Team SmackDown vs. Team Raw: Divas Survivor Series Elimination Match


I can do whatever I want
Team Raw will be captained by Women’s Champion Beth Phoenix with Mickie James, Kelly Kelly, Candice Michelle & Jillian filling out the rest of the team. Team SmackDown will be captained by Divas Champion Michelle McCool with Maria, Maryse, Victoria & Natalya rounding out the five-some.

I might be alone but I'm looking forward to this match. I'm just glad that it's a elimination match and not just the standard 10, 12, 15 women tag match. I also like how they are having brand vs. brand and not just the typical face vs. heel. I like how girls who hate each other have to work together for one night(Beth vs, Candice/Mickie). I think it may come down to Michelle Vs. Beth(with Maria and Mickie being the other two choices), with McCool picking up a sneak victory. I'm just glad that the WWE decided to try something alittle bit different for the divas.
This is filler if there ever has been filler. However, it might not be as bad as it seems. For the first time in forever, we have something resembling a storyline in the Divas matches as Beth and Mickie have to put aside their differences to get the win. That's a story that always works, and it might be just what is needed to make this match passable. The Raw team looks ok, save for Candice. I'm at least somewhat interested in this, as it won't be awful.
really what are you two thinking. every time i see these women on TV aside from the rare few. they scream boring or botched moves to get someone hurt. my question is are they planning on combining the two womens tittles at mania. with Mcool and Beth in the match they could be leading to a long feud to end at mania. as far as this match goes huge filler. and why was kane kept off paper view he could have faced Regal for the inter. tittle or something.
I'm arguing this match right now over at that other forum we tried to invade, some of the people don't even know what the concept of a Survivor Series Brand Supremacy match is and why its not weird for a heel on one show to help a face on the same show. Of course I'm talking about Jillian and Kelly. Who cares if Jillian and Kelly were rivals, who cares if ones a heel and one's a face, they're both members of Raw, and will both be on the same team at the PPV. It makes perfect sense for Jillian to help Kelly.

On the match, I'm actually kind of looking forward to it, but I'm hoping that the WWE does the smart thing and utilizes more of the stronger divas and less of the weaker divas, so that means less of Jillian, Maria, and Victoria and more of Maryse, Candice, Beth, and Michelle

My fear is that Maria is the last one standing, and eliminates like 3 people before being eliminated by Beth. The less ring time Maria gets the better.
If booked correctly, WWE can use this match to push forward two diva storylines over the next month or so. If Team Raw wins with say Beth, Mickie and Candice as the survivors and have Mickie and Candice attack Beth post-match as they have been doing on the House Show circuit, they can lay the foundation for a Triple Threat Feud between those three divas. Likewise if Team Smackdown loses with Maria losing the final fall, they can use it to further build upon the tension between Michelle and Maria and build up to Michelle's eventual Heel Turn.
This match could be pretty good, but it can just as easily be the worst match on the card. It depends how well the girls work together, and whether they actually try and put on a good match. I like the brand vs brand idea instead of random face vs heel combinations, because this partly makes sense and isn't just randomfeuds thrown together. I think it'll come down to the two champions being the last two in the ring, and then I think Michelle will score the upset, possibly with unintentional interference by Santino. But at least its elimination this time, and not just a 5 on 5 tag match like last year.
A nice little filler here. Thank God it's not your usual 10 diva tag team match. But seriously, how many more multi diva matches can we take? We get far too many tag matches on pay per view. But I will take exception with this one as it's a traditional old school Survivor Series match. As to who will win this match, well does anyone really care which team comes on top here?

I'm a fan of Smackdown vs Raw matches at Survivor Series, and I usually barrack for the Raw team for some unknown reason. Their team is significantly stronger and I will be disappointed if Smackdown wins and Michelle McCool is the last diva standing. But if the WWE wants to give the Divas Title more credibility, that would be the way to go unfortunately. For some reason I see both Beth Phoenix and Mickie James as the sole survivors so they can have yet another rematch for the Womens Championship in the near future.

It should be an action packed 7 minutes of my life, with boobies flying all over the place.
^^I don't think Michelle picking up a victory cleanly without interference on Beth would give the Diva's title any kind of credibility. That title has lost any real hope of being cared about ever since she won it and has not been defending it against credible challengers. I do think the WWE will use this as an opportunity to push one of their weaker Divas: Michelle, Candice, Kelly, Maria as a contender for their brand's belt. Personally I'd love to see some more of Beth and Victoria after the little we got on RAW with the glam slam. That could lead to Victoria picking up the win and going to Vickie for a title shot. The woman deserves it.

