Tag titles at Wrestlemania


Whoop whoop!
I just read the article on the main page about Vince saying they were going to be creative at Wrestlemania to make up for the injuries. I've had an idea for a match at Wrestlemania that I feel could be creative and a show stealer. With the Dudley Boyz now turning heel, why not put them in a match that they helped invent and put on the map- a triple threat TLC match for the tag titles at Mania? New Day vs Dudley Boyz vs the Usos could be a really awesome match if given a little bit of time for them all to work. It gives us an opening match as exciting as the IC title ladder match from last year. If I would in charge, I would give it the build where over the next few weeks leading up to Wrestlemania, the three groups would face off in interchanging singles matches, where each week, one of the teams would introduce a new weapon into the mix. Dudleyz could have the tables, New Day the chairs, and the Usos would use ladders, and then announce the TLC match. What do you guys think? Are you for this match? How would you book it?
I think this is exactly where they are headed, but throw Kalisto and Sin Cara in for good measure. Sure it's a rematch of sorts from TLC but it could well be a show-stealer
I'm pretty sure they are heading in this direction, maybe add Kalisto and Sin Cara, possibly even ugggggg Goldust and R Truth and one more tag team and have a 6 way TLC tag match. Yeah, I know horrible idea.
I was originally thinking of keeping it between just the three, as a call back to the triple threat tag team tlc matches with edge and Christian, the dudleyz, and the hardyz. Kalisto will probably be busy with the us title anyways
I like your thinking, you are probably right on with your pick. I might just add kalisto/Sin Cara, R-Truth/Golddust and maybe even a surprise tag team like Enzo/Cass from NXT. It would be cool if they had a 6 team TLC match, my surprise team would be The Hardy's now I know I am dreaming.
You are probably right like I said before New Day vs. The Dudley's vs. The Usos.
I think we will end up with something along those lines, I would personally like to see a tag team gauntlet match at Mania. The new day vs the Usos vs The Dudleys vs Goldust & R Truth vs Harper & Rowan.
I think it'll be a TLC match and like many above posters have said, probably Dudleys vs New Day vs Usos and maybe Lucha Dragons, although Kallisto has the US Title so unless he drops it AGAIN, I don't see them putting in the Dragons just so there's a US Title match to fill the card.

Having more than 4 teams would make it too big of a clusterfuck as you start getting 10 and 12+ guys in the ring which is just too much.
I also have a feeling they're heading down the road of a TLC match for WrestleMania due in large part to the reception of the ladder match for the tag titles between New Day, the Usos, and the Lucha Dragons at the TLC ppv.

I also see it happening because of the return of the Dudley Boyz to WWE. WrestleMania XXXII will be their first WrestleMania since 2004 and, realistically, they don't have a whole helluva lot of time left as a top tier tag team; they're 43 and 44 years of age respectively and WrestleMania XXXII may be one of their last real chances to deliver a classic match.

While the formula might work best with 3 teams, such as the Usos, New Day & Dudley Boyz, I can see the novelty of adding two high flyers like the Lucha Dragons into the mix. At the same time, however, in the classic TLC matches between Edge & Christian, the Dudley Boyz & the Hardy Boys, it wasn't packed with high flyers; the Hardy Boys were really the only ones that might have been qualified as high risk flyers simply because they used the top rope more than the others. I don't think the Lucha Dragons would be necessary, especially if the plan is to keep the US title on Kalisto; last year was the first relevant US title match, Rusev vs. Cena, at WrestleMania in quite a long time so I wouldn't mind at all seeing a singles bout.

At any rate, I do see some sort of multi team tag title match and I think a TLC bout at WrestleMania could be a nice novelty as it's been so long since there's been a TLC match on the big stage. It just strikes me as far less lazy than tossing them into a standard triple threat tag or tag team tornado sort of match.
I honestly cannot see how WWE goes down a TLC or ladders match path heading into WrestleMania. The teams have been doing their own things really. Kalisto had a two out of 3 falls match this Sunday and I would be surprised if he lost it. However even if he does I can see Kalisto having a singles Mania moment. Maybe being in the Andre The Giant battle royal and doing something cool or even winning it. The Dudleys have just turned heel and look to be in an interesting phase at the moment. They also just said they don't want tables to be apart of their legacy anymore so it would seem weird there next title match would involve tables. I can see them doing something interesting at Mania now in maybe a handicap match of some sort or a tag match. As for New Day and Usos I think it will ultimately be them facing off against each other with The Usos probably taking the gold and going onto a proper Dudleys feud.

Usually I'm all for a fatal four way any gimmick type match but this one I couldn't get behind. I really can't see Kalisto going from US title to tag titles in a month with the momentum he has. I know it could be argued well he was just doing what he could without Sin Cara and stumbled upon a title but wanted to be a tag team again, but to me that just seems a little errmmmm. Dudleys have no real reason to go after New Day at the moment as well so to me it would just seem like the match was thrown together to get the crowd going. Not a bad thing but I think you could easily have a good match with The New Day and whoever for the belts that could be very entertaining which could make a lof sense.
I am hoping for a TLC Triple Threat match for the Tag Titles at Wrestlemania in which Usos, Dudleyz and New Day are the participants. I wouldnot want Lucha Dragons into the mix because I would prefer Kalisto in a singles bout for US Title. But I am surely worried that Where would it leave Sincara? Maybe a heel Sincara VS face Kalisto? :rolleyes:

As for the tag match, I am hoping Dudleyz win the titles at Wrestlemania so that we get more near to the face run of New Day. No idea what to do about Usos. :shrug:

I think everyone is hoping for some sort of gimmick match between some of the main players in the tag division. The division seems to have some of the talent that could make it happen; akin to the Hardy Boyz and Edge & Christian. The Uso's and The New Day, alongside The Dudley Boys would put on a very good match, should they go down the route of it being a TLC match.

Personally, I would love to see it. Like I said, all of the teams I have mentioned would make it a spectacle to be seen for sure. In fact, you could even add another team in there and it would make things even better. I've always preferred Tag matches in TLC stipulations, opposed to multi-man matches. So, with that in mind, I'd be all for it.
With Mania in Texas and the Fabulous Freebirds all but s lock to be inducted into the HOF, why not have a Freebird Rules tag team match with multiple teams? Social Outcasts, League of Nations, New Day all have multiple people in their groups, good way to get more guys on the main card. He'll have Micharl PS Hayes as a guest referee.
I think this is exactly where they are headed, but throw Kalisto and Sin Cara in for good measure. Sure it's a rematch of sorts from TLC but it could well be a show-stealer

It would suck to see the US Champion in this match. If anything he should be defending his title in a multi man match since they don't have a storyline for him. US title is the 2nd most important championship in the company.
I would prefer a straight up, one on one tag team match for the tag team championships. Quadruple tag matches tend to get messy and not nearly as good. Cesaro and Tyson Kidd vs New Day were excellent tag team matches that WWE creative should go back and study. That kind of dramatic, unpredictable tag team action is what Wrestlemania needs.

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