Swine Flu?


Master of the Aussie kiss
Should we be scared? People in Australia are freaking out about it. Some are even resorting to saying shit like, We should be wearing face masks out in the open when around a large group of people. Apparently it is worse then the Bird flu.

What is your opinion on this? are people over reacting? or is this a serious threat to the human population?

I'm Split at the moment, I shall wait and see what you guys say about it first, (or wait until the Aussie reports have been confirmed.)
I dont think its that bad yet, but it has killed a bunch of mexicans so who knows. My mate seems to think its a goverment conspiricy i then told him to ''stop being stupid''

Its hit europe now though with people in Spain gettin it and France reported. I think its a case of waiting and seeing what happens, Its in America now and nobodys died from it yet in America so it hopefully will be nothing.
HAHA another one of these, like bird flu and SARS. I will be fine, what's funny is how many people on my FB think they have it...it's media scaremongering again!
It's not really affecting Victoria at the moment, and really everyone's overreacting. It hasn't been near me so I don't really care much about it. And like Lee said, everything will be fine, it's just the media scaring everyone again. How many times has something like this happened before, and how many times did it actually become serious? It's not going to amount to anything.
Naturally, I'm really concerned about this. If I get it I don't know what I'll do. Other than die that is.

If you get it you're doomed, but the chances of you being the ''hey hear about that guy with the swine flu'' guy, are minimal.
People have been reported with it in a school very near by to where i live. 20 cases confirmed so far, around 100 reported sick. Hopefully this just blows off like SARS. If it does though, there's always a chance it comes back in a second wave to kick our asses.
There is discussion of cloing the US/Mexican border until the epidemic is cured/slowed/stopped.

There was also an idiot on the TV claiming that the US planted the virus in Mexico in order to close the borders in some kind of racist anti-immigration conspiracy.

In any event, I live two hours away from Mexico, and can say that I am at least a little extra aware of the outbreak. I hope it is contained soon. I don't think I am going to change anything, but I will be on the lookout for symptoms.
Meh not scared in the slightest. No reason to be. More people have died from the regular flu than this. Man i'm scared now. It'll blow over soon. Just like SARS, people will shit themselves over it for a bit, than get over it. The word "superbug" gets thrown around to often, and shouldn't be used until absolutely necessary. We shouldn't worry about it until at least a few thousand people die. Not 20...
I suppose because it hasn't really hit near me, I am not that worried, and it's easier for me not to be. I am sure if I was closer, and at a higher risk of exposure, I might be worried.

I think, though, that for the most part it'll blow over with "minimal damage" (however many deaths that may be) like SARS did...

Although, in all reality, one never truly knows.
yeah i live like 2 hours from san antonio where a few cases have already been found...am a little worried? i wasnt at first, but then my university sent out an email that got me worried...they said if the infection were to make it's way down here, then we will be required to wear masks or if it gets real bad, the campus will be closed.
We had the bird flu, and SARS and all that stuff yadayadayada it´s just huge media BS the medical health care is very good , well here in Germany it is i can´t speak for other countries but i´m actually convinced that it´s not that dangerous as the media wants everybody to think in the news they said that the flu could be treated with already known medicine and maybe it´s not a government conspiracy but it´s a little bit of a distraction from the financial meltdown xDDD
They get everyone stressed out about Bird Flu as well, you're probably still more likely to catch regular flu than you are Swine Flu and I'm not going to stay in my house for fear of it - I'd never leave if that was how I thought about things. The only place there's been a death is Mexico..most are in hospital/being treated at home. The word 'Pandemic' is way too strong in my opinion.

yeah i live like 2 hours from san antonio where a few cases have already been found

WHAT? No one said San Antonio..it's not in San Antonio...is it? Well NOW I'm worried.
WHAT? No one said San Antonio..it's not in San Antonio...is it? Well NOW I'm worried.

You'll be relieved that from what I read, the swine flu death in Texas was in either H-Town(Houston) or Brownsville. Anyways i'm kinda worried either way cause I got lots of homies & family down in Texas & i'm definitely hoping that it don't hit the DFW area cause the family members that matter to me most are located in that area. I think that if it starts spreading around the states & close to where we live then we need to start worrying about it.

