Tag Team MITB at WM29: Did WWE Miss Big?


Getting Noticed By Management
Every year its hit or miss with storylines, feuds, matches and so on. Since MITB matches have been removed from the card, and tag team matches haven't played much role in Wrestlemania since the 90s. Did WWE miss a huge chance at what could of been a big team match, instead of the preshow Battle Royal we'll get.

The tag division as we knew it before the 2013 Rumble has totally fallen off the map on WWE TV, with teams like Sandow & Rhodes breaking up. Did WWE miss a huge chance at having either a 4 team or 6 team MITB tag team match with 2 brief cases?

Prime Time Players
Rhodes Scholars
The Usos
The Colons
Mysterio & Sin Cara
Kingston & Truth

I might be missing a few teams, but they could of always had new teams built for the match such as Ryback & Sheamus, 2 members of the Shield, Henry & Big Show, Ryder & Santino, and so on. 4 or 6 teams would of been an easy booking for Wrestlemania.

So did WWE miss big with the opportunity? This being an opportunity they haven't had in nearly 10+ years due to a lack of enough tag teams to do so.
I’m one of those people that think that anything a single wrestler can do, a Tag Team should be able to do two times better. I think this isn’t such a bad idea. Tag Team Ladder matches worked out well in the past, I don’t see why this would be any different. As for the teams, I think I would go with 4 teams that never won the Tag Titles. Out of your list, I would go with Prime Time Players, Rhodes Scholars, The Usos, Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara.
A basic 3 or 4-way ladder match wouldn't be a bad match for the card. But the WWE tag division is hardly made up of guys you simply have to get on the Mania card. Team Hell No! vs. Rhodes Scholars vs. Mysterio & Sin Cara would be worth watching. Add any teams like The Prime Time Players on the card and then you're just left thinking who are they at Mania when biggers stars can't get on the card.
How did WWE miss the opportunity? They still have tag teams, they still have MITB ladder matches, and they still have a lot of time before WrestleMania XXIX.

I think the main reason to not do it (not that it's a good reason) is because the tag titles aren't worth it. Personally I'd be excited if WWE had a tag team MITB ladder match, but at the same time I don't see them not having one as a missed opportunity.

I'm almost positive that it'll be done before the MITB gimmick is retired, but as of right now, it's just one of those things like an Elimination Chamber 6-man tag match. That is, they're both great ideas and fresh ways to take their respective gimmicks, but that WWE apparently isn't eager to utilize.
Did they miss out big time? Nah, probably not. The WWE tag team division has made a comeback in the past 6 months or so, but it's not to the level in which a tag team MITB is automatically a must see.

The tag team division has taken a bit of a backseat during the build to WM and I'm not really surprised by that. Triple H spearheaded the tag team revival while Vince isn't really a huge fan. I'd say Vince said that most of the focus was going to be taken away from the tag team scene until after WM.

Given that Team Hell No hasn't broken up yet, it's still quite possibly that we'll see some sort of three or fourway tag team match at WrestleMania, which could be entertaining.

WM this year has Cena vs. Rock II, Del Rio vs. Swagger, almost certainly Triple H vs. Lesnar II, a probable six man match of The Shield vs. Sheamus, Orton & a partner, possibly Ryback or Chris Jericho and probably Undertaker vs. CM Punk. Those are going to be the money matches so I don't see not having a major tag team attraction for this year's WM being any sort of detriment.

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