Tag Team Game

The Miz

Ultimate Warrior?

P.S I should get used to posting in the prison after what i just did. I've been a bad boy.:lmao:
Go to the Wrestling Spam Zone and enter the thred named List of people who the rock needs to have a promo with last page. :lol:
go to the wrestling spam zone and enter the thread List of people the rock needs to have a promo with starts here last page.
The Thread was called
"List of People Who The Rock Needs To Have a Promo With?"

What's the "Last Page" bit? I don't get that.
What happend was me and Remixe Steamboat had some serious beef in one of the Wrestling spam zone threads but i think are post were taken down.

Basically what happend was he called me a ****** and I ripped him a new asshole, hope that clears things up.
Good news the posts are there, the name of the thread is... List of people the Rock needs to have a promo with starts now... and it's in the Wrestling Spam Zone last page. check it out if you wish.

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