Ted Kennedy


MCMG: 1-696-696-6969

Ted Kennedy: November 7, 1962-August 25, 2009
As you may or may not know Ted Kennedy is dead. My question do you is did Ted Kennedy to more good in his life or bad, do all his good deeds make up for his bad deeds? He past many great bills was a great politician, but he did have an incident with Mary Jo Kopechne. He passed the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, the National Cancer Act of 1971, the Federal Election Campaign Act Amendments of 1974, the COBRA Act of 1985, the Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act of 1986, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Ryan White AIDS Care Act in 1990, the Civil Rights Act of 1991, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, the Mental Health Parity Act in 1996 and 2008, the State Children's Health Insurance Program in 1997, the No Child Left Behind Act in 2002, and the Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act in 2009, and he was a crusader for Woman's College sports before Woman had to drive themselves to their sporting events in college, but because of Ted Kennedy they don't anymore, so IMO this was a terrible loss and Ted Kennedy was a great man.
It's a sad damn day today, that's for sure. Ted Kennedy was most certainly a good man at heart, and his political career was extremely successful and influential. I'd say without a shadow of a doubt that Ted was the greatest Senator of the last 100 years.

On one hand I guess atleast on the brightside, Ted was able to live a long life and die from natural causes, unlike his brothers. It's just damn sad. It's an end of an era in this country...I imagine his son Patrick (who's a Congressman here in Rhode Island) must be devastated. We all knew he didn't have much time left after he was diagnosed with brain cancer, but it's still shocking and deeply saddening.

Rest in Peace Teddy...you're in a better place now I'm sure, throwing the old pigskin around with John and Bobby again. We loved you brother.
I suppose this is the part where I am supposed to feel bad, or say something nice just because somebody died. But since almost everyone else is going to fawn over the great Kennedy, I guess I'll have to play Devil's Advocate today.

Ted did a lot of fucked up garbage. More than I even have time to list right now. But I'll skip that part right now to get to the really fucked up part:

The current cry from the Left to get this health care bill passed under the banner of old Teddy's death. Which is absolutely sickening. Calling this the Ted Kennedy Bill is a travesty. Ted Kennedy fought for health care reform, yes... but the idea of trying to force everyone in the poor quality of care this bill would provide is hyposcrisy. Without derailing into something that belongs in the heath care thread, my point is that Ted Kennedy lives an extra year thanks to top notch care provided to him solely because he got special coverage as a US Senator.

No one... NO ONE that gets on ObamaCare is ever going to get the kind of health care that Ted got in the twilight of his days. And to tout Ted's struggle to live while on top notch medical treatment while at the same time using it to push inferior care on American is enough to make me reach for a vomit bucket.

Even if you don't agree with his politics (and I don't), you shouldn't demean him as an American this way.
If he had a hand in passing ADA, COBRA, and the Mental Health Parity act, then I have to give Ted Kennedy a pat on the back for those. But, there's nothing else that I can really say that's good about the man. His personal life was just as shady, if not more so, than his brother John's, and I can only hope that this is the last that we'll see of the Kennedy family in politics (however, it seems as if the Seven Sisters and the Ivy Leagues have an open door policy for them, so I doubt that my hope means anything). My condolences are with his family though.

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