Talent to WWE/TNA


Dark Match Winner
I read on the internet (Wrestling Inc, I think ...) that a lot of the ROH roster have been reached out to by TNA. Some of these talents include Davey Richards & Eddie Edwards etc. The report also noted that these guys had a dilemma because obviously, TNA is still a relatively good place to go, but it might be the kiss of death considering all of the roster dreams to go to WWE and most people who come from TNA and go to WWE, normally fail. However, the talent realises if they went straight from ROH to WWE, they would have a far higher chance of succeeding.

My question to you guys is what would you prefer to see, the talent wait for an offer from the WWE, or go straight to TNA which would take less time to get into? Also, which independent wrestlers would you like to see on a more mainstream level in TNA or WWE? w
Kevin Steen has said it previously, why would he leave ROH, PWG and the indies where he makes guaranteed money, has guaranteed bookings and a loyal fan following to work per appearance for a company that would only offer him national television? Its always been the same way. ROH guys tend to wait it out for WWE with the odd one, usually who've been pushed away by WWE to join TNA.

Austin Aries for example tried to get into WWE, they had no interest. Tried Tough Enough, no interest from USA Network. Fired from ROH for attitude issues (still a stupid decision though considering it was a month before the TV show began), made YouTube videos saying he was quitting wrestling, TNA offered him an olive branch and he took it.

Samoa Joe could probably leave TNA whenever he wished and join WWE, but he isn't interested in a development contract which WWE would probably put him on. Unless your a Sting, Kurt Angle, Hulk Hogan or a long time employee such as AJ Styles or James Storm you're not making guaranteed good money.

People also seem to forget ROH isn't an indy anymore. The money isn't the same as it used to be back in the day. It's more. Interestingly enough Steen has said he lives very comfortably and has a wife and kid, his wife doesn't work so wrestling pays for his living. Not bad for an "indy/internet darling" huh?
Fair play. Not surprised about Steen being able to be the only person providing in his family though because he may very well be the biggest indy attraction on the market. What about my 2nd question though. Who do you think would work in WWE or TNA who is in ROH. I personally think the Wolves, Elgin (with a makeover, that haircut is dreadful), Lethal & Ciampa would all be cool to see in WWE as I think they bring something slightly different, but have a good look for tv.
Fair play. Not surprised about Steen being able to be the only person providing in his family though because he may very well be the biggest indy attraction on the market. What about my 2nd question though. Who do you think would work in WWE or TNA who is in ROH. I personally think the Wolves, Elgin (with a makeover, that haircut is dreadful), Lethal & Ciampa would all be cool to see in WWE as I think they bring something slightly different, but have a good look for tv.

Probably not going to see Elgin in WWE unless he can bring his new wife, MsChif, with him. MsChif could probably spike up the Divas division quite a bit, especially matching crazy for crazy with AJ Lee. The "universe" would probably see Elgin as a junior-varsity Brock Lesnar, though.
As a fan, I would love to see more ROH guys make the jump to TNA. There are some fantastic stars on thr the roster at the moment and I would love to see them performing on a bigger stage, But I can also understand these guys wanting to hang on to see if WWE do come knocking.

And for who should leave and go where is as followed.


MICHAEL ELGIN - Elgin is a big guy and ticks a lot of the boxes that vince just loves, But With guys like Ryback, Big E langston and Brock Lesner already on the roster and others like Ezekiel Jackson and Mason Ryan not really doing anything, I just don't know where he would fit in. But in TNA there is not so many and if booked right Elgin could easily become a mani eventer in no time at all.

THE AMERICAN WOLVES - TNA are in desprate need of tag teams and if the wolves did sign for TNA, I can see them becoming jsut as bis as what Beer Money and AMW ever were.


ADAM COLE - Everything about cole just screams WWE, From his look right down to his move set and if given time to develope could be just as big a star as HBK was.

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