Tazz joining the TNA Roster?

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What do you think this will bring. Tazz was a pretty good wrestler in his day, but he didnt do a huge amount in his day, and has been announcing for years now so, if he decided to go in the ring, then could there be a lot of ring rust unless....he has been training in his wrestling and fitness skills.

So what do you think will happen when Tazz comes to TNA? I woldnt mind him wrestling again, and getting some gold around him, but lets see what ahappens???
So was Tazz a good wrestler in his day or did he not do enough wrestling ??? I digress.

Tazz isn't going to get in the ring - he can't. His neck suffered numerous amounts of damage and if he could get in the ring, he would have done it with the WWE.

TNA is going to utilize him on the mic and as a mentor to Joe. I have a feeling the Nation of Violence is going to turn out to be a group of ECW rejects - Stevie Richards, the Dudleys, Tazz, Rhino - violent wrestlers from back in the day.
So was Tazz a good wrestler in his day or did he not do enough wrestling ??? I digress.

Tazz isn't going to get in the ring - he can't. His neck suffered numerous amounts of damage and if he could get in the ring, he would have done it with the WWE.

TNA is going to utilize him on the mic and as a mentor to Joe. I have a feeling the Nation of Violence is going to turn out to be a group of ECW rejects - Stevie Richards, the Dudleys, Tazz, Rhino - violent wrestlers from back in the day.

H ewas, I was just curious, or couldnt u tell.
I don't see Tazz wrestling again because like already mentioned he is unable to, even if he wanted he wouldn't be able to wrestle because of his neck. Also, if you look at him in the 90's and then look at him today, he has increased in weight and size so he could be out of shape.

Now as far as what he would do in TNA, I see him being a manager for a while and then moving on to the commentator's table. I think he would be a great addition as a commentator, as many people probably won't be annoyed by Don West commentating, nothing against the guy but he is just awful. I really don't see what else he could do in an on-screen role other than being a manager and commentating, I see him being able to do more backstage but I'm not sure if he is interested in doing behind the scenes work.
I was actually just writing some about this topic in another thread. I think Tazz could be used as the leader for a group of the Originals mixed with the MEM. They could go to battle with all these ECW guys who are starting to come in now like Shane Douglas, Raven, Stevie Richards, Bobby Lashley etc.... If they run some sort of invasion angle with these ECW guys, who knows I think it might work. I know that Tazz is also a ECW guy but with him mentoring Samoa Joe, he could join the Frontline or Samoa Joe and his Nation of Violence could join forces with the ECW Originals. Just a thought and maybe just wishful thinking!
one thing for sure is that if he does decide to wrestle in tna and not announce it will be only a matter of time before he gets the gold. it seems that when every old wwe star comes to tna they alwaya get a title run. but i dont know if taz is in shape to get back in the ring unless hes done 5 hours of training a day to get ready. because he didnt look any different when he left wwe and thats only been 90 days. and with all his sugeries i dont think it would be good that might be y wwe never used him as much as they used lawler. i think the last physical role he had was at the first one night stand for about 5 seconds. but if he can pull it off it would be great.
He's not going to wrestle. He's being brought in as Joe's Adviser, the guy who's ordering him to destroy MEM.

If he stays long term then he will join as a commentator, hopefully replacing Don West.
Tazz is not going to be a wrestler on the roster!
But there are rumors that Tazz will become Samoa Joe's on screen "mentor"
this could change the landscape in TNA 'coz he might be an X-Factor in Joe's matches he might distract the ref or something! And the next thing you know Joes the World champ coz of Tazz'es advice!
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