T.N.A. Cheap Shots

T.N.A. Cheap Shots

  • Good: It'll get them more attention

  • Neutral: It won't hurt or help them

  • Bad: It'll spark a fire within W.W.E.

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I'm not really sure if its a good thing or a bad thing, but WWE has done the same thing by making little acknowledgments to TNA, like when Mr. Kennedy said "thanks for showing up, by the way" to the fake Scott Hall when he was doin that thing for Shawn Michaels, so its not just like TNA is the only one doing it
There is a way to take shots at other orginizations and have it work for you. ECW took shots at both companies. But that's just the attitude the company gave off. They made themselves the anti-conformists taking down the machine (being WCW and WWF). TNA is trying to conform and non-conform at the same time. What I mean by that is, they are attempting to come across as the "diamand in the rough" rogue group, but at the end of the day, It's the same dumbass show at the end of the day. Anyone remember what happened when Eric Bischoff "tried" to take a shot at WWE by spoiling the ending of the Mankind/Rock title match?? The 7 people watching Nitro flipped over to Raw. Anyone remember when Eric Bischoff challenged Vince McMahon to a fight on Nitro. Nobody cared. Did the Rock making fun of old guys from WCW's catch phrases increase the ratings any? nope. I guess what i'm trying to say is that any show where you have to listen to Mike Tenay ramble about recycled storylines/"super"stars...you shouldn't take shots at anybody. Paul Heyman=take shots (believable); Mike Tenay=take chair shots (knock yourself out)
It's not really a cheap shot, it's something funny for people to pick up on "Oh Marlena is a rat and Dustin Rhodes ex-wife, haha" that's all. They don't expect WWE to reply and they won't reply, hell, that wasn't even a shot at the WWE just a past industry shot. She doesn't work there anymore.

As long as it's small things like this I think it's funny. Something like Bischoff's "Vinnie Mac cam" on Nitro would be stupid. They are not in the position to challenge them on that level and they know that. However, if you think that WWE is not paying attention to TNA then you're just fooling yourself.
wwe know that 3/4 of wrestling fans don't know about tna so they can do slight things like the kennedy thing without letting anyone know about tna they know tna is there but most of the fans don't and how istna going to challenge wwe if nobodys knows who they are
Come one guys!!! take it for what its worth!!! its GREAT. I personally love the fact that TNA mentions the WWE. They did it for attention....THEY GOT IT. Here we all are talking about it so it worked!!!! How many times have you guys watched Raw/Smackdown/ECW and said WOW, that is weak....I know i have before...Well the reason is the WWE has NO competition. And at this point they still dont. But, and this is a BIG but, TNA has captured our attention..at least a little. the WWE has a monopoly on professional wrestling and i personally think its great that there is SOME sort of competition. Trust me, the bigger TNA gets, the BETTER the WWE will get! as fans we cant lose
TNA are using this for attention. They might get a few people talking on the internet, but they won't get enough for it to be worth something. They have no other way to get people talking. Look at the WWE, Hardy with the swanton off the stage. Got people talking. TNA using the WWE, only shows how weak their show is.

It won't be long until TNA is gone, and then all the wrestlers try to get jobs with WWE bar a few. Either way, in the end, only the WWE and Vince will be left standing. And I for one, will be very happy.
Yes, because these things are at the very front of TNA's show. As soon as every show kicks off, we have Mike Tenay summing out what happened last week, usually just "remember, Kaz renamed that rat..." Get over it. People have blown this way, way out of proportion. These barely count as references, merely harmless in-jokes.

These are not devices to draw fans in, as most people seem to believe. Great women's wrestling, that's what will get people talking. The Motor City Machine Guns, that's what will get people talking. Kurt Angle, the dominant champion, that's what will get people talking. Kaz renaming a fucking rat and Shark Boy wearing bandages? Even TNA aren't moronic enough to think this is an effective ploy. It's not meant to be. It's a couple of little jabs, nothing more, nothing that even matters in the least.
Come one guys!!! take it for what its worth!!! its GREAT. I personally love the fact that TNA mentions the WWE. They did it for attention....THEY GOT IT. Here we all are talking about it so it worked!!!! How many times have you guys watched Raw/Smackdown/ECW and said WOW, that is weak....I know i have before...Well the reason is the WWE has NO competition. And at this point they still dont. But, and this is a BIG but, TNA has captured our attention..at least a little. the WWE has a monopoly on professional wrestling and i personally think its great that there is SOME sort of competition. Trust me, the bigger TNA gets, the BETTER the WWE will get! as fans we cant lose

