"Terrorists" In Woolwich Attack Three Men, One Dead.

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Today, in Woolwich, supposed Terrorists attacked three men, killing one of them. The man that was killed was first ran over, then stabbed to death in a brutal attack. The other two men were shot and luckily, are still alive. The attackers attempted to film themselves while the attack happened, as well as telling people around them to both video record and take photos of the chaos.

The image below surface on ITV News, of one of the attackers, his hands covered in blood, one of them holding a meat cleaver. (WARNING: Graphic)


The attack has shook the United Kingdom and is being reported on every major news station over here. Apparently, the attackers were of the Muslim faith and were shouting out certain things related to Allah during/post the attack itself. This brings me onto another thing;

As bad as the attack was and as disgusting the actions of the two attackers were, people have come out with racist quote after racist quote, demonising the entire Muslim race, calling all of them "terrorists" and using every obscenity under the sun, before people finally say they should all "be sent back home". What I'm seeing here, is unneeded racism, especially in these circumstances.

Yes, we know that what has happened was caused by two Muslim men, but attacking an entire race is 1) Only going to blow up this entire argument even more and 2) It's only going to make you sound a lot worse than you should. The two men responsible for this horrible act should be "sent back home" or even put to the death sentence, should they be caught. But the British public should not be racially abusing every Muslim that's in the UK because that's just not how it works. I get that people may be upset about this, I know I am, but I'm not sitting here being racist about it. This is why I'm attempting to refrain talking to any particular person about the incident, in case I blow up at them for saying something out of line.

I bring the following questions to you though;

Your thoughts on the attack?

Is there any point in the British's Public's racist reactions?

How would you react to this? Would you be angry about the attack & the people who done it or angry about an entire race?

RIP to the man who died today, coincidentally, wearing a "Help For Heroes" T-Shirt AND a Soldier.
I havent heard much about the Brits having a racist reaction... I will say I am becoming very very racist towards muslims, it's getting harder and harder to let that shit slide and deal with it. I just turned on the tv and saw it before this thread, all I gotta say is I'd love to see them try a terrorist attack like that in NY. They'd be dead down here in NY doing that shit.... I'm really going to try not to give my opinion now because it's not a good one and one of ignorance but its getting really tough... and I'm not somebody who has had no experience with muslims. My roommate last year was a dude fresh off the plain from Saudi Arabia, him and his sister were very nice, but they all had a childish temperament as the many people of the muslim faith display everyday and today.
Your thoughts on the attack?

Fringe lunatics acted on their extreme and radical beliefs and committed murder. The ***** involved should be locked up.

Is there any point in the British's Public's racist reactions?

Of course not. The people like the EDL are exactly the same as the radical ***** they're against, except they're "British" not foreign, which is somehow better. *****, the lot of them.


How would you react to this? Would you be angry about the attack & the people who done it or angry about an entire race?

The people who commit terrorist acts are fringe lunatics. The vast majority of Muslims are as against these ***** as everyone else. Unfortunately because nobody really cares about the majority of people who don't do anything newsworthy, the minority of lunatics who commit terrorist acts get the headlines and taint people's opinions of an entire ethnic group.
Your thoughts on the attack?

Fringe lunatics acted on their extreme and radical beliefs and committed murder. The ***** involved should be locked up.

Is there any point in the British's Public's racist reactions?

Of course not. The people like the EDL are exactly the same as the radical ***** they're against, except they're "British" not foreign, which is somehow better. *****, the lot of them.


How would you react to this? Would you be angry about the attack & the people who done it or angry about an entire race?

The people who commit terrorist acts are fringe lunatics. The vast majority of Muslims are as against these ***** as everyone else. Unfortunately because nobody really cares about the majority of people who don't do anything newsworthy, the minority of lunatics who commit terrorist acts get the headlines and taint people's opinions of an entire ethnic group.

You know I agree with your post except for the last part and I'm not looking for the media to broadcast the muslims calling them out, and maybe it's just where I'm at, but I get more of a look the other way vibe from a lot of everyday muslims who are immigrants from that region rather than a condemnation.

But western born muslims are a lot different from my experiences....and thank god we have guns in America, being shot is a lot less painful and brutal than being stabbed. As morbid as it is, I'd rather be shot than stabbed but that's just me.
You know I agree with your post except for the last part

I will say I am becoming very very racist towards muslims

Why am I not surprised?

and I'm not looking for the media to broadcast the muslims calling them out, and maybe it's just where I'm at, but I get more of a look the other way vibe from a lot of everyday muslims who are immigrants from that region rather than a condemnation.

But western born muslims are a lot different from my experiences....and thank god we have guns in America, being shot is a lot less painful and brutal than being stabbed. As morbid as it is, I'd rather be shot than stabbed but that's just me.

You realise that the guy responsible was born 20 minutes away from where he stabbed the soldier, right?
...and thank god we have guns in America, being shot is a lot less painful and brutal than being stabbed. As morbid as it is, I'd rather be shot than stabbed but that's just me.

While the personal nature of the murder is something that made me feel physically ill, the level of hatred within the 2 men who committed the act would have caused a far more devastating outcome if they had access to automatic firearms, as I believe at least one of them did have a handgun.

The fact is, this whole situation could have been a whole lot worse if the men had decided to make their vehicle a bomb rather than an incapacitating machine against one man. That they attacked one soldier just yards from a barracks in a public execution manner, stayed on site until the police arrived and then charged at them, and then finally exploited the instantaneous messaging that social media has facilitated to broadcast their message to complete strangers.

The racist fall out from this has been pretty depressing to read too.
Your thoughts on the attack?
Shocking. I heard about the attack the day after, and it wasn't until I got home; I found out what the extremists did to him. Beheading a soldier defending your country is an act of discrace, and disgust. The men who did it must be punished.

Is there any point in the British's Public's racist reactions?
Absolutley not. The EDL and any other anti-Islamic groups have no idea what they're talking about. As a Muslim, I can tell you that these attacks are not linked with Islam, nor encouraged by it. Several Mosques have been attacked across the UK, and this isn't proving their point. They're the ones attacking Muslim families attending their place of worhip, with several under 18's going for their prayers, with some as young as seven. This response is ridiculous, and should be dealt with before it may get serious.

So, what should happen to the extremists? They deserve to be punished. What they did was unacceptable. Sometimes, I wish the UK brought back the death penalty; a supposed life sentance isn't a well enough punishment for buturing a soldier.
Why am I not surprised?

You realise that the guy responsible was born 20 minutes away from where he stabbed the soldier, right?

My post has nothing to do with the guy who committed the crimes, but perhaps you have a hard time following that. Good job dismantling my post and taking everything out of context, I mean it is pretty hard to do that to the post you did, but you butchered it.

So go back and reread it. I'm not going to s-p-e-l-l it out if you can't understand it.

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