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Dark Match Jobber
Orton + Cena?
After seeing that finisher they did, and the brief teamwork I've seen these two do before, I don't understand why they don't just make Orton & Cena a tag team? It would freshen up the main event card, and allow for fued such as MVP vs. Swagger to take it's spot. And did you see that RKO-AA? :wtf:

The Dissolution of Legacy?
The past few months, I've noticed Legacy, specifically Ted & Orton, bicker amongst each other. Why don't they just betray each other and end our suffering? They've been together for almost a year now. Plus, I didn't see Ted & Cody interfere in Big Show's match, showing that Orton doesn't need them as much as he used to. Why not just end it all?

Cryme Tyme + R-Truth
I don't understand... Cryme Time floats around Raw and SD!, gearing up for their match against Y2Show at SummerSlam, and yet R-Truth still has the same rapping gimmick he's had for a long time, floating around and jobbing to random guys. R-Truth gets a pretty good draw each time he goes down the arena steps and raps. And we all know Cryme Tyme knows how to make a crowd. "Money, money, yeah yeah." Why don't they just add R-Truth to Cryme Tyme so he has something to do?

What do you guys think?
Orton + Cena: In my opinion, it could work, but it would need a lot of build up given their personal (kayfabe) animosity. I keep hearing people talk about Cena going heel, and while I doubt if that would happen, I could see him staying a face but using a heel's methods out of sheer pragmatism. Perhaps he gets sick of unprovoked attacks and ambushes and decides to do a little ambushing back, gaining more of a tweener status, but still targeting only the heels. Perhaps in the upcoming Raw, they'll gain a kind of mutual respect (albeit grudging) and that may lead to future "one-time deals" that turn into a sort of business relationship. It could happen and those two I think would work awesomely together and have plenty of possibilities for personal drama and conflict within the team.

Dissolution of Legacy: It's bound to happen, and when it does Ted's the guy to do it. I've been seeing it coming since the time that he had that match with Orton on the episode of Raw where his father guest hosted. It was in that match that Ted proved that he had the potential to be a viable threat even against Orton. I can't see Cody turning on Orton, but Ted, that's a possibility, but he'll need someone to step in and encourage him. Someone will have to push him to betraying his "mentor". I wonder...would one of DX perhaps draw him out, see the chink in Legacy's armor and offer support in Ted's betrayal? Hmmm...

Cryme Tyme + R-Truth: In my opinion, R-Truth is best as his own person, he just needs to get out of this jobbing slump and get a decent push. I could see him doing the "buddy" thing with Cryme Tyme and tagging with them in six-man matches, but I'd like to see R-Truth break out and get into some decent feuds with other wrestlers. I could see him feuding with Slam Master J over who is the genuine "thug" between them since R-Truth has his persona based on being the genuine article while SMJ is an obvious poser (although a talented one in the ring, give him credit for that.) Also...I could see it going the other way, R-Truth teaming with SMJ and sort of...mentoring him in how to become what he seems to want to be.
I see where you are coming from and I did mark out like a freak when the double finisher was hit. I saw it coming, if this makes any sense at all, it wouldn't have surprised me had they not done it. WWE missing a good spot isn't unheard of.

But I personally love Orton right now. I like the whole Legacy idea, just not how they're pulling it off. They're acting as though the WWE fans aren't watching the matches and will just trust Michael Cole and King when they say that Legacy are just getting better and better each week.

We've all watched them run out to 'help' Orton in his matches... which they either fail in doing or succeed simply by causing a distraction; being beaten down whist Orton recovers.

I often feel that a heel tag team, especially one in a stable, doesn't need to have that heel trait of needing to cheat to win. If they were booked to be awesome and beat people down and be genuine enforcers to Randy Orton. That would look a lot better and save a lot of people like yourself from wishing for the end. Right? I know I'd prefer that.

Cena is the hero isn't he and that isn't gonna change anytime soon. My reason behind the theory? They want to do what Hogan did in WCW. When it comes, it'll be when it is least expected. And right now... it's wanted. They aren't going to budge and inch.

Although the Orton/Cena alliance would, as you say, shake it all up. I just can't see it happening.

One day though.

As for Cryme Tyme... I don't really get it. Love the gimmick of being Brooklyn thugs and they steal things then auction it off... I laugh at that. It hasn't really gone anywhere really.

