Technology and Games: THE RULES (ALL READ)

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SmackDown! is MY Show
Welcomes to the Computers and Video Games forum here at Wrestlezone Forums! This is a place where you can come and discuss past, current, and future video games for all ages. You can even discuss the on goings about computers from new hardware and software to things that you like to see happen next in the world of computers

Here are some of the rules:

1.This is the computers and Video Games forum dealing strictly in computers from companies like Apple, HP and others as well any hardware/software companies or products

2. Any video games of all kinds be it from Playstation, Nintendo, Microsoft or even Video Game companies.

3.When posting New Topics please check to make sure that the topic has not been posted before as there is a link to search for past and current threads.

4.When posting or replying to a thread do not just copy and paste articles or blogs from a company’s website along with news stories in a thread without giving ample reason(s) as to why you feel this is important or contributes to the thread.

5.There is to be no flaming of posters who may disagree with you about their thoughts on a certain product or game.

6. No Spamming of anykind is allowed like for example, "GTA ROCKS" is considered spam so don't do it as give reason as to why for example you feel GTA Rocks.

7.Any violation of these rules can result in a warning or infraction and could possibly lead to a banning

The rules can change at anytime without notice and more will be added if they are considered necessary
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