tdigle's Biweekly Rep Thread

Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
All right, here's how this is going to work. I'm going to post an autoplay link in here that you'll then use to rep the person that I name. Whether you choose to green or red the poster is your choice and your choice alone. All that matters here is the rep's content.

Our inaugural "repee" will be FutureShockWWE. Send him the following:

All right, next is jmt225. If you're worried about pissing off a member of staff, A, he won't care, and B, he's a G-Mod so he can delete videos from rep:

Prince of Darkness is one of the few posters on my shit list. It's really just him, The Sign Guy, and Dave.
I gave him a red rep telling him to change his sig. Now I'm just curious what would happen if everyone did the same. There's no way he can fit all of our names in his sig, so he'll have to find a more creative way to spite us. I want to know what he comes up with.

What did he have before? We'll see if he can fit more, just told him to change it as well.

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