TDigle for Movies & TV

TDigle for Movies and TV Mod

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Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
Okay, I got the okay from the other admins, but as promised, I like to run proposed mod promotions by the G-Mods as well. Here's the deal. I'd like to see TDigle come on as Movies and TV moderator. He'll be running the Sitcoms tournament with me, and I certainly will need the help. He's toned the attitude down considerably lately, too. So here's the deal:

I'd like a vote from everyone. G-Mods and admins.

If you feel strongly enough to post, cool. If you just wanna vote, cool.

I want this put to bed by Thursday.
I could see it going either way, but my main issue is for the most part, I don't know how many people have heard of the stuff Tdigle talks about.
Having a single moderator for Movie and TVs could give it a bit of a kickstart. I've also got no problems with TDigle. He seems perfectly literate - what's not to like!?

I'd also advocate giving Videogames a mod. Y'know, if there's anyone besides me and Lee that really gives a shit.
I support this as well. TDigs is as knowledgeable of a person you'll find on the topics of film and television. He'd make a good Movies/TV mod.

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