Tag titles switch at a house show???

Mighty NorCal

Mike Johnson of Pwinsider.com is reporting that in an unexpected turn of events, John Morrison and the Miz have captured the WWE Tag Team Championship from CM Punk and Kofi Kingston on a house show in Hamilton, Ontario. More on this story as it develops.

Ummmmm...what the shit???

I find this extremely odd in this day and age. There are so many television programs, you would think they couldve made the switch on one of them. Or, I dunno, maybe on the FUCKING PAY PER VEIW thats on tomorrow night???

Which leads me to belive something very strange has happened. Wellness policy violation, or a serious injury to one of the champs. Funny thing is, Punk is edge, and Kofi isnt a real big dude at all, so It really leaves one to wonder how the fuck this happened. It also makes you wonder if they have bigger plans for Punk, seeing as how he is in the IC title final. Still, even WITH that, why the fuck do it at a house show, when you had TWO three hours shows, a two hour show, and a one hour show all within 7 days to do it?? and WHY to M&M when Manu and Rhodes would be much better served with it??

Theories everyone...
I think Miz and Morrison are fine for it, but this is really really weird. Usually when the titles are switched at a house show it's on a foreign tour and they're switched back the next day or the day after that. This isn't even a long foreign tour: it's Canada. This could be a way to spice up house shows, but I agree, with just 24 hours to go until a PPV, why now? If you want to push Punk to the IC belt, do this on Raw Monday. If Miz and Morrison are where they want to go with it, that's fine, but this really just makes no sense. I am dumbfounded.
I don't see this is a wellness policy issue so I assume that they are planning Punk to win the Intercontinental Title. I agree that it would be better for Manu and Rhodes to have the titles so Legacy can have more cred...Didn't the same thing happen with Cade/Murdock and Londron/Kendrick at a house show.
Yer this is very weird. I agree with Norcal, they had heaps of television time to do this on so changing the titles at a house show leaves a lot of questions to be answered. This was going to happen eventually, but I thought it would of been better to do it on RAW after Armageddon.

They could of had Kofi and Punk go up against Legacy with Regal costing Punk the match, thus setting up their IC title feud.

But in regards to the team of Kofi and Punk it was never working out. Kofi and Punk were just a stand in team and hardly even fought together. They took the titles of Priceless which i thought was a wrong decision, but I think in this instance, WWE did the right thing.

Kofi was doing his own thing with Mysterio while Punk was dealing with Orton. Then there put into the IC tournament as single compeititors. Im glad there not tag team champions because their defiently better single competitiors gunning for the IC title and mid card status.

Im very happy Miz and Morrison are back as champs though as they are the two holding the division up at the moment and lets hope they help strengthen the division even further. As for Kofi, he will go back to the mid card facing random people, but I hope im wrong

This could also mean a bonus match being added to Armageddon, with Miz and Morrision defending the titles. But there is already 7 matches on the card, so I doubt it.
A long, long time ago...The WWE had Kevin Nash squash Bob Backlund at a house show for the WWE Belt, and it was to boost sales for house shows, and "prove" that anything can happen, and that it can happen at anytime...

I'm not sure exactly why they would do this now, but it's the first thing that came to my mind.

With the struggling economy, I'm sure house shpws ticket sales have taken a hit, and letting people think that they can see the next big title change at a house show, may just be the thing to do it.

If they made them drop the belts to push Punk for the IC belt, it would've been better to do it on TV, but not have them lose cleanly, or else we'll all cry fraud when he loses the tag straps, and wins the IC belt within a month of each other...
I think it could be a good thing if true. 1) it gives house shows more meaning.
2) It could be part of tonight's Armageddon. Them two walk out with the belts and it shocks the crowd, and also puts them onto the PPV seeing as they are not scheduled to appear.
Yeah this is kind of confusing...

If the reasoning was that they didn't want Punk to hold both titles, why didn't they have them lose it on Monday or Tuesday's tapings? Now, if they only thought of it today or whatever, you'd think that they would want the titles to switch hands on the ppv or Raw, right?

Figure the scenario, Punk beats Mysterio. Raw comes, Punk challenges Regal, who commends Punk on his win (ala, what they were doing before, as he was saying he hopes its Punk who wins), but refuses to give him the title shot until the Royal Rumble. Kofi/Punk have a tag title match against Miz/Morrison, and Regal costs Punk the match, so Miz/Morrison win the titles, and the Regal/Punk feud officially begins.

And why Miz/Morrison.....hm....I thought maybe we'd be seeing Morrison get pushed to a main event type feud with Miz possibly starting an IC-level feud. Doesn't make much sense why they gave it to them as opposed to Rhodes/Manu.

Suspensions? Idk. I can't picture Kofi doing it, and Punk's certainly not going to. Neither seem like they'd be a behavioral problem.......damn, I don't know.
And why Miz/Morrison.....hm....I thought maybe we'd be seeing Morrison get pushed to a main event type feud with Miz possibly starting an IC-level feud.