That's just my two cents on this thing.
I honestly don't know but its kinda freaking me out, the bird flu swine flue sars. What the hell is this world comming to. I mean shit we have so much to worry about as it is now, and every year theres some bullshit disease or virus comming out that the whole world freaks over. Theres only like 3000 people infected and its all over the news? Wow i'm not sure about it but if it happens it happens you just wont see my fat ass anyware.
Its simple, these bugs are becoming more and more immune to the general medication we use day to day to defeat them. I kinda picture a War of the Worlds scenario where we may end up getting killed by the common cold. I don't wish to put a bleak outlook on everything but maybe it could happen haha.

Then again, the media is the most exaggerating thing in any case.

Either way, whether its a legit really bad threat, anything that threatens people's health is no laughing matter (but I guarantee they'll be jokes coming about it soon!).
In response to the 'we had bird flu and its meant to be worse' - bird flu killed barely any people at all, and the people it did kill were playing around with dead chickens - clever no?

i wouldnt worry yet. It has the potential to become a massive pandemic, but bearing in mind the peope who have showed its symptoms since returning to the UK from Mexico have yet to pass the flu on; its not too serious.

12,000 people die every year in the UK from flu, so until the numbers exceed that figure, i wont worry too much.
Its just pharmaceuticals enduced media hysteria to create a boom in Tamiflu sales and hopefully rebuild the economy. I'm sure the racist fat cats in Wall Street couldn't give a damn how many Mexicans die, and its not been that deadly in developed Western countries yet, but the the hysteria sells anti-viral drugs, and anti-viral drugs help the pharmaceuticals make some money during the current down time.
I live pretty damn close to NYC and I live in a resort town for New Yorkers and the numbers are on the rise of being infected. Am I scared? Yeah man, I have a 4 year old brother and 6 year old sister and it's harming younger, healthy people than older people it seems. The World Health Organization bumped the phase level to 5 today, it goes up to 6. Conspiracy theories aside, the shit is real and it is going to affect us either by spreading more rapidly or affecting the economy even more. I heard Mexico City is shut down and is losing 52 million dollars a DAY! Only a matter of time before a major city in the U.S. or abroad gets hit hard and suffers as well.
I'm more of a "safe than sorry" person, so I am taking it as a legit threat until otherwise noted. I don't want to be dismissing it as "hysteria" and then being hit with it and being screwed in the end.
Well we all know the media beat up and it isn't the virus that gets you it is your own body killing you with the response to the virus, but it is possible to survive it, A kiwi survived it and he was in Mexico, it is just going to hurt like hell. The Flu exists yes, but the extent that the media say that it is occurring is bogus and is ignoring the fact that outside of Mexico noone has died. Consider that for a second there are cases reported but there have been one death from this swine flu outside of Mexico. Most of the countries that are reported to have cases are first world countries that have good health care available to people. This Swine flu thing is a way of keeping the "Recession" going on and possibly going into a "Depression". It is not the pandemic that people are being told it is.
It seems clear to me that this new form of flu is spreading rapidly; it will achieve pandemic status quickly. That is not the question. The questions is whether it will be a deadly pandemic. We don't know yet what mortality rates will look like. Swine flu responds to oseltamivir/Tamiflu (at the moment) and zanamivir/Relenza. In the US, it's been a reasonably mild and treatable form of the flu. In Mexico it's been much worse. Just how bad things get depends on how this influenza looks everywhere else.

White Coat Underground may have the best summation:

The flu isn't magic. It's a virus we see every winter. It passes through respiratory droplets, so if it hits hard, masks and frequent hand washing will go a long way. Drugs exist to treat these infections, and the U.S. has an additional emergency stockpile...Unfortunately, the only way to really know how well (or badly) we've prepared is to get hit with a pandemic.

