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Shawn Michaels ❤
Recently it's come to my attention how many people frown upon words most people use every day. Using swear words is a natural part of the day for most people, yet many also have a huge problem with this.

If an abusive word is directed at someone I can see how they would be offended, but in general I don't understand how offence can stem from someone simply saying "fuck" or something similar.

Everyone should be allowed to use practically every word they want. I mean, it's the reactions of people who get so offended that make the words what they are. If no one was offended by those words, then they wouldn't be "swearing".

What do you think about it?
I agree with you 100%. My dad is such a softy when it comes to swearing. He says he didn't swear when my sister and I were growing up because he was apparently "protecting us" from the evil words... that's bullshit right there. He didn't do jack all to stop us from hearing the words elsewhere. I said my first swear word (at least I thought it was at the time) in grade 2 (it was "shut-up" BTW, and I thought it was SO bad). I think I've said every curse word in the English dictionary, because they just help get things across faster. If someone pisses you off, instead of "You really made me mad. I don't like you", you just say "You're a fucking ****". :) Anyways, Becca is totally right. Man, you have the same opinions as me in pretty much everything lmao!
Your brain interprets a thought, that thought goes through your speech centers, and the muscles in your mouth and tongue and lips form a shape to make a word. Your voice box then vibrates, and a resounding "fuck" is heard, as you've just stubbed your toe.

This is a very touchy subject for me. It pisses me off royally when people try to control speech. This is especially true when you live in a country that was built on, AHEM, FREEDOM OF SPEECH.

I seems like everyone is wiping their asses with Freedom Of Speech. Everyone is offended by every fucking thing nowadays. I piss on your "Holiday Tree." Is that an abortion of the language or what? If you don't like Christmas, don't celebrate it. But, fuck you, I intend on sitting on Santa's lap and then accompanying him for back surgery.

These are just words. They are harmless and incapable of inflicting pain. If a word causes you mental pain, then you have deep rooted problems.

It's interesting this topic should arise, with the death of the greatest comedian to ever live, George Carlin. Carlin was actually arrested for his "7 words you can't say on TV," act. But, George kept doing it anyway, because, again, some Pilgrims decided on "Freedom of Speech."

God will not strike you down for saying fuck. You will not rot in hell for cursing. God wouldn't care about something so trivial.

I won't deny that good judgment must be used. If you're on a job interview, you're not going to greet your interviewer with "How the fuck are you?" That's common sense.

I also don't think children should curse, simply because they have no idea how to use these words correctly, or what they mean. If you sit down and explain what a curse means, then let the kid use it as long as it's not overdone or antisocial.

Just words, folks. An accident of nature where grunts and howls simply became something more. Monkeys get along without speech. If they're pissed, they throw shit on you which, IMO, is MUCH worse then being called a scumbag.
People are in the right to like and dislike hearing anything they want. The fact is a word is nothing but a word. Its what humans have come to define the meaning, thats what makes it so powerful.

Its like another thread I mentioned the "N" word. How its nothing but a word, but its been made overly powerful and racial to the point that its one of the most frowned upon words in history.

I swear everyday, I'm sure of this. But the difference is, I don't swear toward people as in going around telling them to "fuck off" or "fuck you." My actions and words are merely a secondary nature of who I've become. I try not to swear all the time, and I definately don't intentionally try to add swear words in everything I say.. but sometimes since I've grown up how I have, in what I have.. its just second nature to use them without even knowing until you have.

The one thing I frown upon is people using the word "Jesus Christ" in a negative way. I've found myself almost doing it, but I either pull back, or when I do I find myself literally apologizing to God, because to me personally.. the term "Jesus Christ" should never be used in the manner of which you're expressing an out-burst of negativity.. and I see a lot of people use it as such. I take it with a grain of salt, however, as its not my job to demand or force people to watch what they say.

If it annoys me so much, I simply stop talking to the person if I can. Or I just tune them out all together.

My friend's Mother hated the words "pussy" & "cunt" because she felt it had such a negative effect on females. Even if it wasn't being used to describe a female. Because I spent so much of my life growing up under their roof as a childhood friend.. I've come to understand that and accept it. However I still use both of those words in a joking manner here and there. I just stop myself from using them around her, because I know it offends her.

So the biggest issue is.. while none of us HAVE to watch what we say.. sometimes its just common courtesy to try and respect others. Noone is unintentionally demanding you stop doing what comes natural to you, but it isn't as hard as you think to just be mindful of your words. Its all in whether you're willing to try.
I don't have a problem with people swearing around me. I swear all the time as it is. It's a bad habit. They are just words. Its how you use them that has gotten them the bad attention. I can understand why people don't like hearing it. I mean If I had kids I wouldn't like people swearing around them all the time. But as much as I wouldn't like it, I wouldn't say anything to them as they would hear them come out of my mouth too.

If people ever have a problem with my swearing though, I will be courteous and apoligize. I will then make a mental note to not use any vulgar language around them.
I see no problem in the words themselves, just in the situations you apply them.

As stated by others, saying "I'm so fucking hungry" hurts NOBODY as its the same as saying "I'm so incredibly hungry". But saying "fuck you" is the equivalent of saying "screw you", which is meant in a derogatory way. Joking aside (cause we all say "hey fuck you" to a friend when you're laughing and such) the latter is where you get into trouble. "Take a shit" vs "you're a piece of shit"...two different types of usage.