At the beginning of the tournament, I was hoping for Miz v. Morrison to be the final. It'd be a hell of a match and a push for both, and one would have their chance at a face turn.

Since Vince loves to kill tag teams, maybe giving them the belts sets up their split at RR or No Way Out, and possibly lead to a match at 'Mania between them...
When you think about it though, if the Tag Titles changed on Raw or Smackdown or even on a fucking pay-per-view, would it get its own thread? Definitely not. No one would care. But like Norcal said, there's something odd about anything being changed with the product at a house show, so whenever something peculiar takes place on a non-televised event, people will instantly start talking about it. It really is good business when you think about it. It brings attention to the Tag Titles, something they desperately need at this point.

It's either that, or WWE just didn't want Punk holding two titles at once for whatever reason. Remember, he is the most likely one to win this IC Tournament deal, and I’m not sure if WWE would be comfortable letting someone hold two titles that desperately need some attraction to each. Makes sense, in my opinion.

Either way you look at it, people are talking, so at the end of the day, it's a good thing.
I just took the liberty of checking WWE.com, and, believe it or not they are making of official. There isn't an article yet, but they are recognising it and they have pictures etc.

I am slightly confused with this move, but I have nothing against it. In fact, I'm quite all for it. I mean, as has been mention: Giving credit to house show, shock value etc. They are all good reasons to swap the belts. I'm assuming the main reason was something to do with Punk becoming number 1 contender at Armageddon.

I really don't see it as a suspension, because with Punk.. well, yeah. And Kofi doesn't seem like the type to cause trouble or take drugs. Good move, I'm pleasantly surpised as well that Miz and Morrison have the belts now.
I'm pretty sure we can all forget about it being a Wellness Violation, because we probably would've heard something by now about the match change for Rey v. Punk...

I'm just worried, maybe Rey wins the #1 Contender's match tonight, and then Punk is buried...I don't see how he could lose the tag belts one night, lse his shot at the IC belt the next, and stay relevant.

WWE is genius though...People will buy the PPV tonight to see if anything happens, the same way they bought Survivor Series after the Jeff Hardy angle...
mmm i dunno what is going to pan out here. maybe they will just pretend that nothing happened at the show and punk and kofi are continuely going to be the tag team champions and yeah.

but wait this can be a good thing. maybe the feud can still happen with punk and regal. with punk and kofi getting a rematch tomorrow and regal costs them the match.

this is also a good for money. because every one would expect that the titles will never change . guess what they change. more people go. vince gets happy. it's a win/win
Are The Miz & John Morrison even ECW superstars any more? They basically appear on every brand, except for ECW. I'm shocked to say the least about this tag title change. I love Miz and Morrison holding the World Tag Team Championships, but why right now and why on a house show? You see, I've think I've managed to work out what the WWE is trying to do here. Because CM Punk lost the World Tag Team Championship, people think that he will defeat Rey Mysterio and Armageddon and challenge for the Intercontinental Title and will therefore look like a legitimate threat to William Regal's title.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and declare you all wrong. As most people think Punk will beat Mysterio, I think the WWE is trying to swerve us here and will therefore have Mysterio defeat Punk cleanly. I could be wrong of course, but I just have this feeling that Mysterio will be the one challenging Regal for the IC title. Then, we can see a feud between Punk & Kingston against Miz and Morrison. After Mysterio loses his title shot, he can feud with Mike Knox OR Knox could even be added to that title match making it a triple threat match.

I personally love that idea, and I hope the WWE go through with it. I'm sure almost everyone wants to see a tag team feud for the belts between the current Tag Team Champions and Punk & Kofi. Not to mention a possible Regal/Mysterio/Knox feud. So I like this title change and hopefully it was only done for a good purpose.
I'm just worried, maybe Rey wins the #1 Contender's match tonight, and then Punk is buried...I don't see how he could lose the tag belts one night, lse his shot at the IC belt the next, and stay relevant.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and declare you all wrong. As most people think Punk will beat Mysterio, I think the WWE is trying to swerve us here and will therefore have Mysterio defeat Punk cleanly.

It wouldn't prove all of us wrong...But I like your idea of having Rey/Regal/Knox feud...You have the high-flyer, the wrestler, and the powerhouse in a pretty good 3-way match, but I don't see Knox making any PPVs anytime soon. At least not RR.

I didn't think of what would happen to rey if he won, just what happens to Punk if he loses...Guess I assumed he'd just lose, and the IC belt goes back to being nothing...
Well being one of the few people that want Miz and Morrison to remain a team for a long time I am quite happy with this move. They are way better than Team Priceless and everyother tag team on the WWE roster.