This is the question that has health officials from Geneva to Washington puzzled. In Mexico, swine flu has caused severe respiratory disease in a number of patients - and even more worryingly, has killed the sort of young and healthy people who can normally shrug off the flu. (Fueling such concerns is the fact that similar age groups died in unusually high numbers during the 1918 pandemic.) Yet the cases in the U.S. have all been mild and likely wouldn't have even garnered much attention if doctors hadn't begun actively looking for swine flu in recent days.

Some of the difference may be due to the fact that Mexico has apparently been grappling with swine flu for weeks longer than the U.S. As doctors across the U.S. begin checking patients with respiratory symptoms for swine flu, I'd expect to see more severe cases in the U.S. as well - and as better epidemiological work is done in Mexico, we'll probably hear about more mild cases there too. Right now, however, the true severity of the H1N1 swine flu virus is still an open question, whose answer could change over time. The 1918 Spanish flu pandemic began with a fairly mild wave of infections in the spring, but the virus returned a few months later in a far more virulent form. That could happen with the current swine flu as well. "It's quite possible for this virus to evolve," said Fukuda. "When viruses evolve, clearly they can become more dangerous to people."

Now then, as to whether or not we'e actually prepared.

In some ways, the world is better prepared for a flu pandemic today than it has ever been. Thanks to concerns over H5N1 avian flu, the WHO, the U.S. and countries around the world have stockpiled millions of doses of antivirals that can help fight swine flu as well as other strains of influenza. The U.S. has a detailed pandemic preparation plan that was drafted under former President George W. Bush. Many other countries have similar plans. SARS and bird flu have given international health officials useful practice runs for dealing with a real pandemic. We can identify new viruses faster than ever before, and we have life-saving technologies - like artificial respirators and antivirals - that weren't available back in 1918.

At the same time, the very nature of globalization puts us at greater risk. International air travel means that infections can spread very quickly. And while the WHO can prepare a new swine flu vaccine strain in fairly short order, we still use a laborious, decades-old process to manufacture vaccines, meaning it would take months before the pharmaceutical industry could produce its full capacity of doses - and even then, there wouldn't be enough for everyone on the planet. The U.S. could be particularly vulnerable; only one plant, in Stillwater, Penn., makes flu vaccine in America.

The greatest risk from a pandemic might not turn out to be from the swine flu virus itself - especially if it ends up being relatively mild - but what people call "collateral damage" if governments respond to the emergency by instituting border controls and disrupting world trade. Not only would the global recession worsen, but we depend on international trade now for countless necessities, from generic medicines to surgical gloves. The just-in-time production systems embraced by companies like Wal-Mart - where inventories are kept as low as possible to cut waste and boost profit - mean that we don't have stockpiles of most things. Supply chains for food, medicines and even the coal that generates half our electricity are easily disruptable, with potentially catastrophic results.

The truth is that every outbreak is unpredictable, and there's a lot we don't know yet about the new swine flu. There hasn't been a flu pandemic for more than a generation, and there hasn't been a truly virulent pandemic since long before the arrival of mass air transit. We're in terra incognito here. Panic would be counterproductive - especially if it results in knee-jerk reactions like closing international borders, which would only complicate the public-health response.
It is pretty much going to turn into a zombie outbreak without the coolness of zombies. All seriousness, it will be a mass of infectious people being severely quarantined by the government and "healthy" people locked away in their homes in fear of stepping outside. Then again I'm a doomsday scenario type of person.
Why is it that people are overreacting to what is effectively a strong case of the Flu, while there is a death count to the Flu, it is no different except that it is slightly worse. Tamiflu is shown that it is losing effectiveness against even the common flu. Some of the people out there would rather that everyone was holed up at home doing nothing productive but exercising while eating McDonalds for all three meals a day while being on a chemical cocktail of Anti-Depressants, Ritalin, Tamiflu and numerous other drugs. Because that is how the big organisations are making it sound like. The Swine Flu stuff is mostly hype and is feeding off of fears that are put out there by the media in the last few years.
Well until i hear 'Swine Flu case in Hampshire' i'll continue to not care. Then when, and if, it happens i'll simply get on a ferry to the Isle of Wight or France and it'll be gravy baby.

Of course since it was announced, i've been branded as 'diseased' by everyone in my local who knows i've just come back from Texas...... bastards.

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