Us talking about it is in no way any type of victory because we were all still watching regardless of TNA bringing up WWE. The people who's attention it should get aren't even on internet wrestling message boards so saying that "we're talking about it" means nothing because us talking about it isn't reaching any type of audience.
I'm not really sure if its a good thing or a bad thing, but WWE has done the same thing by making little acknowledgments to TNA, like when Mr. Kennedy said "thanks for showing up, by the way" to the fake Scott Hall when he was doin that thing for Shawn Michaels, so its not just like TNA is the only one doing it

Any little reference WWE may make means nothing because they do it in a way where anyone who has never heard of TNA won't know what it means. Plus they do it in such a fashion where nobody even picks up that it was a reference to anything from another company.
I think that for TNA to be in business for as many years as they have and to not make a mention of WWE or to take shots with WWE, would be for them to admit that they can never compete with WWE. TNA is in business to grown and eventually build to the point where they may be able to give WWE a run for their money. They are not ehre to kiss up to WWE or ignore that they exist. If they want to prance Shark Boy aroud as Stone Dead Fish Austin, they I say go for it. The whole Black Machismo thing is working and they have ascended enough to take pot shots at ECW comfortably. Hell, if their ratings go up any more and Smackdown's go down anymore, then they can start taking shots at that show as well. Now while there is such a thing as going too far, which was witnessed during the days of Nitro, TNA is doing little light shots that are harmless and quite frankly funny as well.
I think that for TNA to be in business for as many years as they have and to not make a mention of WWE or to take shots with WWE, would be for them to admit that they can never compete with WWE. TNA is in business to grown and eventually build to the point where they may be able to give WWE a run for their money. They are not ehre to kiss up to WWE or ignore that they exist. If they want to prance Shark Boy aroud as Stone Dead Fish Austin, they I say go for it. The whole Black Machismo thing is working and they have ascended enough to take pot shots at ECW comfortably. Hell, if their ratings go up any more and Smackdown's go down anymore, then they can start taking shots at that show as well. Now while there is such a thing as going too far, which was witnessed during the days of Nitro, TNA is doing little light shots that are harmless and quite frankly funny as well.

Not acknowledging WWE at all is in no way an admission that they can never compete with them and it certainly doesn't make TNA look as if they're kissing up to them by ignoring their existence. Not acknowledging them just means you're more concerned about what your own company is doing and helping your company grow.

As I've said I don't really care about TNA taking shots at WWE but in my eyes it makes them look second rate and insecure. If TNA at least had a different product then I wouldn't have a problem with it because they would be touting how different they were as opposed to WWE. As it is they're producing the same type of product so them knocking WWE for what they do means in a roundabout way TNA ends up knocking themselves because they're guilty of the same thing.
Cutrer....like i said....TAKE IT FOR WHAT ITS WORTH. Its entertainment. Any sort of competition for the WWE makes it better for the fans. Everyone needs to step their game up if only a little. Cross-referencing makes it interesting. I remember the days when WWF and WCW acted as if the other never existed. You said im wrong it hasnt caputerd anyones attention? Well it apparently got YOU fired up huh? Personally i think its lame that you find it neccessary to cut copy and paste everyone elses posts and try and knock their opinion. Well coming from someone who has 6 total posts i think its rather pathetic. I could do the same to you, but your entitled to your opinion.

....and honestly all that effort isnt worth my time or energy

First off I'm not cutting, copying, or pasting anyone's posts to knock their opinion. I'm using the quote feature which is what a sensible person uses so everyone will know exactly who they are responding to.

Secondly I'm not knocking anyone's opinions. I happen to have a different opinion which I am expressing. 95% of every post on a wrestling message board is someone responding to someone elses opinion that they don't agree with. Sorry if you can't deal with someone having a different opinion.

So because I have 6 total posts means that my opinion somehow means nothing? What difference does it make how many posts one has?

I'm not fired up about anything, I just happened to have a different opinion than someone else and obviously you have problems with that and that's your fault and not mine. It's clearly obvious by your ranting in the latter part of your post that you are the one with the problems which again is your fault and not mine. Then again this is like only my 7th post so I guess that means anything I say doesn't mean a thing just because I havent been here long enough.

Sorry you have such problems with different opinions, maybe one day you'll grow to understand that I'm not disagreeing with your opinion to be a jerk but just because I feel differently.

Later my friend
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