All those words considered offensive due to them specifically pertaining to a certain type of person (ie c*nt for a woman, dago for an Italian, etc), I can see the reasoning behind that, as its the same as drawing a comparison to something less-than-reputable. However, I think its hypocritical that my being Caucasian means saying "n*gger" is offensive, but its not offensive if an African American says it, though people claim its the word that's offensive, not the usage. If its the word itself, it should be offensive even if a black person would say it, like how calling someone an idiot is always meant to demean the person. But if its not the word itself, then anybody should be allowed to say it just as long as they aren't using it in a negative way.

So I'm all for use the offensive words, but within reason. You don't walk into a job interview and say "how the fuck are ya?" or curse incessantly around little kids or anything.
I do frown upon it in some ways. When your in a public place and hear a swear word being belched out. I know the first thing I think is how classless and disrespectful a person is. Now if your with your buddies, and want to let a couple fly, its fine.
For me, I dont really use them at all. Sure Ill let one fly if I smash my finger with a hammer, or some sand gets in my eye. But usually I try to avoid them with people as a sign of respect basically. Let them know their not dealing with someone of a low class, but someone of integrity and education. (not saying that only the low classed cuss, Im saying that because so many do frown upon it, I try to give out the best impression I can of myself at all times.)
I see no point in swearing. None.

It shows you have a limited vocabulary and have to resort to vulgar words in order to get a point across. I really don't get why people feel the need to constantly curse and such. It's pointless and sounds stupid.

I've been raised in a household where there is no swearing. It's just something we don't do. If I ever were to swear, I'd get in a load of trouble. So, I don't. I'd much rather use a word like "incredibly" than "f'ing". It sounds cleaner and nicer and smarter.

I prefer if people don't swear around me. I don't like hearing it and I don't like seeing it. Obviously, it's rather hard to avoid. I've learned to ignore for the most part.

I see what some of you are saying with the "how it is used" type of thing, but why even use it? If you wouldn't feel comfortable saying it in front of your mother/boss/teacher/grandma/child/pastor then why use it at all?

I really just don't get it.
For me, swearing is ok if it's not directed at someone eg. you get your test back and you don't do so well "That's a shit mark" is fine but if you were to say to someone "You're a piece of shit" then that's not fine for me.

I swear at home and I don't get into any trouble as long as I'm not swearing at anyone or using the word "Cunt" or "Pussy" then it's fine because I know that I wouldn't get away with using those words. I could say "That's fucked up" and I would be ok though.

I swear quite often, I don't see a problem with it though because I'm not swearing at anyone in particular.

I can see why people have a problem with swearing though.

I don't know if any of you have heard of The No Cussing Club? It's run by a boy in Passadena. He was on Dr. Phil the other day talking about how he runs a club and it's basically for people who don't swear, they also had another person on Dr. Phil who was an avid swearer saying that the group is ridiculous. The club also tried to organise a no cussing week and they were interviewing people on the street about their thoughts on that idea and everyone said that it would be good in theory, but in practice, it just wouldn't work.

I'm not a member or anything and I don't agree with them, I just think this club and the idea around it would bring something to this discussion.

In conclusion, I think that humans should be allowed to say what they wish but sometimes in certain places it's just common curtosy to watch what you say and not swear.
I don't care about swearing, but I understand why some people hate it. But I think it should depend on how the word is used and who the word is used to.

If someone says to one of their friends "fuck off", they'll just laugh it off and wouldn't care at all about. But if you said it to someone you didn't know well, then it takes on a whole new meaning and its really offensive to some people. I don't understand why people would care when someone says something like "thats a shit shot". Its just a way of forcefully saying somethings bad.

I don't mind swearing. My parents don't like me swearing though, so I never swear in the house. Because I was brought up this way, I don't actually swear much. I do sometimes at school, but I actually never swear when I get hurt, I just say "ouch". And when you get hurt is the most common time people swear.

I think some people go a little bit overboard both ways;swearing too much and hating it too much. For example, some people think crap is a really bad swear word, and I keep on wondering why. Most people don't care about that, hell my parents use it all the time, they even say that some of the things I do are crap, so I don't understand that. But then there are the people that go overboard with swearing, where every second word is a swear word. These guys are just stupid, they don't need to say fuck and shit that often, we get the idea.
I swear on occasion, but only on occasions, I never swear to my teachers, parents, family or even at the TV. I do it to my friends on occasion, never out of malice, just simply because it is the best word to use on the subject. I never swear in public and I get annoyed when people do swear when people can hear it, especially when it is used so casually. All words were not created equal, sure people can say what they want, I'm not talking about limiting anyones speech, but that also means I will not really like the person, you can't make me like them either.

The "F" word is one which when used casually just makes people look like buffoons from my own personal experience, sure on the odd occasion I will use it (on it's own or when I am quoting something) but for me it is just as bad of a habit as spitting or smoking is.

There is one type of swearing I like and that is those funny words or when they are used to overexaggerate (sp?) situations. I think I judge more the person who is swearing as opposed to the words themselves though, if a person is just generally sleazy and such other derogatory things I will probably add swearing to a list of things that make them a bad person, however if someone is nice and presents themselves well to me, I don't have too much of a problem with it - As long as it isnt too much.
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Well i think it's okay for adults to swear, but in my school, almost everybody swears. I have never said a bad word before. I dont judge people on swearing, but sometimes it gets annoying and i want to ask them to stop, but I don't. Ad i HATE swearing in songs, because it just ruins the song. I cant sing along if they swear and its just stupid. I just don't like swearing and i dont think kids should do it.

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