In my opinion this raises Punk's chances of winning the IC Title Tournament, maybe Mike Knox cost's Rey the match? Punk then goes on to fued with and hopefully lose to Regal. I think Regal will carry the IC Title up to WrestleMania and drop it to there, maybe Kofi or someone like that. Plus if he beats Punk the former World Champion it would make the IC Title look much better.
I don't understand this. Why do this on a house show? Why not put the match on the PPV? Or put it on Raw? I have a feeling that something's happened to Kofi Kingston, because nothing has been change in the Punk/Mysterio match. Maybe Kofi was injured, but I don't think it was the Wellness Policy, as they post that on wwe.com. I think Punk wins the IC No. 1 Contendership match, and this was freeing him up for that match, or else it was just coincidence with something happening to Kofi, as I said before. But we'll see if they turn up on Raw as the champions, or whether they miss this week, adn they lose them at the next house show.
Initially I thought they would just switch it back on another house show, but considering it's PPV tonight and Raw tomorrow, there's no time, is there? So why pull this off? I understand not doing it at the PPV, as it's already got Punk booked. But why not Raw? I can't imagine the show on Monday is just so stacked they couldn't possibly fit a tag team match on it.

It's apparently completely official, as it's the top story on the WWE website, so. I guess they decided no one is allowed two titles at once, so they're freeing up Punk for the IC title. I can only think they wrote themselves into a corner - Punk is probably getting the IC match on Raw tomorrow, and he can't have two matches, and he has the qualifying match tonight, so he can't lose them there. The only way to pull it off is a house show, I guess. I think this should definitely confirm that Punk is winning the Intercontinental Championship, however, and will likely be joining Nash as the only man to pull off a Triple Crown in a single year.

If the IC match is not tomorrow, then there's probably going to be a rematch of the tag title match, to give John Morrison and the Miz credibility. But I'm sure this means that Punk is going to win the IC title and do so before the New Year.
The way they did it was weird, but I think that the title change will benefit everyone. This pretty much means that Punk will beat Mysterio and end up feuding with Regal for the ic title and Mysterio can go on to feud with Knox. This also means that Miz and Morrison will most likely go back to feuding with Cryme Tyme because they are the only face tag tam on RAW. Those two teams should be able to put on some great matches and the titles will most likely change hands a few times over the coming months.
I'm alright with it to be honest. It's unusual and random, but it makes house shows a lot more worthwhile. It wouldn't be exciting to the audience if you knew that every time there was a title match at a house show that the titles wouldn't change hands. I don't really care that I didn't get to see it on TV or PPV because for the most part I couldn't care less about the tag team championships. I haven't in quite a long time and I feel like the division as a whole has gotten stale. So...good for Miz and Morrison I'm sure the crowd was shocked and they got their money's worth.
I agree with J Fine. I love Miz and Morrison and I woulda enjoyed to see this take place on television, but WWE probably needs to do something to boost the sales for tickets at house shows. I went to many house shows when I was younger, and remember sitting in the upper deck and it was a pretty full house. Granted, this WAS also back in 92-94 before Raw and during its beginning in the Manhatten Center. So there were many less chances to see WWE back in those times. That being said, I believe the WWE needs to show the fans that "anything can happen" at house shows including titles changing hands. House shows in my book are much more fun to attend (even though I haven't been to one in almost 15 years) because they are pure action. I've been to 2 Raws in my life. Once in 06 and once in 07. And while it is fun to be in the crowd for a nationally televised show that is entertaining, I want wrestling. I want matches. Solid (even if they are less chance-taking and safer) 10-12 minute matches. I want to see undercard talent. I've attended 2 ppvs as well. Armageddon in 07 and TNA's Hard Justice in Aug. 08. And each of those is over 3 hrs. over action. No stupid interviews, segments with people standing on the stage, etc... If this trend keeps up with titles changing at house shows so it shows that anything can happen at them, I would attend a house show over a Raw broadcast any day of the week. And as stated above, the crowd got surprised by the title change and in my mind, that's getting their money's worth.
miz and morison have failed getting pushed as single as long as they have that web show, and as for kofi and punk, they never worked well as a team, there both great individual wrestlers not tag wrestlers, if kofi teamed with mysterio then a team would of worked out since it will not be boring. As for punk, I hope wwe has finally learned that they need to put him on smackdown and move HHH back on raw, because its obvious HHH has no place on smackdown and CM has no place on raw, so ill love to see him off the show
A long, long time ago...The WWE had Kevin Nash squash Bob Backlund at a house show for the WWE Belt, and it was to boost sales for house shows, and "prove" that anything can happen, and that it can happen at anytime...

I'm not sure exactly why they would do this now, but it's the first thing that came to my mind.

With the struggling economy, I'm sure house shpws ticket sales have taken a hit, and letting people think that they can see the next big title change at a house show, may just be the thing to do it.

If they made them drop the belts to push Punk for the IC belt, it would've been better to do it on TV, but not have them lose cleanly, or else we'll all cry fraud when he loses the tag straps, and wins the IC belt within a month of each other...

Exactly my thoughts, theres is nothing wrong. Just a title exchange to give house shows a little bit more meaning and to try to sell more house show tickets since they crowds at house shows have been low. If you ever went to a house show, the last thing you expect is a title change. Titles are on the line and nothing happens. It is pretty cool to see a title change at a house show. They have done this with backland and diesel, and the tag titles in the 90's as well. If anything this might keep Miz and Morrison from appearing on all 3 shows every week.

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