Team 3D Announcement at BFG?


JC CooL 420
During the GenMe and Ink Inc tag match on Impact, Taz said that Team 3D will be making a big announcement at BFG...

I read a report saying that Bubba has been acting as an agent backstage at TNA shows and they had not renewed their contracts as active wrestlers...

Coud this be the end of the road for 3D? Could they really be announcing their retirement?

Or will they be annoucing that they have resigned?
Knowing TNA they'll probably kill all their momentum and reveal 3D as "they", haha.

It's either their retirement or resigning but I can't imagine they'd retire that quietly with no final match. Chances are they'll be announcing their intent to retire, they'll be interrupted and either have a match there and then or at the next PPV.
My guess is that they are going to be "running" some type of development territory for TNA. I could maybe even see it becoming a tough enough type thing. They also might have one last match first vs each other or a legendary team or something like that.
Knowing TNA they'll probably kill all their momentum and reveal 3D as "they", haha.

It's either their retirement or resigning but I can't imagine they'd retire that quietly with no final match. Chances are they'll be announcing their intent to retire, they'll be interrupted and either have a match there and then or at the next PPV.

you're an idiot
3D will probably go into retirement after BFG or on BFG and will lose to a up and comer team like London Brawling or even Ink INC because as one team goes anther one rises and so teams will keep coming.
I'm really hoping it's retirement... Team 3D is aweful and their retirement is ten years coming. I can't see Bubba having a good match anymore... unless they invent a Cheeseburger on a pole match

Very possible in TNA. I'm also thinking (read: praying) the announcement is retirement. At this point The Dudleyz need to be carried through a match and that's not easy on any wrestler's back. In fact, at the top of my list of "Worst Shit I've Seen This Year" is Team 3D versus The Nasty Boyz. What an awful awful slow, fat, punching and stomping-fest those matches were.
I can't agree with the thoughts posted. Team 3D "Could" still have a couple of good years left in them. They need to train to do it. I hope that they announce they are taking a break and do that. Come back for one more run and then ride off on top. Like them or not, they are easily one of the best Tag Teams ever in the industry. I am not saying they are the best ever, but one of them.
My guess is that they are going to be "running" some type of development territory for TNA. I could maybe even see it becoming a tough enough type thing. They also might have one last match first vs each other or a legendary team or something like that.

Unfortunitly there is no current legendary tag team that one or the other is still alive or retired, unless they get demolition. LOL
They can get marty janetty to tna and reform the new rockers.

Oh yeah! If I'm not mistaken, Jannetty's partner was the guy we know as Al Snow. But I have to disagree with you here. Marty did prove he could still go a couple years ago but A) TNA doesn't need to shell out the money to him and B) Al Snow shouldn't be getting into a wrestling ring, especially not since he's an agent.

Back to the topic at hand: Team 3D may not be announcing retirement or re-signing at all. Let's entertain the notion that Bubba announces the talent agreement with AAA and that he and Devon are going there to find the best of the best.
I think the announcement will be that they will have some match or something as their final match.

I don't want them to retire yet cause I still want to see one final Team 3D vs. Hardy Boyz TLC match thats only if Matt jumps ship though.
I think they are going to announce that they got the legal use of their old Dudley names!

I guess at a house show they said something like "We used to be known as the Dudleys" and got a huge pop right before they said they had a huge announcement.

Maybe ECW or WWE only had a certain amount of time on the copyrights??

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