Tag Team Titles


Dark Match Jobber
Recentally on Smackdown there has been no Tag Team title matches.Which in my opinion is bad because like 6 months ago they would be defended everynight. the only Tag Teams on smackdown are : Brian Kendrick
Paul London
William Regal
& His British Mate

Wereas within the last couple of years there has been loads there was :
Paul London & Brian Kendrick
Regal & Burchill
The Great Khali & Daivari
Eddie Guerrero ( RIP ) & Batista
Batista & Rey
Rey & Eddie ( RIP )
There are heaps of tag team matches but it is disapointing to see none of them last. If the smackdown writer person made more smackdown would be a little bit better. But i mostly watch raw so it doesn't really bother me
The reason the the Raw tag titles are doing so well, is because the WWE put them on 2 big draws for the show. I mean Rated RKO, is a big draw for Raw. They are both very talented in the ring and get speak on the mic. Whereas on Smackdown they put the titles on Midcarders. If they were to put the titles on lets say, BOD then those titles would be doing well too. So its just a matter of the talent on Raw has more Star Power.
I don't care what anyone says about both tag divisions... Tag team wrrstling isn't waht it used to be. Tag team wrestling suck now, and I think putting your titles on two huge starts like Edge and Orton is stupid! The whole point of tag titles are to push people . For example Shawn Michales with when he was with The Rockers, Davey Boy Smith when he was with Dynamite Kid, or Bret Hart part of the Hart Foundation with Jim Neidhart and HBK, Davey Boy, and Bret Hart all went on to have very good careers as singles wrestlers. So putting them on two proven singles wrestlers is stupid. The belts on young guys like the Sprit Squad was a great idea becasue it got them in the spotlight and gave them recongition which can be built upon when they disband, and putting them on Flair and Piper was rather genuis too because it is refreshing. But I have been saying for a long time that WWE needs one set of tag title belts so you have just a combined tag roster. It would make the tag belts more important and get guys more exposure being on two shows.
To me, I'm not all that interested with tag team wrestling to be honest. I liked The Hardyz and the Dudleyz, but other than that I could really care less about tag teams.
what they need to do is move Jeff to Smackdown reunite the Hardy Boyz and have them feud with London and Kendrick
wordisborn21 said:
I mean Rated RKO, is a big draw for Raw. They are both very talented in the ring .

Orton's good in the ring now?

Vince doesn't care about tag wrestler. I used to sort of feel the same until I started watching TNA and ROH. AMW, LAX, Styles/Daniels, The Naturals, The Briscoes, Second City Saints, Generation Next, Blood Generation, Do Fixer, XXX; these are teams that make tag wrestling great. It still is great, even though WWE tries to show you other wise.
Hewie said:
Recentally on Smackdown there has been no Tag Team title matches.Which in my opinion is bad because like 6 months ago they would be defended everynight. the only Tag Teams on smackdown are : Brian Kendrick
Paul London
William Regal
& His British Mate

Just saying that i saw William Regal had some heart surgery and can never wrestle again so cross that one off and ya i havent watched smackdown in 6 to 8 months so it doesnt really bother me
I think they shpuldn't send any tag teams to smackdown to keep a good division on RAW and hire tag teams taht will stay together more than 2 years and put them on smackdown instead of hiring divas to make more bikini contests
I love tag team wrestling, because wrestlers can be a lot more creative with the different moves, and how things turn out. And if the two stars feed off of each other, and have decent charisma on the mic, then it is really fun to watch. Guys like London and Kendrick and the Spirit Squad do/did deserve to be champions because now we as fans actually care about them. Theye're in the spotlight and both teams have shown me that they can wrestle. LIke Joshk1985 said some of these guys will end up turning into great singles competitors, but they need to get their start somewhere, and a good place is the tag division.
the only good thing about smackdown's tag teams are London and Kendrik now that Regal and Taylor are out theres only three tag teams to give the titles to other then L&K and thats The teachers pets, BoD and Kennedy and mvp
Well Smackdown! lost another tag teams today now that William Regal is done with wrestling (supposedly). I do not agree with anyone who said that putting the belt on Edge and Orton was good, or anyone who wanted to see BOD receive the title. Putting the tag team belts on super teams is ignorant because it holds the division down by only allowing it to be defended (usually) against other main event level stars. Who would want to see Edge and Orton wrestle 2 mid carders? Ok, some people would like to, but in general that would make an unentertaining match, which leads to the belts being used less because there are only so many main event level tag teams (DX is the only one on RAW besides Edgeton).

The tag belts have always been used as stepping stones for mid carders making their way up the ladder, and should be kept that way. Same as the Intercontinental Title and the US title.
gibby said:
Just saying that i saw William Regal had some heart surgery and can never wrestle again so cross that one off and ya i havent watched smackdown in 6 to 8 months so it doesnt really bother me

Are people frigging smart? In the interview he was talking about what he had to go through like 3 years ago. He's fine now. Wow smartness makes me happy.

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