If you remember when they first came to the WWE, we got all the 'yo Yo Yo, Pop a forty and Check your Rollies... iiiiit's Cryme Tyme!!!' viganettes where they did a job each week showing us how to live life on the streets of Brooklyn. It felt like they were going to be a hot new thing and bring back the Tag Genre to where it hasn't been since the TLC 1 days.

They never did. It was just the same thing week in, week out and it became boring. They were released (which was a slightly unpopular decision) and then they were brought back... doing the same thing. They've very rarely had a storyline that lasts very long and this current one has just been completely overshadowed by Jericho and Show looking very impressive over the WWE Champion and Number One Contender. Does anyone really think Cryme Tyme will win on sunday? No. It's awful to say but Chris Jericho may very well be competing in his first bathroom break match in years.

I haven't seen much of R-Truth. I don't regularly watch Smackdown! But when I have, he's done the whole Whassup routine which the kids LOVE! but it bores me pretty much. And I've only seen it a few times. Regular Smackdown! watchers must be getting really pissed off by now. As far as a move to Cryme Tyme would take him... In my vew, not very far. Neither is doing anything and trading 'Whassup' to 'Money Money' isn't a solution.

According to JR's blog, this whole split personality thing isn't quite dead in the water so there is hope for R-Truth yet (I keep typing K-Kwik) but this could quite easily bomb.

If they book this as R-Truth maybe tagging with someone and then after the match destroying them as his other self kicks in, then later in the back, approach the same guy in a friendly and happy way. That could be great. Especially if his angry side is ANGRY. But I can see WWE making this into a comedy thing. Fighting halfway through the match in different characters. Arguing with himself like Smeagol/Gollum. Fingers Crossed.
I think a Cena/ Orton team would be good...briefly. if they teamed up, maybe even won the titles, and then do a similar thing as they did with Cena/ Michaels. Have them in a match against each other for the WWE title, and have a betrayal by one of them (Hopefully Cena and make him heel again, but that's just me) just like a week or two prior to their world title match. I think it would be good to bring other fueds into the spotlight of the main event scene as well, giving younger talent some TV time. And i agree the RKO/AA was pretty sick looking.

As for the break-up of Legacy, i say neither of them are ready to be on their own. They are both good athletes and entertainers, but the crowd is still indifferent about them. i say keep them together at least until the RR, where one of them eliminates the other and has a stellar performance in the Rumble match, leading to their singles push.

R-truth should be with CT. Truth isn't doing anyhting, and CT could help expose him to get him over just a little bit more to get into the IC title picture. Maybe even have the addition of Slam Master J, maybe as some comic relief and give us what WWE really need right now, a solid faction that doesn't consist of 1 great performer and his lackies *cough* Legacy *cough*. This could elevate everyone involved to the next level and maybe see JTG as the breakout singles guy, and team up Truth and Shad often.

Those are my thoughts. It would help the wrestlers mentioned as individuals and really help out the ta division of WWE.
Orton + Cena i would like to see it with cena as a heel but i dout it will ever hapen. I like the Chriem time idea but i think take it 1 more step get ron simmions the "DANM" guy to manage and ECW"S Ezulal Jackson and start the Nathion of domanation. then reagel and pall Burchurl could Join with the hart dynesty and have some gang style fights. The Rock and HHH were once leaderes of mid card stables. DX(Not the HBK dx) vrs. Nathion of domanation of the 90's was good tv. Today most the show is meanless dribbel. Just my thoughts.
When R-Truth be skippin' and jumpin', I be fast-forwardin'. R-Truth does not have a chance to succeed as a face. There are too many heels that fill the role he would fill as a heel, so a turn in unneccessary. The writing needs to be more creative to get R-Truth to matter.

As for Orton-Cena, yeah the move was good OK, but one move has sparked more "Will Orton and Cena team up?" threads then it should have. Orton and Cena are polar opposites and stand at the top of two different podiums: One Top Face and One Ultimate Heel. They won't team past this week. This is WWE's idea of the new Austin-Rock of the late 1990's, early 2000's.
The Two-Man Power Trip.

The end.

I wasn't talking about the Two-Man Power Trip. HHH and Stone Cold were both heels when that started. I was more citing the rivalry between Austin (face) and The Rock (heel). This was the top rivalry in the top era in wrestling. Cena (face) and Orton (heel) is WWE's attempt to duplicate that.
i would love to see cena turn heel and join legacy, he is a 2nd generation wrestler right, but with cena selling so much do not see that happening, how good would it be to see cena/orton vs dx fued for a while that would money

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