Taz Debut Promo

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it should be interesting with taz in tna seeing that he really cant wrestling that much bc of his neck injury the word is that one bad bumb and he can be seriously injured so i would like to see wa tna has planned for him
He still could be Joe's advisor who joined the MEM and they will use joe as a pet to get rid of the obstacles.
Taz was a great inring performer and a god on the mic. Something tells me tho that he might end up leaving before he gets there or worse. Become world heavyweight campion
How is it that so many people don't realize that the man can't and will not ever be able to wrestle again because of his neck. He was talking to a bunch of ignorant fans in his facebook and had to tell them like five times that hes hurt for life.
what if tna actually plans on taz being samoa joes advisor who joined mem i mean afterall joe is a former champion as well as taz being a former world champion, or better what if taz is just brought in to be the man who takes joe out? i mean afterall ho\w much do we really know about how bad his neck is? shawn micheals neck was bad and after 6 yeras of not wrestling he was back in the ring and hasnt left since. or what if it turns out that sting really isnt the leader of the mem but taz was? or what if shane douglas is forming a ecw kilq? i mean, raven, shane douglas, stevie richards, the dudleys, maybe taz, balls and lsd showing up a while back......ole paul heyman and jim cornette were friends and cornette could bring the ruthlessness of ecw to tna i mean when your compitetion starts to use real billionaires for storylines and goes pg.........your going to have to resort to something that the fans arent getting and that is...............BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! i for one also see the small mineute similarities from tna and ecw but only time will tell remember we do have a crazy man running the asylum......
I'm looking forward to see what Taz will do in TNA. He was never going to be a major player in the WWE, but in a smaller promotion like TNA, Taz could easily become a top player in the company. That is of course if he's returning to wrestling. Unfortuantely though I'm pretty sure that Taz is almost 100% never getting back into the ring again because of the injuries he's suffered over the course of his career, which is a damn shame considering how many great matches the man had while dominating ECW. Very underrated worker.

I'm guessing he's going to come back in a more on-screen persona type of role, similiar to Kevin Nash when he first arrived in TNA. Who knows, maybe I'm completely wrong and Taz does infact want to return to the ring (if so, I'll mark out like a ten year old girl) but just to have him on screen and relevent again in the wrestling business will be enough to satisfy this fan.
I honestly do not know why wrestling promotions make these awesome viral videos for people who are not even returning to the ring? And this is not an "anti-TNA" post either. WWE does the same kind of shit. I dont want to see a video package for an announcer or an advisor. If that's all he is going to do, which we all know he cant wrestle anymore, then just bring him in. I honestly feel this will not do anything for TNA and I am a Taz fan. Maybe I am just being stubborn though.
No goosebumps here either. I'm a HUGE fan of Taz's work back in the day, but whatever TNA has for him won't be great unless he wrestles, which I'm 98% sure he won't. Thing is, I read around the time of the Benoit tragedy that Taz has/had the same neck injury that Benoit recovered from. He could be swerving us all, or he feels it is too big a risk. Either way he has my respect. But just imagine at Bound For Glory, a Samoa Joe and Angle vs. 3D match, MEM runs in to dominate 3D, Styles and Daniels try to make the save and Taz comes through the crowd, clears house, and puts Joe in the Tazmission. Once Joe is out, Taz Gets on the mic and yells 'Thats how that move is done, punk!'
Well the rumors for taz where to be samoa joes mentor but as we all recently witnessed that may be out of the question. although it could still happen i guess it just depends of how tna goes about this. taz may also do commentary. although I hope he dosent replace Don West, but tna could have a 3 man commentary team. and tenay could go back to beging "the professor" like he was in wcw.
If they use him on commentary, a 3 man commentary team would be great. Especially now that Don has improved a lot since turning heel.

It will be interesting to see how they use him. They could bring him into the MEM as well. He would fit. Wears suits. Is a former world champion and a legend from ECW.
Why the big fuss? It's Taz. He's too banged up to wrestle anymore, so we're this hyped about a commentator? I don't get why this is such a huge ordeal. He hasn't wrestled a serious match in years, so why should I care that he's with TNA now? he was a pretty bad commentator back in the day anyway, and while he'd be better than either of what TNA has now, that's not saying much really. It's not a big deal and he's just another name that they can say used to work for WWE. This won't mean much, as Taz was impressive for choking people out. That's not going to work if he can't get in the ring.
No! that would be stupid! FTW was one of his slogan type things back in ECW.....he WAS the FTW Champion :)

My guess (depending on who owns the rights) is they will go back to calling him Taz with one Z since the WWE added an extra z to his name in order to own the rights.

If they can't do that then....well....crap....i dunno.....i can't imagine him using his real name as it isn't catchy at all. so who knows?

maybe....TAZZZ! lol
I'm happy that Tazz is coming back, he can add a lot to a wrestler's career by acting as a mouthpiece or a lot to their on air product through his commentating experience. I sincerely doubt and hope to God he does not make a return to the ring considering how bad his neck was reported to be. If he did, he would have to work extremely safe and that is a style that did not make him famous.

I just hope he comes back and entertains us with his mic skills and leaves us with the extreme style match memories he created in ECW.
If the guy can't wrestle, then big fucking deal. I don't see much of a reason to get all fanboy wigged out about anything yet. There's definitely no reason to get all excited if the guy's just coming there to be a commentator, which is probably what it's eventually gonna wind up being since the guy can't really wrestle anymore. Taz was a decent commentator, but he's no Jim Ross. Ross coming to TNA would be a big deal as, even though he's been told to tone it down quite a bit, he's still the best at what he does.
I would love to see a taz return, even more so i would like to see a return to the promo style he used to use in ec dub.......... beat me if you can, survive if i let you
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