Tag Team: Los Magnificos Dragones

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Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Name of Tag Team: Los Magnificos Dragones (The Magnificent Dragons)

Name of Wrestler’s who are in the Tag Team: Amber Warren and El Califa Dragon

Entrance Theme:
Entrance Description:

As Ante Up hits El Califa and Amber Warren make their way out to the top of the stage as the fans pop. El Califa nods his head to the beat and points out to the crowd while Amber slaps hands with fans along the ramp. They both rush down to the ring and slide in before climbing up a turnbuckle and posing for the crowd. They both flip backwards into the center of the ring, their backs to each other and their arms crossed as green and gold pyro shoots out from the corners of the ring. (Pyro of course only if it's approved)

Combined Weight: 310 lbs.

Tag Team Finisher (Maximum 2):

The Eternal Spring - Amber hits a springboard dropkick followed by a springboard Phoenix Splash by El Califa.

The Lightning Blaze - El Califa sends the opponent into the corner and connects with Rolling Fire before tagging in Amber who flies down with the Sin City Express.

Tag Team combination moves (Minimum 2):

1. El Califa delivers a Curb Stomp followed by a springboard or top rope Guillotine Leg Drop by Amber to the back of the head of the opponent.

2. Double flying maneuvers to the outside: Example: El Califa hits a tope suicida followed by Amber hitting an Asai Moonsault, or double tope suicidas.

El Califa Dragon:

Finishing Moves:
Dragón de Vuelo (Phoenix Splash from Top Rope)
Rolling Fire (Rolling Liger Kick)

15 Most Used Moves:
1.Curb Stomp (Standing Inverted Indian Deathlock into a Surfboard followed by a Head Stomp)
3.Spinning Head Scissors
4.Springboard Legdrop
5. Tope Suicida (Suicide dive through second and third ropes)
6. Missile Dropkick
7. La Magistral Cradle
8. Tequila Sunrise
9. Violent Flurry - Gets opponent in corner and delivers a knife edge chop followed by a punch in alternating fashion for a minute before allowing the opponent to stagger out before hitting a stiff roundhouse kick to the head.
10. Moonsaults from various locations (standing, springboard, top rope)
11. Springboard sunset flip
12. Top rope Huracanrana
13. Headscissors face plant into an armbar.
14. Leaping Tornado DDT
15. Planchas (Springboard, Top rope, to the outside)

Amber Warren

Finishing Moves:
Sin City Express - Double Jump Moonsault
The Livewire Stretch (Hurricanrana Armbar)

15 Most Used Moves:
Dragonwhip Kick (ala Shelton Benjamin)
Inverted DDT
Springboard Forearm Smash
Arm Trap Swinging Neckbreaker
Palm Thrust
Flying Crossbody
Springboard Splash (ala Rey Mysterio)
Pendulum Kick in the corner
Springboard Elbow Drop
Snapmare into a low dropkick to the back of the head
Spinning Heel Kick
Pele Kick
Springboard Dropkick into a Chinese Getup
Speed Punches to an opponent in the corner, showing her boxing background.
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