This could be used for Maria to cause Michelle the win and continue a possible heel turn, but the 2 second match at SD ruined the momentum. It's also not a stretch to think the WWE won't use this for Melina's and/or Gail kim's return when it looks like one of the brand girls is the last one left here comes one of them to represent their brand. That'd be cool.
Uggh. Filler match and nothing else. The Raw team is way fucking stacked. You have Jillian, Mickie, and Beth. Jesus that alone could dominate the five Smackdown divas. I expect a quick squash here with some in team fighting amongst both teams. With the obvious outcome of Beth attacking Mickie at the end. Well, at least that's the way I see it happening.
The funny thing with this match is that either way, it won't be a long match because let'S face it, the WWE style of woman'S wrestling isn't that great and this match will probably be use has a filler match between the 2 championship match. Let'S face it, when even Mickie JAmes and BEth PHoenix are able to completly ruin a match that'S not saying much and they did that 2 weeks ago. And let's not forget the 2 minutes match between maria and michelle mccool last week. It could have been such a decent match but instead, somebody decided to just kill off any momemtum MAria had going into the title match.

So what do i thing about this match, this should be a 10 minute match with probably Maria going for the win and Mccool tagging in and taking the victory away from MAria so that they could continue the feud between MAria and Michelle since the way i look at it, The next PPV should have a WWE divas title match since at no MErcy Beth defended her title and the like to alternate with the 2 woman'S title's so this match will probably be a set up of the diva's title match at the next PPV.
I expect this to be the match where i get to get off the coach and stretch , Go take a piss , and get a refill on my drink. I would have rather seen a ECW elimination match than this but oh well. There is some good wrestlers in the match (Beth Pheonix , Mickie James , Nattie Niedhart) But they cant make up for the badness of the other divas. Sometimes i wish the divas would actualy apply themselves and make themselves better in the ring instead of just running around naked. But that's not going to happen. I forsee Michelle Mcool winning. Just because she's nailing the Undertaker.

Michelle Mcool wins the match and is the sole survivor after pinning Beth Pheonix
Ugh. I hate when people say the only reason why McCool is being pushed is because of Taker. Could it be that McCool has improved a ton and works hard in the ring? Candice Michelle, Kelly, Maryse, Maria ect All get pushed but they aren't "screwing" taker. I just hate when people hate on McCool and downgrade everything she does. No she cannot chain wrestle like Nattie or do power moves like Victoria, but she really is pretty solid in the ring.

As for this match again, I am very excited for this match. I think this could propell to different feuds(Pheonix vs. Kelly/Mickie/Candice & also the Michelle/Maria feud). The match will probably be slopping and get little reaction but there are people who are looking forward to it. But I'm also a realist and this match will probably be average at best.
Wow, i honestly have nothing bad to say about this match at all. It was really very good. Maybe that's because there was a different combination of Divas in the ring every 2 or 3 minutes and it wasn't 5 minutes of the same 2 bumbling around in the ring.

What is the deal with Victoria? Beaten within seconds of getting in the ring? SHE PISSES ALL OVER MARIA, JILLIAN, KELLY KELLY AND MCCOOL AND SHE GOT BEAT IN 8 SECONDS? Ridiculous! Especially when you then have Maria who is a hazard to everyone she steps in the ring with doing high risk moves that could involve someone getting hurt.

When Candice tripped as she got in the ring i thought 'God, not another injury already, what is it with her?'

I do however, have a new found respect for Maryse. She put on a great performance without actually having to do a great deal. She played the heel part so well that i was itching to see Beth Phoenix Glam Slam her through the canvas, despite pretty much knowing that that was going to happen anyway
I have to agree that Maryse was the real star. She kept up being a heel even with her teammates, and of course pulled the ultimate heel move in eliminating Mickie James. I was surprised that McCool was actualy eliminated as early as she was. But did you listen to the crowd reaction to her entrance: DEAD! A largely pushed face and a dead crowd reaction. She did a big reaction though....when she was eliminated. Maria and Kelly were awful in the ring, especially together, which means probably both of them will be champs soon.

The biggest pop of the night from the crowd for this match was Natalya's Sharpshooter, which I was happy to see as well. victoria is eriously being used and abused and it's a real shame. I get before when she first went to Smackdown she was a bit of a jobber to the girls to get them over, but now for everyone it's just ridiculous who she loses to and how much she loses. I hope for her to go psycho again and break somebody's nose.

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