Taryn Terrell MIA


According to an article in the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Taryn Terrell is expected to be gone for a while Reportedly, Terrell missed the latest set of TNA television tapings due to "personal reasons", at least according to the article, and isn't expected back any time soon. What these "personal reasons" are hasn't been revealed. The WON goes on to state that she was scheduled to wrestle & defeat Mickie James for the TNA Women's Knockout Championship at Bound For Glory in October.

As with a any number of dirthseet reports, it's hard to say what's what. All in all, it LOOKS as thought TNA MIGHT have had big plans for Taryn. Given that her matches with Gail Kim got very strong praise and were easily the most talked about KO matches in years, it's not hard to imagine that she was in line for a huge push. She's studying marketing at the University of New Orleans so maybe something's going on there. She's also the co-leader of a volunteer mission group called Hope Children's Home that's dedicated to helping abused children. She's also the founder of a volunteer mission called the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. Maybe there's something going on in regards to these organizations. Could be a very close family member is sick or she might even be sick herself.

IF, IF she was scheduled to win the KO title at the biggest show of the year, then you'd have to think that these "personal reasons" are very serious, at least to her.
I read that she was doing some movie. so that might be why she was away.
when I first saw the news and listed as personal reason without saying what it was, I had wondered if she was pregnant.
if she is away for a little while doing a movie I don't think she is going to be missed. Mickie is champion, and I think Velvet is #1 contender. then there is Gail Kim and also Tessmacher who hasn't been on TV lately.
That's a massive shame, and I hope whatever the personal reasons are, its nothing serious and everything gets sorted for her as soon as possible. If she was indeed scheduled to win the Knockouts Title and these problems are going to stop that from happening, then it sounds serious but let's hope it isn't.

TNA really aren't having any luck at the moment are they?! Taryn has been doing really well in recent weeks, her matches with Gail Kim have been some of the best womens matches seen on TV in a long while, and she has really impressed me as a wrestler after I initially did not expect much from her at all.

I hope she comes back to TNA in the very near future and does win the Knockouts Title, as she really does deserve it in my opinion.
from Taryn's imbd profile...

Actress (17 titles)
2013 Bayou Tales (filming)

2013 Jake's Road (post-production)

2013 Aztec Warrior

i myself I would have to guess that she has been filming parts for several movies as she has 5 movies that she is in-whether a big part or bit player--she has been pretty busy this year
To recap, the knockouts division currently is as follows:

Gail Kim
Mickie James
Miss Tessmacher (hasn't been seen in months)
Taryn Terrell (taking a leave of absence apparently)
Velvet Sky

That's four active wrestlers making up the entire division, and yet they still have a commissioner. Think they're regretting dropping Hendrix now?

Anyway, this is a bad thing as Taryn has shown she can put on good matches and the fans care about her. It was clear they were building to her vs. James for the title at BFG months ago and the moment would have been pretty awesome. Now she's gone for whatever reason and the division is literally down to a handful of girls. TNA needs to sign some new KNockouts and do it fast.
To recap, the knockouts division currently is as follows:

Gail Kim
Mickie James
Miss Tessmacher (hasn't been seen in months)
Taryn Terrell (taking a leave of absence apparently)
Velvet Sky

That's four active wrestlers making up the entire division, and yet they still have a commissioner. Think they're regretting dropping Hendrix now?

I know this is more of a shot at TNA management, but still, any chance you can get to point to the uselessness of Brooke Hogan... :lmao:

As for Taryn Terrell, as Naitch said, it's a real shame. She was on a great roll. Besides being one of the hottest women wrestlers out there, she can actually put on a good match. Great, if you go by typical women's matches. Plus she was really over. I haven't seen a Knockout that over since Velvet Sky. And her push was completely killed when they brought back Gail Kim. :disappointed:

I hope this doesn't effect her status with TNA. She's the best thing they have going right now. Or at least had going.
word is she is apparently pregnant.
To follow up on yesterday’s report on Knockout and former WWE diva Taryn Terrell taking a break from TNA, the word going around is that she is taking time off because she is pregnant.
whatever guy it is, lucky SOB.
I think I read she has a boyfriend.
Beautiful to look at, but improving ring wise as well. Hopefully she's not gone too long and this doesn't hurt the spot she was in.
Last thing we need is another Knockout pregnant.. Seriously, she is great and she was supposed to win the title?! Whoever the guy is that got her pregnant fucked up big time

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