pretty cool, he has the same gimmick that made the rock famous, and one day I think he will be better then the miz, he was my thought to win nxt season 2, I like him waay better then Michael McGuillicutty, but I still like Kaval the most.
Alex riley does deserve that midcard field straight away, they couldve used a tag team with riley and miz a year ago but not now, i agree with the idea as miz as champ and riley as united states but i think his character is too much the same as the miz, yes the school thing is different but the attitude is close , maybe a storyline will separate their characters as two different main heels in the long future, miz will go face prob by that time though
I've been actually very high on Alex Riley ever since watching him in WWE's Developmental territory FCW.(Which I watch on YouTube since I live in NY) If used right, Riley could have a very fulfilling future ahead of him. With his look, wrestling abilities, and mic skills, he's definitely on the right track.
Riley does indeed have the look and in ring ability to take him up the ranks in the WWE. However, he's still very new to the company and a few months at Miz's side would do wonders for the kid. Not every superstar needs to be shot to the moon, whether they are or no are not ready for it. Period. Enjoy this young upstart and don't rush him too fast. Other than that, hell yeah put him in a singles match soon and def involve Daniel Bryan or have him take on the lower Raw talent to build up his credibility.
Ok, Alex Riley is the first rookie i ever really liked, then kaval. He's been serving protege to miz lately, miz is my favorite wrestler btw, sort of like lance cade to chris jericho. Daniel Bryan has kicked Riley's ass for weeks. Then, last night, Riley was really taking it to Morrison and Bryan, not to mention we saw a signature ,from from him and then he and miz won. I started running around i was so happy. Your thoughts?

Stop running.

Riley has the natural knack of being a good heel in the future. Has a smug appeal to him and will blossom with his tagging with Miz. After this feud is done he should probably start a mid-card feud with R-Truth maybe.
Play the whole good education vs steet ass punk routine, a credible feud and then build on that.
i like Alex Riley, BUT i hate the idea of having him on RAW, i wanted him on Smackdown to feud with the midcarders there and eventually take the World title off of Undertaker, he's too talented to be Miz's bodyguard and i dont want him beating Daniel Bryan for the US title anytime soon, i want Bryan to hold that title for a long time, Bryan can have great feuds and he can really wrestle a match.
It was really only a matter of time before Alex Riley was announced as a part of the roster. Besides, he really deserved to be on the main roster from the get go. Alex is interesting, he has the whole package that he was pretty much the only one to have on NXT season 2.

A lot of people saw him as the odds-on-favorite to win his season of NXT. Especially considering the fact that Wade Barrett succeeded above the so called Internet Darling Bryan Danielson, where as Kaval was the Bryan Danielson of season 2, and Alex being season 2's Wade Barrett.

I have to admit I'm happy to see that Alex made it to the main roster. However, I don't feel that he should've gotten there as a partner to The Miz. Especially considering the fact that Wade Barrett separated from Chris Jericho, all the Nexus guys separated from their pros, as well as Kaval is slightly separated from LayCool.

I'll guess we have to wait and see what Alex will be up to. But I'm pretty sure he'll be somehow involved at Hell in a Cell.
I, personally, always liked Kaval over Riley (but I've always liked Kaval... since Low Ki and Senshi days) but I always saw Riley as THE PERFECT NEXT BIG HEEL. He just is... Kaval will probably end up as a high-mid carder but I see Riley in the championship main eventer level if WWE keep him.
if he wasnt doing announcing And nxt, i could see him more with matt striker. imagine that, the real teacher mentoring the varsity villian. i think he could have more fun with striker and hell they even look a little alike in my opinion. riley could go farthur with somebody who was less concerned with himself like matt.
I definitely disagree with you about the look with Matt Striker, he looks so much like a better built Miz in my opinion. It's so uncanny. I really see A-Ri [ Yes, I just used a Cole-o-nolgy. ] as another Miz, but with more talent, and I want him to be out've Miz's shadow QUICKLY. If they fueded or something, I could definitely see A-Ri becoming a better version of Mr. Kennedy as well. However, I don't believe in pushing someone exactly like another person. He just reminds me so much of him. He does have an amazing stint with the WWE as long as he plays his cards right.
I think the person who has benefitted from NXT the most is the Miz. Season 1, he was talked about because everyone questioned whether he should have been the rookie instead of Daniel Bryan. He grew leaps and bounds in his singles wrestling with his feud with Bryan. Then he got a bigger version of himself in Alex Riley for season 2. Alex Riley is a main eventer in waiting. If they had done a second version of Nexus, I am fully confident Riley would be the Wade Barrett.

I think the possibility of Miz and Riley holding the WWE and US championship together is likely. I'm excited to see it. Eventually, I think Riley will either get the WWE title through Miz, but for now, it is very fun watching them work together against somebody who makes them both look stronger in Bryan.
Stop running.

Riley has the natural knack of being a good heel in the future. Has a smug appeal to him and will blossom with his tagging with Miz. After this feud is done he should probably start a mid-card feud with R-Truth maybe.
Play the whole good education vs steet ass punk routine, a credible feud and then build on that.

I've stopped. :lmao:
Nah. Don't do a program with R Truth. I don't like R truth, i am sorry. That theme gets on my nerves, and at first I liked his moves, then he enters a virgil program with dibiase.
Evan Bourne would be a much better choice. It would really build both superstars.
I dont really hav a problem with Alex Riley stayin with Miz it really should make him better besides there is really no room 4 him in the midcard picture its somewat crowded with Bryan, Miz, Morrison, R-Truth, Evan Bourne, Zack Ryder it is however, good that he is involved with this angle cuz the fat should be trimmed with Bourne and Ryder in the mid card and if he impresses here he should be there by WM27
I've stopped. :lmao:
Nah. Don't do a program with R Truth. I don't like R truth, i am sorry. That theme gets on my nerves, and at first I liked his moves, then he enters a virgil program with dibiase.
Evan Bourne would be a much better choice. It would really build both superstars.

Bourne would be the more exciting choice but really I haven't seen much of his mic-skills to put him in a feud with Riley(who has great mic-piece potential).

The rich kid vs street scum angle still works if done right. Plus, really Truth needs that angle more than Riley to stay relevant.
I am quite pleased to see Riley on the main roster. He was the guy I was voting for every week. He wasn't Barrett, but while the other three finalists had a lot of something, Riley had a little bit of everything. He is a future main event player and they made the right choice by keeping him around over some of the other guys from that show.

I think that partnering with The Miz right now will only benefit him. He'll get major TV time, no doubt also getting plenty of advice in the back as well (you just know they must get along in real life), which will aid his transition. When Miz cashes in, having Riley paired with the WWE Champion will focus some of the spotlight on him. I can easily see Riley getting sloppy seconds in the DBD feud, possibly ending up with a US title reign in the next few months. He will have to be separated from Miz at some point, and I'm guessing that the draft would be a perfect opportunity for it.
Well i he and bourne feuded, Riley could make fun of bourne's mic skills, not have him say your mic skills suck, but have him say you can't even hold a microphone. When Morrison turns heel, Truth can feud with him. Truth has ample heels to feud with.

Plus, Daniel Bryan's mic skills aren't great, but look at the AAAAAAAAWWWWWEEEESSSSSOOOMMMEE program they've entered.

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